Day one
3:00 A.M.-4:00 A.M.
Transcript by Daniel Smith
Jack Bauer: {Voice over} The following takes place between 3:00 A.M. and 4:00 A.M. on the day of the California presidential primary.
{We open the next chilling hour with Janet York on the ground gasping for breath.}
{Dan and Rick get Kim back into the van.}
Kim Bauer: We have to go back.
Dan: There's no point she's dead.
Kim Bauer: You don't know that.
Rick: Hey take it easy.
Dan: You know what dude, you better start deciding whose side you're on.
Kim Bauer: We just can't leave her in the middle of the street.
{Dan shuts his van door.}
Jack Bauer: Nina!
{Nina walks away}
3:03:30, 3:03:31, 3:03:32
Jack Bauer: Nina I know your upset.
Nina Myers: Of course I'm upset Jack what do you expect?
Jack Bauer: I'm sorry. Look the reason why I had to leave the office is because I got a call from Walsh. He was meeting another one of our agents, Scott Baylor. He said he had evidence.
Nina Myers: That led you to me, I know Jack but you should of thought it through.
Jack Bauer: Nina listen to me. .............Richard Walsh is dead.
Nina Myers: What?
Jack Bauer: He was shot, I watched him die.
Nina Myers: What is going on?
Jack Bauer: He had proof that people within our own agency were involved in the hit on Palmer.
Nina Myers: Who?
Jack Bauer: I don't know yet. Before Richard died he gave me that keycard, I hope that's going to tell us. Jamey's trying to break it down now.
Nina Myers: You trust Jamey?
Jack Bauer: Walsh did. I trust you, which means the three of us have to work together. From this point forward we have to assume that we can trust no one else.
Nina Myers: I understand.
Jack Bauer: Work the card with Jamey; I have to make a call.
{Senator Palmer arrives back at the suite}
Secret Service agent: Sir Agent Pierce wanted to talk to you when you got back.
Senator Palmer: Fine, just give me a minute.
Agent: It's very important.
Senator Palmer: A minute.
3:04:57, 3:04:58, 3:04,59, 3:05:01
{Senator calls Carl}
Carl: Yeah.
Senator Palmer: Find anything out?
Carl: David it's only been a half an hour since you told me about it.
Senator Palmer: Carl, now I need you to find out the source of this story, not first thing in morning, now.
Carl: I understand but this can't be done over the phone, I have to make some calls.
Senator: It's five after three. I want to hear something by four.
Carl: David you got to let me… {David hangs up}
Sherry Palmer: Where were you.
Senator Palmer: I went for a drive.
Sherry Palmer: A drive. Alone at this time of night?
Senator Palmer: I just needed to get away for a while.
Sherry Palmer: Away from what David?.............Wait a minute they haven't told you yet have they? There's been an assassination threat.
Senator Palmer: That's what all this fuss is about?.........I thought it was something serious.
Tony Almeida: Jack, I screened the passenger list. Something doesn't add up here.
Jack Bauer: What?
Tony Almeida: 2B. Manifest shows an empty seat.
Jack Bauer: So.
Tony Almeida: Well according to the ticket file, first class was full. Plus there was a waiting list. Why would the plane take off with an empty seat?
Jack Bauer: This is good. Let's work it. What time does Rayburn get in?
Tony Almeida: Six.
Jack Bauer: Phone him, wake him up, bring him in now.
{Jack walks over to Nina and Jamey}
Nina Myers: We got something off the keycard. The encryption is complex but I've asked Jamey to work off sectors and she's managed to extract one.
Jamey Farrel: Just part of one really.
Jack Bauer: That's it, just an address? What's that got to do with Palmer?
Jamey Farrel: Doesn't say.
Jack Bauer: Crosscheck it with his schedule tomorrow.
Jamey Farrel: He's not going anywhere near it.
Jack Bauer: Has he been near it anytime since he arrived in Los Angeles?
Jamey Farrel: No.
Jack Bauer: How about previous visits, connections to family members, anything?
Jamey Farrel: I can check, it'll take time.
Jack Bauer: No, let's see what we can peel off, start in here.
Jamey Farrel: Still just the address on San Fernando road.
Jack Bauer: How long will it take you to access the next level, minutes or hours?
Jamey Farrel: Ah...Hours.
Jack Bauer: We don't have hours, I'll check out the address myself.
Nina Myers: You want some backup?
Jack Bauer: No I need you here.
Nina Myers: Jamey what's wrong?
Jamey Farrel: I can't access the encryption software.
Nina Myers: Phones are down too.........It's a lockdown.
Jack Bauer: It's Mason. Hide the keycard. {Jack sneaks out}
George Mason: Hello Nina. These men are with internal investigations. You're now under official lockdown.
Nina Myers: By what authority?
George Mason: District office.
Nina Myers: We're trying to stop an assassination George. Can't you do anything better than this?
George Mason: Two agents died tonight, lockdown is standard procedure until we get some answers. Where's Jack?
Nina Myers: I don't know?
Agent: Lockdown, nobody leaves.
Jack Bauer: Lockdown, are you serious?
Agent: No I'm kidding.
Jack Bauer: I just have to get some work from my car.
Agent: You know the drill.
Jack Bauer: Fine you take the keys. {He drops his keys as Jack punches the agent and Jack gets away}
3:09:10, 3:09:11, 3:09:12
3:13:13, 3:13:14, 3:13:15
George Mason: All right I assume you're all aware of lockdown. Remain in the building. All communications will be monitored. Any incoming calls without secured access will be blocked.
Nina Myers: Who called them Tony, you?
Tony Almeida: Somebody had to, Jack's out of control.
Nina Myers: Meaning what?
Tony Almeida: Two agents are down and Jack was there when it happened.
Nina Myers: You can't believe that he had anything to do with that.
Tony Almeida: To tell you the truth, I don't know what to believe.
Nina Myers: I hate to know that this has anything to do with me.
Tony Almeida: You think what you want.
George Mason: All right, get comfortable, could be here for a while. {To Nina} All right Nina where did he go?
Nina Myers: I all ready told you I don't know.
George Mason: Sooner you let me know, the sooner we can get things up and running.
Nina Myers: I'm really sorry George, I can't help you out.
{Agent Pierce enters}
3:17:34, 3:17:35, 3:17:36
Agent Pierce: I'm not sure you appreciate the seriousness of this threat.
Senator Palmer: I get serious threats every morning with my orange juice.
Agent Pierce: With all due respect, this one's different. It's a shooter from over seas.
Senator Palmer: Who's behind it?
Agent Pierce: We don't know. But I'm sure you’re aware that an airliner exploded about an hour and a half ago outside of L.A. No survivors.
Senator Palmer: Are you saying there's some sort of connection?
Agent Pierce: Again we don't know.
Senator Palmer: What do we know Aaron?
Agent Pierce: That these are serious people and they want you dead today.
{Senator gets up}
Senator Palmer: What about my family?
Agent Pierce: The threat appears to be against you only but of course we'll increase security around your family as well. Main thing is your schedule.
Senator Palmer: Today's primary day. I'm not going to hide in my hotel room.
Agent Pierce: Understood but we are recommending some changes. The breakfast for example.
Senator Palmer: The breakfast is important. The top labor leaders in the state are going to be there.
Agent Pierce: We're trying to keep you alive Senator.
Senator Palmer: And I'm trying to win an election. {Pierce exits as Keith enters}
Keith Palmer: Mom said you wanted to see me.
Senator Palmer: Wanted to make sure you were all right. What are you doing up?
Keith Palmer: If I'm not sleeping by three, I'm not sleeping. I was going to watch some tube or something, want to join me?
Senator Palmer: Anything good on?
Keith Palmer: Not really.
Senator Palmer: I guess I'll pass.
Keith Palmer: I ah, heard about the threat.
Senator Palmer: Don't worry about it. They'll take good care of me.
Keith Palmer: They better.
Senator Palmer: Go on get some rest.
{The Senator is really worried about his son as Keith leaves the room.}
3:19:09, 3:19:10, 3:19:11
Kim Bauer: I'm telling you we have to go back.
Dan: You going to tell your girlfriend to shut her mouth or not?
Rick: Janet's most likely dead all right, there's no point.
Kim Bauer: And what if she's not, she might need help...............Why do you always do what he tells you? Why don't you think for yourself?
Rick: Leave it alone okay.
Kim Bauer: I can't, she's my friend.
{Dan suddenly pulls over}
Dan: Maybe she's right after all. Maybe we should go back. If she's alive she can ID us. We have to shut her up for good.
Kim Bauer: WHAT? What are you saying, you're going to kill her, you'll kill Janet?
Dan: Close her mouth.
{Rick ties Kim up with duct tape. She cries}
{Alan gets pulled over by a cop}
Alan York: Ah no. I don't believe this.
3:21:18, 3:21:19, 3:21:20
Officer: Stay in the car sir. You have any idea how fast you were driving?
Alan York: Officer our daughters are missing. We got a phone call. We are on our way to pick them up.
Officer: Can I see your license and registration?
Alan York: Excuse me, did you just hear what I said?
Teri Bauer: Listen my name is Teri Bauer, he's telling the truth we really could use your help, my daughter just phoned from Plant's Auto Body.
{The officer walks back to his motorcycle as Alan gets out}
Officer: I asked you to remain in the car.
Alan York: Can we speed this up a little.
Teri Bauer: The women asked me to verify the 911, that's are what I'm trying to do.
Alan York: You know you are a real piece of work. My daughter is in trouble. We're finished.
Officer: Wooo mama, this man disobeyed a direct order from a police officer. I'm afraid I will have to place him under arrest.
Alan York: You got to be kidding me.
{Dan's van passes right by Alan and Teri]
3:23:48, 3:23:49, 3:23:50
3:27:51, 3:27:52, 3:27:53
George Mason: You know Richard Walsh was killed. Scott Baylor too. You know Jack was there when it happened.
Nina Myers: I don't know anything about it.
George Mason: And you have no idea where he is right now?
Nina Myers: No.
George Mason: You're making a big mistake Nina.
Nina Myers: No you are.
George Mason: Jack is going down Nina. That doesn't mean you have to go down with him. You want to try again? Where is Jack now?
{Jack is searching for the street address on San Fernando Road. He finds it}
3:29:33, 3:29:34, 3:29:35
{Jack calls Teri but she doesn't hear her phone because she got out of the car} {He leaves a message}
Jack Bauer: Honey it's me I'm just checking up on Kim, call you back soon.
{Jack walks into an old building. He sees a man light a smoke as Jack aims his gun}
Jack Bauer: Don't move.
{The man starts running as he shots at Jack. Jack runs after him as a cop hears gunfire and investigates}
{The suspect runs past the cop but not Jack}
Officer Hamilton: Stop right there.
Hamilton: Your badge.
{Jack tosses his badge}
Hamilton: C.T.U. what the hell is that?
Jack Bauer: Counter Terrorist Unit. Look Officer this guy is not waiting around for me so you better shoot me or help me but decide now.
Hamilton: Okay I'll help you
Jack Bauer: Be careful with that gun, I need him alive. Give me your flashlight.
{They walk down a dark hallway}
{Teri calls Jacks cell, as it rings the suspect shots}
Jack Bauer: Take cover.
{Jack turns off his cell}
3:30:17, 3:30:18, 3:30:19
{Dan's van drives slowly toward Janet's helpless body}
Rick: Maybe she's dead after all.
Dan: We have to be sure.
Rick: Let's just put her in the van.
Dan: No.
Rick: Dan.
Dan: Shut up. {Loads his gun and holds it out the window getting ready to kill her as an ambulance speeds down the street to Janet}
Rick: MOVE IT!
{They take off}
3:37:28, 3:37:29, 3:37:30
3:40:06, 3:40:07, 3:40:08
{On cell is the Senator talking to Carl}
Carl: All right I got a name. George Faragamo.
Senator Palmer: Find anything else, leave a message on the 802 number only. Thanks Carl. {Hangs up.}
Sherry Palmer: You have been spending a lot of time behind closed doors making phone calls.
Senator Palmer: Have I?
Sherry Palmer: What's going on David?
Senator Palmer: Phone call earlier tonight from Maureen Kingsley. She's digging up history. Bad history. She claims that Keith murdered the boy who raped Nicole.
Sherry Palmer: What? First Lyle Gibson was no boy, he was 19. Second, he killed himself. The court report proved it.
Senator Palmer: Maureen has new evidence.
Sherry Palmer: What evidence?
Senator Palmer: I put Carl on it. He came up with a name. George Faragamo.
Sherry Palmer: Keith's therapist.
Senator Palmer: He claims that…
Sherry Palmer: Ohh he's not claiming that Keith confessed in therapy. You have to get our lawyers on this right away.
Senator Palmer: I will.
Sherry Palmer: David you can't possibly think that our son is a killer.
Senator Palmer: No....Of course not.
3:44:41, 3:44:42, 3:44:43
Alan York: Look I'm sorry.
Officer: You don't get it do you.
Teri Bauer: Officer please, he's upset we both are. If you could just give us a break.
{The cop lets them go}
Alan York: Idiot.
{They drive away}
{Jack and Hamilton are now outside and are closing in on the suspect.}
Jack Bauer: Get him pinned down at the exit, I'll try to go around to the other side.
Hamilton: Okay.
{They split up} {The suspect grabs Hamilton}
3:46:40, 3:46:41, 3:46:42
3:52:26, 3:52:27, 3:52:28
{The man yells for Jack to come out}
Man: Over here. You want me come and get me.
Hamilton: Don't do it, he'll kill both of us.
Man: Come out. Drop the gun.
{Jack comes out}
Jack Bauer: I'll drop the gun but you have to relax.
Man: Put down the gun.
{Jack drops the gun, Hamilton tries to escape but the suspect shot her in the head} {Jack lunges at the suspect, grabs him. The cops arrive}
{Dan's van is parked as Ira Gaines' car arrives}
Dan: Hey, it's Gaines, be cool man.
{Gaines arrives and gets out of his car}
Ira Gaines: Where's the other girl?
Dan: She was a problem so we killed her.
Ira Gaines: The body?
Dan: No one will find it.
Ira Gaines: She been any trouble?
Rick: Not at all.
{To Kim}
Ira Gaines: You're with me now. Be good you'll be back at the mall in a day or two. Be bad you won't. Understand?
{Kim nods her head.}
Ira Gaines: Good.
{Mason has got a location on Jack}
George Mason: Looks like are boy surfaced, his name popped up on a police frequency. Not surprised.
Nina Myers: Is he all right?
George Mason: We found Bauer, lockdown is over, let's go.
Jack Bauer: What was her name?
Officer: Jesse Hamilton. Know anything about this guy?
Jack Bauer: No but I have to take him in for questioning.
Officer: I don't think you notice but he just killed a cop.
Jack Bauer: Of course I did but there's something else at stake here.
Officer: Not to these guys.
Jack Bauer: Can I get a minute alone with him?
{The officers move away}
Jack Bauer: Get up. Now you tell me who you are and I might be able to help you.
Man: Don't let them take me, if you do I'm dead.
Jack Bauer: They seem to be in control
Man: Not worried about them.........................................Bauer!!!!!!
Jack Bauer: Bauer, how do you know my name?
Man: That's not all I know. If you ever want to see your daughter again get me out of here.
{Jack attacks the man as the cops peal him off} {The cops drive him away as Jack runs back to his car and follows the cops.}
3:59:57, 3:59:58, 3:59:59
4:00 A.M.
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