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Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa《马达加斯加2》在英文剧本
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa script
Well done, boys. Looks like ice-cold sushi for breakfast.
No, no, son. Over here.
See the lion? Look at the lion and get the lion.
Now, son, if you're gonna grow up
and be like your daddy someday, you gotta learn how to fight.
Now, Alakay, let me show you something, OK?
You see this mark?
You and me are the same.
When you're bigger, you'll be Alpha Lion, just like me.
Now let me see you fight. Ready?
No, Alakay. No dancing!
You just amuse yourself, don't you?
You're a strange kid. You're a strange one. I'm...
Now, come on, let's try it again.
No, Alakay.
Stop that right now. Doggone it!
It's so disappointing when they don't grow up the way you want.
Makunga. You're not challenging me again, are you?
Look on the bright side. After I defeat you and become alpha lion,
you'll have more time to spend with your pathetic son.
Before I kick your butt, let me ask you:
Why do you want to become the alpha lion?
I'm better looking, I have better hair, I'm deceivingly smart...
...and I want everyone else to do what I say.
We fight on three. One...
Pay attention, Alakay. Daddy will show you how it's done.
Two, three!
- Who's the alpha lion? - You are.
Don't you forget it.
And that, Alakay, is how you attack...
That's it. Here, kitty, kitty.
This one's a beauty.
He'll be worth a few bucks.
Itjust gets easier and easier.
Alakay! Alakay!
No! No! No!
- Daddy! - Daddy's got you! Hold on!
I'm a fish out of water Lion out of the jungle
- I don't like the looks of this guy. - He's kind of cute.
He's kind of a showoff.
You think he's cute?
The King of New York City...
...Alex the Lion!
I still think he's kind of a showoff.
The guy's an animal.
Maybe he should take a break. You know, we could all use a vacation.
Come on, where would we go on vacation?
I don't know about you, but I want to go to Connecticut!
On the loose, several animals, including the world famous Alex the Lion,
escaped from the Central Park Zoo tonight.
The escapees were cornered in Grand Central Station.
He was a very bad kitty.
Animal rights activists, who convinced zoo officials
to have the animals sent to Africa,
were stunned to learn that the freighter carrying the animals
was reported missing today.
Tonight, hundreds of New Yorkers have gathered at the zoo
to mourn the loss of their beloved zoo animals.
The question on everyone's mind, where are they now?
Come on! Y'all know this one! It never gets stale!
We'll miss you little fuzz buckets! You've been a great crowd!
Glad we could introduce you to the toilet.
If you ever come look us up in Manhattan, feel free to call first.
Seriously though, call. OK?
Settle down, everybody. Be quiet!
You can't leave without this!
Surprise, freaks!
Shake it! Shake it.
Look, I'm a lady! I'm a lady, everyone!
I'm a lady! Not really! It's me, King Julien!
Which of you is attracted to me? Hands up!
Hey, freaks! You will be very glad to hear that I am coming with you.
Oh, no, thank you.
Yes, thank you. It's my plane!
Until I return with the spoils from the new country...
...Stevie will be in charge!
I don't think they like that idea.
What are you saying, Stevie?
Could we? No, you didn't say that! How is that even possible?
Naughty little thing! Stevie says...
Let them eat cake!
King Julien, wait for me!
I'm all packed! I have a whole itinerary planned!
Oh, no! It's Mort! He's so annoying!
Don't let him on. Stop that thing!
He's carrying scissors and hand cream!
Everybody in! Quickly, get in, get in! Get in quick!
- Struts. - Check.
- Flaps. - Check.
- Engine. Coffee maker. - Check.
You guys!
That has to be the second biggest slingshot I've ever seen.
But it'll have to do. Attention.
This is your captain speaking.
In the event of an emergency, place the vest over your head
then kiss your... good-bye.
New York City, here we come!
Pray to your personal God this hunk of junk flies.
Personal God, hunk? What?
We are go, sir.
Open the door! I'm outside!
If cabin pressure is lost,
place the mask over your face to hide your terrified expression.
Miss, aren't these supposed to be attached to my seat?
- No, sir. - OK, boys, launch!
- Launch! - Launch!
Hey, Mort.
That was weird.
- Somebody's dreaming. - I think I saw Mort on the plane wing.
You got Madagascar on the brain.
I know I'm gonna miss it.
It was incredible. I think it'll seem more fun the further we are from it.
Like when you bit me on the butt?
I'm gonna take that thing you're holding onto and use it onstage.
It's all part of my little actor's salad bar of emotional tidbits.
Are the butts next to the croutons?
You don't need to be sarcastic.
When we get back, I might sign up for the breeding program.
Breeding program?
We reach a point when we want to meet somebody.
Settle down, have a relationship.
I can see that.
What? Like dating?
Yeah, dating.
Other... other guys?
What do you mean, other guys?
Darn it!
What is holding up that beverage service?!
I'm gonna go check.
You all keep talking. I'm gonna catch a few winks.
It's so funny!
I like laughing! It's such a nice experience!
To laugh!
Do you mind going back? This is first class.
It's nothing personal. We're just better than you. Maurice, I'm open! Hit me!
- He shoots, he scores! - Is that Vivaldi?
- In-flight slave. - Can I help you, Mr. Mankiewicz?
Bring my nuts on a silver platter.
We were checking on our drink order.
Sorry. Been a little backed up.
- I guess I'll go back... - Where's your body?
You're freaking me out! Can you please go over there, please?
What happened to the separation of the classes?
I'm sure this democracy thing is just a fad.
We'll go out for pineapple, my bobbly-headed boobily-boo.
Skipper, look.
Looks like a small bulb used to indicate something unusual, like a malfunction.
I find it pretty and somewhat hypnotic.
That too, sir.
Right! Rico?
Problemo solved.
- We may be out of fuel. - Why do you think so?
We've lost engine one...
...and engine two is no longer on fire.
Buckle up, boys.
Don't look, doll. This might get hairy.
Attention! This is your captain.
I have good and bad news. The good news is, we're landing immediately.
The bad news is, we're crash-landing.
When it comes to air travel, we know you have no choice.
But thanks for choosing Air Penguin.
Raise your arms, Maurice! It's more fun when you raise your arms!
I can fly!
This could be it, Marty! I want you to know you are a one-in-a-million friend!
Thanks, buddy! You're the best ever!
- And you won't mind when I tell you... - Tell me anything!
I broke your iPod!
The buttons were so small! It made me mad!
- The horror! - I'm sorry!
- I'll kill you, butt-biter! - It was an accident!
- An accident! - Butt-biter!
I love you, Gloria! I always have!
Like you love the beach. Or a good book. Or the beach.
Goodness, doll, you're shaking like a leaf.
Rico, you've had your fun.
Pull up.
Gear down.
Gently. You just want to kiss the ground.
Just a peck, a smooch, like you'd kiss your sister.
I said, kiss it!
Now just a little brake. Just a touch.
I believe that's checkmate.
Commence emergency landing procedure. Flaps up! Deploy!
Oh, we're here.
What in the world?
What happened to the plane? What did y'all do to the plane?
I'm OK. I'm alive.
I can't even sleep for a minute. This is not JFK.
Kowalski, casualty report.
Two passengers unaccounted for.
That's a number I can live with. Good landing, boys.
Who says a penguin can't fly?
Hey, happy slappers! Is there some reason to celebrate? Look at the plane!
- We'll fix it. - How are you gonna fix this?
Grit, spit and a whole lot of duct tape.
We should be up and running in, say, six to nine months.
- Sixty-nine months?! - No, six to nine months.
Kowalski, I say we use this setback to our advantage.
- Where'd you get that number? - I want you to reconfigure the design.
How do you estimate that?
Pretty boy! Why don't you and your friends dig a latrine.
Hold on. Who made you king of the plane wreck?
Excuse me? Fine. You can be in charge. You fix the plane.
Who gives you the authority to put me in charge?
OK, then I'll remain in charge.
Yeah, you will remain in charge.
You and your hippie friends stay out of our hair.
Correcto-mundo. Because I decided to.
- Good for you. - Well, this discussion isn't over.
Higher mammals! Stay with us.
We could use your front cortexes and opposable thumbs.
Phil! I should wash your hands out with soap.
How in the hell-o will they fix this plane?!
You know, grit and spit and spit.
A lot of spit and grit and stick-to-it-iveness.
That don't sound too promising.
You're right. We're stuck here.
As long as we're together, we'll be OK.
Yeah, but love ain't gonna get us home.
Behold! The lion!
- People! - There is much to see. Moving on.
Wait, wait, wait! People!
- They'll help us! - Wait up!
- People! Stop! - Help us!
If you stop, I'll autograph those!
I know you!
It's the bad kitty.
How do you like some of that?!
Come in, Tokyo!
Right in the batteries.
You think an old lady can't take care of herself?
Next time, I won't go so easy on you!
Thank you, dear.
Moving on!
Are you out of your mind? We need help and you harass old ladies?!
Out of my mind?
Who's out of my mind now?
- See if you can get an operator. - No problem.
Out of my mind. We're going home.
Message E-4.
The service user has roamed outside the coverage area.
Please try again later.
Am I trippin'?
All those zebras... like me.
- Where are we? - San Diego.
This time I'm 40 percent sure.
- I know this place. - I think it's Africa.
It's got to be.
Our ancestral crib.
It's in our blood. I can feel it!
No, it's more than that. It's like...
...deja vu, like I've been here before.
It's like Roots!
No, it's like...
...deja vu, like I've been here before.
Me Alex!
Me and me friends fly,
fly in great metal bird.
Then plummet!
Smash ground!
Go boom!
Then here we emerge.
We offer only happiness
and good greetings.
Is he dancing about a plane crash?
Yeah. We just... yeah.
I thought... Sorry.
You came from off the reserve?
Way off. From the Central Park Zoo, actually.
Don't strain yourself.
What's going on here?
They say they're from off the reserve.
That's impossible. Only people come from off the reserve.
You look familiar. Do I know you?
How could you survive the hunters?
We didn't see any hunters.
- What are you looking at? - Me? Nothing.
This watering hole doesn't need any more mouths to feed.
So skedaddle back to where you came from.
Is there a manager we could talk to?
I see. You're here to challenge me!
What? No! No.
That's what it looks like to me!
Zuba! Wait.
I'm trying to take care of business...
Yeah, yeah, Zuba. Hold on.
Is that you?
No, it's Alex. Lx. Like New York Knicks.
Zuba, look!
I've always had that. The vet checked it out.
It's kind of a beauty spot, really.
A mark.
All right, this is a little weird.
Honey, he's come home.
You've come home.
Mom and Dad? Mom and Dad!
Mom and Dad! It's my mom and dad!
I got a mom and dad!
My baby's alive!
My son!
My son is home!
Alakay! Alakay has come home!
Alakay! Yeah! The prodigal son returns. This is perfect!
I thought you hated Zuba.
No, I do. I do. I do. I hate him. Oh, I do.
And I'm going to use Alakay, yes.
I'm going to use him to get rid of Zuba once and for all!
Giddy-up, feathered horse!
Make way! Move out of the way! Stand aside!
New York!
It's a bit of a dump. Are you sure we're not in New Jersey?
Hello, New Yorkers! Your new king is here!
This calls for a celebration!
Maurice, I think they like me.
You've got to love a non-hostile takeover!
Excuse me. I'm Marty. I'm kind of new around here.
Hey, Marty!
You're a good-looking group! You like to run?
Yeah. Running is crack-a-lackin'.
That's right! Crack-a-lackin'.
You guys speak my crack-a-lackin' language.
What? You don't have doctors here?
Not anymore.
Well, what if you catch a cold?
We go over to the dying holes and we die.
You guys really need a doctor.
- We have an opening. - Would you be interested?
Me? A doctor?
It's raining men. Hallelujah! You all got it going on.
Why dont you have a man? You got worms?
Oh, I got rid of those. Listen, girls.
Manhattan is short on two things, parking and hippos.
Hey, everybody! I just found out that my son
is a doggone king! The King of New York!
Show me some of your moves, son. Don't be bashful.
All right. This one always knocks 'em dead.
Look out. The King is mad. The King is mad!
Let's welcome him back into the pride with open arms!
Welcome to the herd, Marty!
Me? I've always wanted to be part of a herd!
- It's one for all... - [all] And all for all, y'all!
How do I look?
Technically, a traditional witch doctor has a bone through his nose.
Don't worry... it's just a clip-on.
Voila! He's a witch doctor!
My mother will be so happy.
Look out! I think Moto Moto likes you.
Here he comes.
Goodness, girl... you huge.
Who's your friend? Or is that your butt?
You as quick as you are hefty.
So you're Moto Moto?
The name's so nice, you say it twice.
I kind of like it, fatso.
I'll see you around, girl. It won't be hard, because you so... plumpy.
I hate to be a party pooper, Zuba,
but some of the lions were wondering when you plan to banish your son.
- What are you talking about? - It's nothing, really.
They're griping that Alakay never went through
the rite of passage, blah, blah, blah,
so technically speaking, he can't be a member of the pride. It's nonsense.
I forgot about the rite of passage.
What is it? What's this rite of passage?
A traditional coming-of-age ceremony.
Young lions earn their manes by demonstrating their skills.
- A show-of-skill talent show deal? - Yeah. Strutting their stuff.
A performance! I think that's up my alley.
If it's tradition, I want to do it. Strut my stuff. Earn my mane.
I want to be Alaki.
- Alakay. - Alakay! Even better.
We will hold the rite of passage in the morning!
That's wonderful! Good luck, Alakay.
Where Im from, we say, "Break a leg."
That's my boy!
Beautiful, isn't it?
It's amazing.
...this is where we belong.
Operation Tourist Trap is a go.
Oh, I like that one.
It works on many levels.
You guys are a bunch of suck-ups.
- That, too. - Absolutely.
Stage one. Go!
Oh, no! What have I done?
Come on, take the bait.
- What happened? - Oh, look at the poor little guy.
Is it dead?
Stage two! Go, go, go!
I will give him the kiss of life.
No! Stop! Stop!
Come back!
What is all this rock'n'roll racket?!
Is she dead?
You hoodlums!
Good heavens! Are you OK?
Lady, I found your pocketbook.
My handbag. Such a good boy.
Nana can't survive without it.
You are one tough cookie.
Brownies Troop 416, Yonkers.
OK, nobody panic! The best thing we can do is stay together.
We'll wait for another tourjeep. It may take hours, but...
Where are you going?
I'm not staying here to be attacked by more animals! I'm too old to die.
I'm going with her. Old lady, wait up!
Please! We need to stay...
Fine! We'll go that way!
Does anyone want a hard candy?
- Easy now. - Watch your step.
And right here... OK, are you ready?
This is where you always slept.
Oh, man!
- Was this mine? - Look at you. Look at him.
Oh, this thing. Look, look!
- I remember this! - He remembers.
A little harder than...
You never slept on the right end. You always slept on the bottom end.
Is that?
Is that my?
Is that me?
You had the cutest little paws.
Little, little bitty ol' paws.
You did that the day we lost you.
Wow. I was so young.
What happened to me?
It was all my fault. I turned my back and...
It was not your fault.
Your father did everything he could. He tracked those hunters for weeks.
Far off the reserve.
Finally, I had to assume the hunters...
We thought they'd killed you.
But my son fought them off! Dont mess with the King of New York!
- That's right! - Keep your chin in.
You boys be careful! Watch out before you break something.
You used to call this "foofie."
He doesn't want that.
This is my foofie!
Zuba, you better give him his foofie.
I mean, no, thank you, thank you. It's perfect.
Son, you get your rest. You have a big day tomorrow.
You'll need all your strength.
I will bring the house down for you.
I hope so. Otherwise, your father will have to banish you.
Jeez, Mom, really?
I know you'll do us proud. You know why?
You were born with it.
Good night, Alakay.
My boy. My own boy.
My son's a king.
My son's a king.
Good night, Mom.
Good night, Alakay.
Look at foofie! My foofie!
Foofie, foofie, foofie. My foofie!
No sign of civilization. Everybody appears very tired.
I think we're lost.
Nana, do you know where you're going?
No, but I'm going with a skip in my step and a smile on my face.
Sure, right, OK. Yeah, all right.
- It's people. - How did you get here?
- Can you help us? We're lost. - We're lost too.
It was awful. A flash of black and white and they were gone. They took the jeep!
- That happened to our jeep too! - What do we do?
How will we all survive?
No food, no water, no shelter. What are we gonna do?!
You can let nature get the best of you,
or you can get the best of nature.
Gather 'round, children. We're New Yorkers, right?
We survive the concrete jungle!
When we need food, we hunt for a decent hot dog stand.
- Am I right? - She's right.
When we need shelter, we build skyscrapers.
- Exactly! - When we need water, we build a dam.
We're New Yorkers, for crying out loud!
If we can make it there,
we can make it anywhere!
I'm coming, King Julien!
Bad fishy! Bad fishy!
No, shark, no! Sit!
Why am I laughing?
We have all the parts we need, but we're slightly behind schedule.
- How slightly? - Six to nine years.
- Sixty-nine years? - No, six to nine years.
Private! What happened to our thumbs?
Haven't seen them since yesterday.
Darn you, Darwin!
Nobody goes AWOL on my watch. Private! You're coming with me.
Rico! You're coming with me!
- We'll bring them in for court martial. - That won't be necessary!
We've recruited a few extra thumbs for you, Skipper.
Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle.
Oh, I doubt that.
Enough lollygagging. Let's get to work.
There'll be three groups. Group Alpha will do sheet metal fabrication.
Group Bronson handles assembly. Group George Peppard, craft services.
Any questions?
Good! Let's get to work.
I'd like to kiss you, monkey man.
All right, but you're so darn ugly.
Remember, little cub scouts, a great dance performance comes from the heart.
Straight from the heart, you'll never go wrong.
Sure, mister.
Hey, Alakay, I just happened to walk by, I thought I'd wish you luck.
- You're not nervous, are you? - Nah, it's my thing.
In my opinion, the key to this is choosing the right competitor.
You mean, this is like a dance battle sort of thing?
- Like a dance-off? - Sure.
Great. I love that. Freestyle.
Who'd be a good match for me? Just to keep things interesting.
Well, I wish I could help,
but that's strictly against our ancient tradition and all we hold sacred.
But if it was me out there... I'd choose Teetsi.
Teetsi. OK. Sounds interesting.
Makunga, right? Thank you.
Anything for Zuba's boy. Go get 'em, tiger.
Shake it out.
A five, six, seven, eight.
Let's go, let's do this.
Let us begin the rite of passage ceremony.
- Come on, baby! Make Mama proud! - Woman, I'm trying to take...
On it, Mom!
Who will be the first participant?
Me! Oh! Me, me, me! Me! Me! Me! Me, me! Please, me?
How about you? The tall, handsome one.
Yeah. Choose your opponent.
Let me see.
I guess I'll pick...
Teetsi? Why did he pick Teetsi?
That's my boy! He's got some gumption there!
Somebody, wake him up!
All right, so, Teetsi, come on. Let's do this, huh?
Come on, little tsetse fly. Let's see your stuff. Bring it.
- Let's dance! - OK.
But let me warn you that I am a protege of...
...Fosse and Robbins!
Not "dance" dance! Fight!
Dance fight! You got it.
- Is he dancing? - What's he doing?
I know that boy is not dancing.
This is even better than I thought.
Alakay, turn around!
No, Pop, it's hop, shuffle, ball change, hip swish, turn around.
Oh, no.
Alakay! Are you hurt?
Yeah, I am.
Did I... did I win?
No, son.
How could this happen?
You told us you were a king. A king does not get beat.
I am a king. I'm the King of New York.
It's my stage name. Like for when I perform.
Oh, no, this is horrible! Alakay has failed the test!
Who would have ever imagined that today Zuba would have to banish...
...his own son?
Zuba, no.
Zuba, yes.
Sadly, the alpha lion must cast out all failures.
Then I'm no longer the alpha lion.
Dad, what are you doing?
Dad, no! You can't do this.
Who could possibly take Zuba's place?
Someone? No one?
You, sir!
I guess not.
Well, I... this is all very awkward,
but I suppose I could carry this tremendous burden.
Teetsi! Get the hat.
As your new leader, I hereby banish Alakay!
He shall wear this Hat of Shame...
...and leave the watering hole
for a thousand years, or life!
Whichever comes last.
Shoo, shoo! Get out of here!
You should have told us you weren't a real king, son!
You never told me I'd have to fight anybody!
What did you expect?!
I don't know! Maybe a little fatherly advice like, "Hey, son, it's a fight!"
- You're a lion! - But I never fought another lion!
No, I guess not. You dance!
And other stuff! Your pal, Makunga, set me up back there!
- None of this would have happened... - If you were a real lion.
- Zuba! - Yeah, I said it!
A real lion.
Thanks a lot.
You're in my light, Stephen.
You have a brown spot on your shoulder.
That's very observant, Stephen. As you can see, I'm covered in brown spots.
OK! That bone will be good as new in a few weeks.
So I don't have to pick out a dying hole?
No, you got your whole life ahead of you.
- Really? - Go out and grab it by the horns.
- Thank you, Dr. Mankiewicz! - Break a leg! Sweet kid.
This spot looks like Witch Doctor's Disease.
Witch Doctor's Disease? That's the most ridiculous disease I've ever heard of.
- Don't ask. - Someone's been knotty.
This won't hurt a bit.
Joe, our last witch doctor, had a spotjust like that.
- And? - Monday, Joe. Wednesday, no Joe.
Wednesday, no Joe?
I can breathe! Thanks, doc!
So this Witch Doctor's Disease is a real thing?
You'll find a cure. You've got at least 48 hours!
But I've never heard of it.
I mean... I dont have any penicillin.
I'll need a CAT scan just to get started!
Have a lion look you over. They'd be happy to.
- He has talent. - Stupendous and tremendous.
Bet you've never seen that one! Knocked 'em dead in New York!
- Let's all give it a try! - Let's do it!
Well, you can try all you want to,
but it takes years of practice.
You'll never get a tight stream
until you build up your lip muscles to the point where you can
purse your lips like this. You got it?
How did you? You guys got it right out of the box!
- If you can do it... ...we can do it.
It's in our blood!
I always thought I was a bit unique.
We are unique!
We are like a force of nature!
- A million points of light! - And dark stripes!
Exactly the same!
Exactly the same.
Looks impressive, Kowalski, but will it fly?
Yes. If we fold it here, here and here.
Oh, man. My dad thinks I'm a total loser.
I've ruined my parents' lives.
That is definitely not crack-a-lackin'.
It is lackin' in the crackin', my friend. I've gotta fix this.
...there's... There's something I gotta tell you.
Hey, guys.
Is this place great or what?!
I'd go with "or what."
Well, I'll tell you what. You're not gonna believe it, but...
...I got a date with Moto Moto.
Who's Moto Moto?
Oh, he's so big and handsome and big!
- Know what "Moto Moto" means? - Twins?
It means, "Hot Hot."
"Hot Hot"?
When did you start parlez-ing African?
It's in my blood.
Don't worry, you can flirt around with Mr. Hot Pants after I'm gone.
Melman, why am I the parade and you're the rain?
Why are you driving your parade under my rain?
Maybe I'll parade in another part of town!
Whoa, guys.
Main Street's mine!
Well, you can have it!
And you can take your hotee-tot float and Mr. Hotee Moto Moto...
- What are you talking about? - What are we talking about?
Melman, just tell her.
What? What are you... I don't know what you're talking about.
I guess I'll go, then.
Don't bother.
- Don't get up on my account. - Melman! Gloria!
- I thought you guys were friends! - Marty's absolutely right.
- Marty? - Marty?
What the heck is going on?
You're not? Oh! He was... I thought he... You're not him. He's... Oh.
You thought that guy...
...was me?
No. I mean, yes, you... Guys, come on.
You thought I was him?
You guys kind of do look a little...
You look a lot alike. Marty, you look a lot alike.
You laugh alike. Talk alike. He has the same speech pattern.
It's a little weird, really. I mean, come on. Marty.
So you're saying there's nothing unique about me.
I'm just like any other zebra.
No. Of course you're different!
OK, I can't tell you apart.
Maybe you could wear a bell or something.
- A bell?! - OK, not a bell. Bell's a bad idea.
How about a T-shirt that says, "I'm with stupid"?
- I'm not stupid! - Not you, stupid! Him, stupid!
You know, while you've been doing the prancing pony with your new posse,
I've been having the worst day of my life.
It's always about you, isn't it?
My problems are just a little bit bigger than yours.
I couldn't tell you apart. So what?!
Yeah, fine. Run away, Marty! Run away!
That's what you do best! Just like back in New York!
I'm right here. But you can't tell that, right?
Your one-of-a-million friend hopes you enjoy
your bigger-than-anyone-else's problems alone!
Good, leave! I don't need you to help me solve my problems!
You're a dime a dozen! I can't tell which one's Marty!
Which one's Marty? Wait a minute. Oh, yeah, I don't care!
Nice hat, you showoff!
...don't go.
Giddy-up, giddy-up!
Giddy-up, giddy-up!
Look, Maurice!
The perfect spot for my summer palace!
Please fill in all these holes and relocate the riff-raff.
- Who'd leave a perfectly good head? - What a waste.
Tell me about it. I'm in my prime here.
I'm terminal, you know?
I probably only have another two days left to live.
That's a bummer, man.
If I, King Julien... that's my name...
...only had two days left to live,
I would do all the things
- I've ever dreamed of doing. - Like what?
I'd love to become a professional whistler.
I'm pretty amazing at it now, but I want to get even better,
make my living out of it.
You know what else I would do? I would invade a neighboring country
and impose my own ideology, even if they didn't want it!
Easy for you to say. You're a king.
Yes. And you are only just a sad little head.
There must be something you want to do before you die!
- There is this one thing. - What? Tell me.
- No, I couldn't. - What is it?
I never told Gloria how I feel about her.
What is it? Please tell me!
I never had the guts to tell Gloria how I feel about her.
How I've always felt about her.
Fine. Don't tell me!
Is it a woman? You didn't tell me it's a woman.
What are you afraid of? You're a dead man anyway.
Yeah. Yeah.
You're right.
You've got to march right up to this woman.
Look her right in the eye. Lean forward.
Just a little, or almost all the way.
Then you let her lean forward a little until you're...
...just lips' distance away from each other.
Then you tell her how much you hate her.
Actually, it's more like love her.
Oh, you sly dog! Woof, woof!
You're a real player. Now listen to me.
You got to rise up. You hearing me?
- He didn't hear you. - I can't hear you!
- You got to rise up! - Rising up!
- Get out of the hole! - I'm rising out of the ground!
- He's rising, Maurice. - I'm rising, Maurice!
- Rising! - You go right up to this woman!
Do you feel it?
- Go up to her face! - Tell the truth!
- I'm going to tell her! - Then you say, "Baby, I dig you!"
Yeah! I'm going to do it! I'm going to do it!
I love that happy little head.
Moto Moto
Moto Moto
She loves me She loves my eyes
She loves me She loves my thighs
She loves my roundness
She love that I'm chunky She love that I'm plumpy
She love my heftiness She love my zestiness
She love me restlessly She love me forever
She love me...
...'cause she love me
Moto Moto...
...before things get too serious, well,
I was wondering, if I were to, for example, stay here...
...I'd like to ask you...
Let your candied lips be the messengers to my... ear canal.
I have so many questions.
I promise the answer will always be yes.
Unless no is required.
So what is it about me that you find so interesting?
You're the most plumpenest girl I've ever met.
OK. Other than that.
Let's see.
Yeah, well, you know... you chunky.
My gosh, girl, you huge.
You said that.
Yeah, that's right.
We don't have to talk no more.
Melman, I want you to meet Moto Moto.
Moto Moto. Yeah, nice to meet you.
- I guess I... - It's OK, Melman.
Apology accepted.
Oh. Yeah, right, that. That's why I... Good.
OK. Well, that's it, then.
Good. We're kind of busy here, man.
No. No, that's not it.
Listen, Mototo, you better treat this lady like a queen.
Because you, my friend, you found yourself the perfect woman.
If I was ever so lucky to find the perfect woman,
I'd give her flowers every day. And notjust any flowers. OK?
Her favorites are orchids. White. And breakfast in bed.
Six loaves of wheat toast, butter on both sides.
No crust, the way she likes it.
I'd be her shoulder to cry on and her best friend.
I'd spend every day thinking of how to make her laugh.
She has the most amazing laugh.
That's what I would do if I were you.
But I'm not, so you do it.
That was beautiful.
Anyways, where were we?
I'm "huge"?
Surprised to see me, Makunga?
Well, I'm here to set things straight, like a real lion!
Is this real enough for you? How about this? This is for setting me up!
This is for stealing my dad's job! This is for humiliating my family!
And making me look like a fool!
Had enough? Sure, fly away!
The water. It's gone.
It's never gone dry before.
- We'll need a lot more dying holes. - How could this happen?
Out of my way! What is going on here?!
The watering hole is dry! There's barely water for one of us!
- Good observation, Shirley. - I'm Bobby.
Makunga, what do we do?
Listen up! I'm afraid there is only one solution to this horrible crisis:
We'll all have to fight for it.
- We can't fight for it. - That's crazy.
That's not fair. You'd win!
Exactly, Shirley.
I'm Bob...
Sorry, folks, but life isn't fair. I'm in charge now,
thanks to Alakay, the dancing lion.
Please, Makunga, this is the only water on the reserve.
If you're thirsty, you'll have to look for water off the reserve.
- Off the reserve? - It's too dangerous!
Hunters would shoot us!
No one leaves the reserve and survives!
I left the reserve!
And survived.
I can do something about this.
Looks like a clogged pipe, like we get in New York. I'll travel upriver...
- Upriver? - Off the reserve?
Yeah. I'll unclog the pipe and bring back your water.
Great! I'd help you pack, but by the looks of that hat, I see you're all set!
Fine. Go ahead, laugh. Laugh your mane off. I'll prove you wrong.
Maybe you should try a little rain dance.
Zuba would know what to do.
- Where's Zuba? - You don't care about us.
Zuba should be in charge, not you.
All right, fine!
As an added measure, I will consult with Zuba!
Hey! Marty!
Where'd you get the fruity hat?
Excuse me! Excuse me!
Hi. Is Marty in there?
Anyone seen Marty?
Which one of us is Marty?
All right. Well, if you see him,
tell him his friend Alex came to say goodbye.
Goodbye? Don't go. Where are you going?
- Can we come? - No. I have to do this alone.
You can't leave the reserve!
What are you doing?
- They'll get your hat. - Hunters are everywhere!
Could you leave the hat?
Marty! I know you're in there.
Before I go, I got something I want to say.
You've been a great friend.
You've helped me so often to see the bright side of my problems
that I never think of you having any.
I wasn't there for you when you needed me.
Just like back at the zoo.
What kind of friend does that make me? A pretty lousy friend, I guess.
I just want you to know that I...
You're one in a million.
This is touching.
It is touching.
So could you turn around so I can tell you to your face?
That's right. Gotcha!
I see you in there! Yeah, you.
You, right there.
Twelfth row, two hundred and third from the left.
That's you, Marty.
I know it's you.
Know what makes you special?
These guys are white with black stripes. You're black with white stripes.
You're a dreamer, Marty.
Always have been. You have great taste in music
and horrible taste in friends.
Well, not Melman and Gloria, but me.
OK, I'm in.
Marty, you can't come with me.
You don't have a choice.
- People are out there! - You're crazy! Come back!
The people will get you!
Don't lose the hat!
Bye, hat!
Any water?
No, just more diamonds and gold.
Don't give up hope.
Listen up! I will help you!
There's only one way to get your precious water.
I, your beloved King Julien
must simply make a small sacrifice to my good friends, the water gods,
in the volcano!
What does that do?
What does that do? Excellent question.
My sacrifice goes in the volcano.
The friendly gods eat up my sacrifice.
"Thank you for the sacrifice."
"Here, have another." "No, I've had enough."
"I'll be insulted unless you have another."
"I don't want another sacrifice!"
"Look at you! You're skinny!" "No! I've had enough!"
The gods eat the sacrifice. They are grateful.
They give me some water, and then I give it to you.
Does it work?
No! I mean, yes.
Well, Maurice?
Ah, it's fifty-fifty.
We'll do it!
Now all I need is someone who would like to go into the volcano
and get eaten by gods.
Any hands! Hands, anybody!
I need someone, perhaps who has never found love,
who could look death straight in the eyeball. A real, genuine hero.
- I'll do it. - Melman?
Hurry up! Before we all come to our senses!
Melman, what is wrong with you?
I'm dying anyway. If there's a chance it'll get you water, it's worth it.
Are you nuts?
I want you to know, back at the zoo,
it was never the doctors or prescriptions that kept me going.
It was always you.
Seeing you every day.
That's what kept me going.
Melman! Wait!
Melman! Melman! Melman!
You going to mope like this all day?
Don't "hmph" me.
Listen, Zuba. A miracle happened.
Our son came back to us. How come that is not good enough for you?
What are you saying, woman?
We lost him once, Zuba. Let's not lose him again.
- Zuba! - Get out of here!
What do you want?
It's awful.
The watering hole is dried up.
Dried up? That's impossible!
There's nothing left!
You're alpha lion, Makunga. What are you gonna do about it?
Your son, Alakay, he said he could fix it. He's gone upriver.
- Off the reserve?! - No!
I tried to stop him. I told him it was suicide.
He was determined to prove himself to you.
You stay here, in case he comes back!
Hurry, Zuba!
I'm so parched.
Is this place starting to freak you out?
We'll slip in, find the problem. Hunters will never know we were here.
Why are we doing this?
Maybe my dad will think I'm...
I want to show him I'm a real lion.
As opposed to a chocolate lion.
I know this may sound hard to believe, but apparently, lions don't dance.
As far as my dad is concerned.
As far as people are concerned, you're a hit.
In New York. This is Africa... much tougher crowd.
Marty, this is it!
This is the clog! Come on.
Well, there's the water.
Stay down. Look at that.
Knit one, purl two.
It's her.
- Is this right? - Very good.
Nana, slow down.
You're a little tangled, aren't you?
No, don't pull. I'll do it.
We need dynamite. Got any?
Oh, snap! I just used my last stick this morning!
- Savages! - Evasive maneuvers!
- Serpentine, serpentine! - Squiggly squid maneuver!
Zag, zig-zag, zig ziggy zag!
No, no! Squiggly squid!
Etch A Sketch!
That's too complex! Octopus, octopus!
- Run, Marty! - I can't leave you here!
Go get help! Squiggly squid maneuver! Go! Go! Squiggly squid!
Etch A Sketch! Etch A Sketch!
Save us We love you
- Save us - Melman
- We love you - Melman
Save us
OK, here we go. OK, OK.
- Melman - We love you
- Melman - Save us
Here we go! Here we go!
- What's all the hoopla about? - Joe?
Joe the Witch Doctor? We thought you were dead!
So did I. Then I realized I'm covered in brown spots.
So Melman's not dying!
- Melman's not dying! - Oh, no!
Don't do this! Julien, stop this! This is crazy!
Oh, suddenly throwing a giraffe into a volcano to make water is crazy!
- Please, Melman! Stop! - Gloria?
- You can't do this! - Why not?
You can't do this, Melman.
First, that hurts.
Second, I've only got 18 hours to live, anyway.
Melman, I gotta know...
...did you mean those things you said about me?
Of course I did.
- That's crazy. - It is?
It's crazy to think I had to go halfway around the world...
...to find out the perfect guy for me
lived right next door.
Then it's you and me, neighbor.
You and me for the next 18 hours.
I'll take whatever you got.
- Maurice, what happened? - I believe the fat lady has sung.
- What's going on here? - Marty!
Alex is in big trouble! We got to get upriver fast!
- What about the plane? - Perfect! Come on!
The plane won't be fixed until the suits meet our demands.
Now, maternity leave.
Maternity leave? You're all males.
We need that plane for a rescue mission.
There's nothing I can do until we bust up this union.
I'll bust up all of you if you don't get this plane going.
Can't you see these commies have my hands tied? No maternity leave.
Maybe a certain someone wouldn't want these blowing around on the savanna.
All right. You get your maternity leave.
Where we headed? What's going on? Where are we going?
Oh, no! Please! Don't put me there! No!
This is wrong.
You see? You are survivors.
Now, how about a nice lion casserole?
You can't eat a lion.
Don't worry, it tastes like chicken.
No, no, no. Don't listen to her.
She's out of her mind, people!
I'm from New York City!
It's me, Alex the lion! From Central Park!
What were you thinking, son? You got no business being out here!
Stay behind me.
They're New Yorkers. They're just rude and frightened people.
Stay back!
You'd let your dinner get away?
- What are you doing? - The only thing I know how to do.
What the heck?
Hey, I know those moves.
- It's Alex the lion! - From Central Park!
It is Alex!
Only one lion can move like that!
He's beautiful.
I can't believe it.
How does he do that?
What are you doing?
I'm dancing with my son! I think.
Don't think, Dad. Feel!
I'm feeling it! I'm feeling it!
That was beautiful. Now let's eat!
Dad, look out!
What the...
Alex! Get in!
She's got a gun! Get out while we can!
- What? - She's got a gun!
Get out while we can! Pass it on!
He said let's have some fun and take out the dam. Basset hound.
Skipper! Alex wants to take out the dam.
All right! But it's his funeral.
- Hard to port! - Aye-aye, Skippy!
Bring it on! Bring it on!
Come back! That's my dinner!
Kowalski, full throttle.
- I like this song. - It never gets old.
It does have a catchy hook. Come about! Bring her in low!
Hold onto your skirts! It's dam-busting time!
Hold on tight, baby! Here we go!
Tell them no! Pull up! They'll kill us!
There's got to be another way! Pass it on!
They say no pull up. Kill us. There's no other way. Basset hound.
Are you sure?
Men, there is no sacrifice greater than someone else's.
No! Medic!
Ramming speed!
Bring it on!
Bad kitties.
I don't know why the sacrifice didn't work.
The science seemed so solid.
I'd jump right in that volcano if I wasn't so good at whistling.
It's you! I found you!
Bad fishy!
I wonder if the gods like seafood.
Let's find out.
Look, Maurice.
- That was quick. - I did it!
I did it! I did it!
OK, you did it!
Oh, yes!!
- It's Alakay! - It's Zuba!
You did it!
Alakay, Zuba, you did it!
Zuba! Alakay!
You're back!
I'm so glad you're safe!
Out of my way.
Well, well, well.
You know, Zuba, if I remember correctly, you quit the pride.
And you were kicked out.
So don't think that this changes anything.
You're right. In fact, we humbly present you with this token of appreciation.
A man bag. Very popular where Im from.
- Don't know what to say. - Still be tough and carry your stuff.
Does the strap adjust? This will go very nicely for me when I go out hiking.
But you're still banished.
We figured you'd say that.
My handbag!
You bad kitty!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
You deserve this, son.
Welcome to the pride.
Thanks, Dad. But this belongs to you.
No, son. To us!
My son! The King of New York!
That's my baby!
Love transcends all differences.
We are gathered here today to celebrate such a love.
Do you take each other, for better or for worse?
For better, please.
What a beautiful, weird couple!
That's not going to last.
Can I kiss the bride?
No! Music!
- Struts. - Check.
- Flaps! - Check.
- Diamonds and gold. - Check.
- Bye-bye! - We'll miss you!
See you later!
We'll be back after the honeymoon in Monte Carlo,
or whenever the gold runs out.
Come back soon!
Mom, let them take their time. New York isn't going anywhere, right, guys?
You're right about that!
As long as I'm with her...
...and you two, I don't care where we are.
She has the most amazing laugh.
Love has no boundaries!
Looks like you're stuck with us for a while.
Dad? What's wrong?
I just thought we could hang out a bit and...
- You got me! - I got you, son!
You got me with my thing. You brought it back around on me.
I got you, son!
The old man's not too bad, eh, Marty?
- Marty? Who's Marty? - Come on.
- I don't know no Marty. - You can't fool me.
Ain't no Marty here.
Marty! I can look into your eyes, and I know it's you.
See, I've been traveling Been traveling forever
But now that I found a home feels like I'm in heaven
See, I've been traveling Been traveling forever
But now that I'm home
Hey! Shake the hot things! Shake the hot things!
Shake 'em! Shake 'em! Shake 'em!
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa动画大片《马达加斯加2》中英双字在线
发帖者 影视助手小刀 时间: 07:14
其实Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa《马达加斯加2》去年就看了过了。当时总感觉里面的Melman(梅尔曼)那只长颈鹿的声音特别熟悉,但却一直没有多想,所以就过去了。今天无意中在YouTube看到一段9分多钟的关于《马达加斯加2》的幕后花絮,才知道,那是Friends《老友记》里Ross(罗斯)的声音。下面就让我们一起看看这个花絮吧!
我看完花絮后,感觉非常不过隐,所以找来Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa《马达加斯加2》再看了一遍。这部视频非常清晰,并是中英文字幕的,非常棒,让我们一起回味下吧!
我看完花絮后,感觉非常不过隐,所以找来Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa《马达加斯加2》再看了一遍。这部视频非常清晰,并是中英文字幕的,非常棒,让我们一起回味下吧!
发帖者 影视助手小刀 时间: 21:44Green Lantern Movie《绿灯侠》今年9月中旬在澳大利亚开拍
发帖者 影视助手小刀 时间: 21:21
The WB are set to begin filming The Green Lantern in mid-September in Australia, report Production Weekly. The Australian location doesn’t come as much of a surprise given the location scouting reports we commented on in December. Meanwhile the production crew has created a base camp at the Tribeca West complex production offices, situated in West Los Angeles.
华纳兄弟公司计划在今年9月中旬开拍根据DC漫画改编的超级英雄影片《绿灯侠》(Green Lantern),拍摄地定在澳大利亚。
“绿灯侠”问世于上世纪40年代,说的是宇宙间有一群维护宇宙治安的“绿灯军团”,每个成员都配备了一枚神奇的戒指,可以让他们随心所欲的变出各种东西或实现任何目的,但每枚戒指都需要从一盏绿灯中定期补充能量,而灯的能量来自于全宇宙的中心、也是“绿灯军团”的总部——OA 星。
绿灯侠不止一个,其中最著名的要数哈尔·乔丹(Hal Jordan),此人原本是一名试飞员,后被飞船在地球坠毁的绿灯侠Abin Sur的戒指召唤成为“绿灯侠”、负责保卫地球和银河地区的治安。在多年的战斗中他立下了赫赫功劳,被称为“史上最伟大的绿灯侠”,同时也是“正义联盟 ”(JLA)的创立者之一。
电影《绿灯侠》将由马丁·坎贝尔(Martin Campbell)执导,计划在2010年12月17日上映。
Green Lantern Movie trailer
美国超模选秀现场突发混乱 3人涉嫌故意煽动
发帖者 影视助手小刀 时间: 07:56
据中国日报报道 美国热门真人秀节目“全美超级模特新秀大赛”3月14日在纽约曼哈顿酒店举行海选试镜时,现场突发混乱,导致6人受伤。警方随后逮捕了3名肇事嫌疑人。纽约警方称遭逮捕的2女1男涉嫌故意煽动骚乱。
. 本次海选试镜是为该节目第13季举行的,众多“考生”中只有大约12人能顺利通过海选。据该节目官网介绍,芝加哥、达拉斯和洛杉矶也将举行海选。
NBC夏季剧集出炉 主打律政和神秘
发帖者 影视助手小刀 时间: 07:55
● NBC公布了夏季节目清单,具体安排如下:
6月2日星期二:《Law & Order: SVU》季终;
6月3日星期三:《Law & Order》季终;
6月4日星期四:《The Listener》剧集首播(其实英国、加拿大都已开播了);
6月8日星期一:《Law & Order: Criminal Intent》首播;
6月24日星期三:《The Philanthropist》首播(传说中的神秘剧集终于出现了……);
● 《Skins》获得第四季预订。
● 星期三的收视率,尽管没有《American Idol》的带领,FOX的《Lie To Me》依然表现抢眼。以现在的情形来看,《Lie To Me》获得第二季预订完全没有问题。
发帖者 影视助手小刀 时间: 07:54
集名:The Social Contract
简评:发人深思的一集。 Cameron又送上一个病人给House。因为类似Phineas Gage事件,House决定接收这case。Phineas Gage是医学上很有名的一个病例发生在19世纪中期,PG在一次工作中一个3英尺14磅左右的铁棒穿过他的头部,落在身后不远处,但他意识完全清醒、生理反应都很属正常,似乎有事的只有脑袋上的伤口。这看似严重但又感觉无伤大雅的伤,医生也没辙,只能送PG回去待伤口复原。不过PG复原后性格有了明显的改变,他也继续正常地生活了10多年后病故。几年后为了一探究竟,其尸骨被挖出来,后来发现前额叶跟人的性格有着关系。这是世界第一例证明前额叶跟性格与行为有着相关性。此前人们普遍认为两者并无多大的相关。
这集House和Wilson之间很有意思,看过的同学相信自有一番体会。这里就不对内容多加细致描述。事件原委大致是Wilson找到了患有精神病离家出走多年的弟弟,对这次的多年不见即期待但又怕受伤害,所以不没把这是告诉House。Wilson觉得和House不属于一般正常的社交或人际关系,简单来说就是House不懂得安慰别人。一般人知道了应该会对他说“Don’t worry, it all will be alright.”,而Wilson偶尔也需要像正常人一样被安慰(自己骗自己),但基于太了解House,也怕听到自己不愿意听到的话,所以对这件事有意对House只字不提。这更让House对这事情的真相大感好奇地非要“福尔摩斯”下去不可。House发现后也很人性化地陪Wilson到纽约去见W 弟。虽然这“陪”并不是真正地陪到底。
House痛恨别人对他撒谎,但不介意偶尔多别人撒撒小慌,彻底的自我中心主义者。谎言确实是个不太讨喜的东西,差不多就是为了满足自己的需求来进行一种欺骗他人的行为。相信没有多少人会喜欢被骗吧?!(魔术应该除外)基于现在的人越来越脆弱,我们也需要一些安抚自己的方法来平衡心理那座不对称的天秤尽力去填补原本就不平衡的社会,善意的谎言(自己骗自己)也就这样出来了。东方人用法委婉,西方人就明显的在撒谎了(每次恐怖片都会出现“it’s gonna be fine”之类的)。这样下去何来真实的必要?真的要见仁见智了,毕竟一种米养百样人。
感觉事后House出现了一丝的人性化?或许是太看重对Wilson的这份情谊。Wilson形容House是reality junky,已经贴切到不能再贴切了。片尾出现badly drawn boy的the shinning不错听。
《公主与青蛙》(The Princess and the Frog)11月25日上映
发帖者 影视助手小刀 时间: 07:53《格林童话》很多小孩喜欢的童话故事书了,而《公主与青蛙》(The Princess and the Frog)故事就是源处其,但导演进行了颠覆性的改编。故事发生地变成了美国传统文化根深蒂固的南方老城——新奥尔良,这里不仅是美国黑人最集中的地区,也是爵士乐的故乡,因此主角也变成了一个黑人女孩“Tiana”,这一定大出我们所料。
一位来自Maldonia王国的王子“Naveen”在新奥尔良中了邪恶巫师“Facilier”的黑暗魔法,变成了一只青蛙。他误将 “Tiana”当成了公主,让她吻他以解除魔法。。不料Tiana真的吻了青蛙后,不但没能解开魔咒,自己也变成了一只青蛙。于是两只青蛙前往密西西比河河口寻找老女巫“Mama Odie”,求她帮他们俩解除魔咒。一路上,他们遇到了会唱歌的鳄鱼“路易”(Louie)和一只无比浪漫的萤火虫“雷”(Ray)。
Your first look at the animated GOON movie《The Goon》剧照海报曝光
发帖者 影视助手小刀 时间: 07:51

大卫·芬奇监制电脑动画片《亡命暴徒》(The Goon)。学英语,就看下面的英语资讯!
Your first look at the animated GOON movie。
Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with an update that will drive certain people insane… in a good, frothing at the mouth kind of way.
Eric Powell’s THE GOON is a favorite of mine. Along with Robert Kirkman’s THE WALKING DEAD Powell’s book keeps me going back to the comic book store every few weeks. To put it nicely, Powell is a brilliant freak… and I say that with the utmost respect and admiration.
It was announced at the last Comic-Con that Powell was developing a feature film based on his creation and that none other than David Fincher was producing. Check out the poster if you missed it from my Comic-Con coverage:
The flick will be animated and below I have your first look at what an animated Goon flick produced by David Fincher looks like. Right this very moment Powell and a ton of Goon fans in Nashville are probably still kicking it at a 10th Anniversary of The Goon party. While they get into all sorts of eye-knifing trouble you get to see the first look anywhere of the in-development animated GOON flick! Make sure you click it for the high res version!

Amazing looking, isn’t it? I love how it is totally Frankie and the Goon translated into three dimensions… sometimes there is something lost in translation, but I’d say that not only do I think this feels like Eric Powell’s creation, but I think this film looks to add more to it, flesh out the world.. I love the filmic quality to the image, I love the balance of cartoon and reality.
And I love the detail. Check this out… Another exclusive image (don't forget to click for the super big version!):
Walt Disney将Monster Attack Network《怪兽来袭》搬上大屏幕
发帖者 影视助手小刀 时间: 07:49
漫画Monster Attack Network《怪兽来袭》是由Marc Bernardin and Adam Freeman 编写,Nima Sorat绘画的。其讲述的是在发生在南大平洋上的海岛Lapuatu)的故事。在海岛上,风景优美、空气清新,类似我们中国的世外桃源,但是却有件一直困扰着大家的事情事:每隔一段时间都会有一只巨大怪兽冒出来,把小岛弄的天天翻地覆。为此,人们成立了快速反尖救援队Nate Klinger来专门处理怪兽问题。
MARVEL! At the Pacific island of Lapuatu, perfect in every way…except for the giant monsters.
THRILL! As Nate Klinger and his daring team of first-responders at the Monster Attack Network expertly deal with the frequent rampaging-beast-related crises.
WONDER! If the shady American industrialist who comes to the island bearing "gifts" and the mysterious, gorgeous Lapuatuan ex-patriate are up to no good.
ENJOY! The hair-raising adventures of the noble men and the drop-dead sexy women of the MONSTER ATTACK NETWORK!
这次迪士尼请到的是上周末的票房冠军(Race to Witch Mountain)《巫山历险记》的导演安迪•菲克曼(Andy Fickman)执导改编《怪兽来袭》(Monster Attack Network)成电影。迪士尼定位将此片拍成一部主打视觉效果的大片,目前他们已经聘请 Scott Elder 和 Josh Harmon改编剧本。
安迪•菲克曼已经为迪士尼执导了两部家庭影片《比赛计划》(The Game Plan)和《巫山历险记》,两部影片都由巨石强森(Dwayne Johnson)主演,且都取得了不俗的票房成绩。
Scott Elder 和 Josh Harmon除了改编《怪兽来袭》(Monster Attack Network)剧本外,还为迪士尼另一部影片《白雪公主和七武僧》(Snow and the Seven)写剧本,后者讲述了一个19世纪在香港长大的英国女孩在少林和尚的训练下和邪恶势力对抗的故事。
Walt Disney Studios has attached Race to Witch Mountain director Andy Fickman to helm family adventure film Monster Attack Network, reports Variety.
Scott Elder and Josh Harmon have been hired to adapt the AIT/Planet Lar graphic novel.
The 2007 graphic novel focuses on a team of first-responders who guard the citizens of Lapuatu, a Pacific island that would be a paradise except for frequent attacks by giant monsters that rise from the sea.
Marc Bernardin and Adam Freeman wrote the graphic novel, illustrated by Nima Sorat.
Disney views the film as a visual effects-heavy tentpole built around an elite government agency's resolve to protect America's coasts from huge, rampaging monsters.
《巫山历险记》Race to Witch Mountain原声无字幕下载
发帖者 影视助手小刀 时间: 07:48
剧情简介 · · · · · ·
许多年以来,美国的内华达大沙漠一直是个 "神秘" 的地方,各种各样奇怪的现象层出不穷。有人说,这是因为外星人的飞船曾在巫山(Witch Mountain)降落。有一天,拉斯维加斯一名出租车司机突然在车上发现了一男一女两名少年,而且他们会超能力!自此以后,这名出租车司机的生活被彻底打乱了。拯救世界的方法和巫山的秘密紧密相连,政府特工、黑帮匪徒与外星生物都已捷足先登,我们的 "英雄" 能抓住最后的机会吗?
《巫山历险记》Race to Witch Mountain以2500万美元的不俗开画成绩顺利登上票房榜首位,并远远把其它影片抛在后面。
发帖者 影视助手小刀 时间: 07:46
新剧《Better of Ted》:3月18日-4月29日(7集)
新剧《In The Motherhood》:3月26日-4月30日(6集)
《Samantha Who?》:3月26日-4月30日
《Private Practice》:4月30日结束
《Wife Swap》和《Supernanny》:5月1日结束
《According to Jim》:5月5日结束(全剧终)
《Ugly Betty》:5月7日-5月21日
《Brothers & Sisters》:5月10日结束
《Grey's Anatomy》:5月14日结束
《America's Funniest Home Videos》:5月15日结束
《Extreme Makeover: Home Edition》和《Desperate Housewives》:5月17日结束
《The Bachelorette》:5月18日起播出新季
《Dancing with the Stars》:5月19日结束
● 科幻频道「Sci-Fi Channel」将更名为「Syfy」,一个莫名其妙的怪异名字。这个名字将随Sci-Fi新剧《Warehouse 13》在七月份共同推出。
● 我不知道美国人是不是已经对NBC彻底丧失了信心。NBC今年每一部剧集--无论新的老的--收视率都极其糟糕。刚刚首播的《Kings》虽然相对NBC 今年其他剧集制作更为精良,但平均收视人数还不到650万,实在是非常可怜。毫无疑问,星期天晚上依然是「主妇」们的天下。
● 新线公司准备将经典电视剧《百战天龙》(MacGyver)翻拍成一部大银幕电影。该项目已正式启动。
● 《Kyle XY》已经全剧终了,你有什么想法?
Lie to me (别对我撒谎)S01E02 英文剧本
发帖者 影视助手小刀 时间: 08:10
Lie to me (别对我撒谎)S01E01 的英文剧本前几天就上传上来与大家分享了,同时答应大家,将继续完成其它的了。下面就是“Lie to Me” Season01 Episode02的中英文剧本了。一样是我通过收集网上的字幕整理出来的英文剧本,主要去掉了字幕时间序列、还有一些错误等,但不免仍然有错误。还是那句话,虽然不是很好的专业剧本,但对我们这些通过美别学习英语的人来说,是非常实用的。下载其PDF或Doc格式(Word)的英文剧本(注:压缩包有打开密码:tv-english.cn )。
Lie to Me Season01 Episode02 (千谎百计)在线英文剧本
Dr. Lightman, the guys from homeland security are here.
They want your assessment of the new handheld polygraph.
I'll be right there.
Do you work at the department of homeland security?
- Do you have black hair?
- Yes.
See, the handheld measures cardio and galvanic skin response.
It's the only poly grape overdeveloped with this kind of portability.
Oh, not quite.
Uh, cal, you know secretary miller from homeland security.
Good to see you.
And this is tom whit more, the new is a deputy.
What the hell is this?
It's a lie detector.
The West Africans used them first.
When you're on trial, you held the egg in your hands, and if it broke, it’s a sign of anxiety.
You were found guilty.
Well, I'd say our handheld's a little more advanced.
Well, unfortunately, both devices suffer from the same problem.
Uh, Ms. Cooper, would you mind?
May I?
Could you ask the control questions again, please?
What are you doing?
Do you work at the department of homeland security?
Uh, yes.
- Do you have black hair?
- Yes.
The problem with all polygraph tests is false positives.
Innocent people can fail if they feel an increase in any emotion--anger, fear, sexual arousal.
Not just guilt.
Your polygraph is no better than the egg at telling us which emotion it's responding to.
I've wanted to try that for years.
E, you would have been under faulty, but you were just angry.
You should be, uh, spending your money studying the face.
43 muscles combine to produce a passivity of 10,000 expressions.
Now, if you learn them all, you don't need a polygraph.
How much did we spend on this damn project anyway?
Uh, not much. I'm sure we can recoup most of our costs.
- Now, that was lovely.
- What?
- A gestural retreat.
- What's that?
His step backwards. Means he doesn't believe a word he just said.
He's lying.
Well, I'm not a crook.
I've earned everything I've got.
Lie To Me
Season01 Episode02 Moral Waiver
What do you see?
I see a skeptical, emotionally distant scientist obsessing over facial twitches.
Why are you doing micro expression training?
Well, I got it set at triple speed.
You know, when you try and hide your emotions, they leak out at a fifth of a second?
Well, this is testing me at a 15th of a second. Impressive. FEAR
You know who else is impressive on that thing?
Is this another attempt to get me to take ms. Torres under my wing?
You need somebody to back you on the military case.
I got you for that.
I'll be courtside with earl white.
It's a freshman shooting guard, hottest NBA prospect in the country.
College athletic association wants us to find out if he took a bribe to play for gwcu.
Well, we got a meeting at
fort meade in half an hour.
Look, I'll... I'll meet you there later,
okay, but let's get torres involved.
She's a natural. She's
got phenomenal instincts.
Doesn't mean she knows the science.
Dr. Foster said you wanted to see me?
What do you see?
Ange R.
Let's go.
Specialist sheila lake has served with
the 23rd mountain division for three years,
two of those in afghanistan.
Lake is asserting that she was
raped by her platoon leader,
00:05:32,620 --> 00:05:35,330
staff sergeant russell scott.
We'd like you to find out
if the allegation's true.
lake. Lake!
Grab your gear and report
to the staff judge advocate.
Is sergeant scottbeing court-martialed?
We're not there yet.
Sergeant scott'sleadership is crucial
to the tribalintelligence missions
we're runningon the pakistani border.
We start a court-martial proceeding,
he'll be off theline for six months.
Then, I'm afraidwe can't help you.
Excuse me?
Hire us when youwant the truth.
Why waste taxpayers' money
ifthat's not what you're after?
Dr. Lightman, my first concernis the
safety of every womanin that platoon.
That's why we'reinvestigating.
But sergeant scottpassed a polygraph.
Yeah, well,I bet his grandmother
didn't think he did it, either.
That's equally reliable.
Look, sergeant scott's
setto redeploy in three days.
He's the only commander who can
recognizehostiles on that border.
Without him,the mission's more
dangerous for every soldierin the 23rd.
I certainly can'thave a rapist in
charge ofthe females in that platoon,
but if I'm going to pull
sergeant scottoff the line,
I need to know this
womanis telling the truth.
Six-five, moves li
ke he's five-one.
Could dunk at ten, won
thestate championship at 14.
National high schoolplayer of
the year the last three years.
I would not have pegged
youfor a hoops geek.
You know thefifth-grade boy
with the vintagedr. J poster
and the instant recallof
his career stats?
I was that boy.
Dr. Foster? I'm jeremy levinewith
the athletic association.
Thanks for coming down.
Who doesn'tenjoy a day
watching earl whitedo his thing?
Howard taftcertainly does.
He's thealumni booster who allegedly paid
earl $50,000to come and play for carver.
We'd like to investigatethis quietly.
Earl's a good kid. He
lost his momlast year.
He's raisinghis brother on his own.
Plus, he's gonnago pro this spring, and you don't
wantany more bad press for the "one and done"
Making kids go to college for a yearbefore they
pro forces them to takehigh school more
It also forcesyoung superstars to play a yearof
college ball, jacking up ratingsand revenues.
Loker here has a hard
timewith half-truths.
Earl white,dr. Gillian foster
and her associate,eli loker.
You folksare the lie guys, right?
More the truth guys,but
it depends on the case.
Do you havesome time to chat?
You know, I have to takemy little brother
home, and I got an econ midtermtomorrow.
Need to get with the books,you know?
But hit my cell later.
Anything I c doto clear my name.
Appreciate it.
Any quick reads?
His speech was hurried, and he brought that
basketballto his chest, creating a barrier
between us.
Those are both signs of anxiety.
Well, that's something any college athletemight
feel when he's been accusedof taking a bribe.
We're not magicians. We're scientists.
We'll need to talk to earland the booster
to spot any conclusive signsof lying.
I'm not naive, okay?
When you sign upto be one of
four women in a platoonof 30 guys,
guys who aren'tgonna see another
womanfor six months, well...
like they say in girl
scouts, "be prepared."
So, you wereharassed?
Porn in the latrines...
jody calls.
Jody calls?
* I taught that bitchher
left then right *
* nailed her ass then left last night.*
- Got it.
- Yeah.
Did staff sergeant
scottparticipate in any of this?
He didn't make jokes or anything, but...
oh, his hands were everywhere.
He liked to walk in on uswhile we were
changing, if we were in the showers.
Tell us about the attack.
I was, uh...
I was on my way backfrom a workout.
Ran into himbehind the mess.
And he ordered me to strip.
He grabbed me.
He pinned me down.
And he assaulted me.
I was sexually assaulted.
Hey, what's upwith the mime act?
You ask the questions,I observe.
Dr. Lightman findsasking
questions distracting.
He prefers to watch.
You finish the psych profileon
the guy she's accused?
Nice to see you, too.
What's his problem?
Friendly fire. "Collateral damage."
You can start with
thelies in the language.
Bet they're notgonna end there.
Last tuesday? I went to dinner.
I had a few drinksat the nco club.
I stopped by the px, and then
headed backto the barracks.
Tell me again--start
with drinks.
Drinks, px, barracks.
Toothpaste and deodorant.
I have the receipt.
You weren't anywherenear the mess hall?
I just said I wasn'T.
And you're telling me you
didn'tattack specialist lake?
That's exactly what I'm saying,and
while we're on the subject...
Okay. That's good.
Thanks for your time.
Hey, you. Whoa, quite
a bicepyou have there.
You must really lovethe
weight room, huh?
I don't normally mix
business withpleasure, but...
And I was wondering you
fancygrabbing a drink later or...
Uh, I'm not gay.
And isn't thisa little inappropriate?
Absolutely. Sorry.
Ght. Ri excuse me.
What the hell was that?
I love a man in uniform,you know?
The rape was unplaed,one time,
with no additionalviolence.
That suggestsa power assertive rapist,
somebody who is obsessedwith masculinity,
who needs othersto see him as a man.
If sergeant scott fitthe profile, he would have
reactedto my overture with one emotion--
There was no disgust,just surprise.
Correct-- eyebrows
up, jaw down.
Okay, but... the guy
was totally amped up.
Yeah, but he showedno deception
leakage, right,no sign of lying.
He looked like he wantedto
throw me across the room.
A man charged with rapeis even more
likely to be angry if he's innocent.
- Well, they can't bothbe telling the truth.
- They're not.
Sheila lake madetwo mouth shrugs
when she was describingthe rape.
That's a classic gestural slip.
It means she has no
confidencein her words.
The woman was lying.
I was sexually assaulted.
You really think a woman
would lie about rape?
Unpleasant truths, pleasant truths,
human mortality,a moustache on a woman--
three thingswe'd all prefer to ignore.
Fbi crime reports have found that eight
percent of rapeallegations are false.
Okay, but the army vetsI worked with at tsa
said that sexual assaultwas a big problem.
It doesn't explainthe gestural slip.
Lake's alsonot exhibiting any of the
emotionsa rape victim typically displays
whenrecounting her story.
No shame... no fear.
We should be seeing a lotof activity
in the forehead, but there isn't any.
Maybe she's got post-traumatic stress.
Emotional numbingmight explain her
inabilityto express her feelings...
but not the mouth shrug.
Look, I'm telling you,there's
something off about sergeant scott.
You know, I once had actors play
out the testimonyfrom a rape case
in front of 30 federal judges.
And you knowthe biggest predictor of
whether they believed the man or the woman?
E gender of the judge.
You think I'm saying he's
guilty 'cause I'm a woman?
Me, darwin, and 2,000
yearsof evolutionary biology.
Well, I think whatdr.
Lightman is trying to say is
that it's important not tolet what you bring
in the room affect what yousee in the room.
Dr. Lightman?
What is it?
Harassment report. Opportunity
rep just sent it over.
Looks like it was
filedanonymously last fall.
It alleges sergeant
scottsurprised women in the showers
and entered their barracksunannounced.
Hmm, backs up lake's story.
You know,generally it's not a good
idea to call your boss an idiot.
- I didn't sayyou were an idi...
- but your buccinator did.
That's not...
oh, that's a pretty impressivecombination
of contempt and disgust.
I'M... I'm S... I...
apology accepted.
Head back to fort meade and check intothe
personnel files of the woman andthe sergeant.
And hang in there.
- you should consider goinga little easier on
- Why?
She's all false positives.
See, that's the troublewith naturals.
They don't seewhat's missing.
They're all instinctand no science.
I'll havea falafel sandwich, please.
An italian ice. Grape.
You wash your hands today?
Uh, yeah, of course.
Do you have any kindof
pain in your neck?
Uh, no. Why?
People touch itwhen they lie.
It's a classic manipulator.
- you beento them athrootoday?
- Cal.
Uh, no.
Oh, great.
Anybody else wanta side of feces?
Anybody? Side of feces?
If an alum took me here, I would
want to playhoops for carver.
I bet it made an
impressionon earl white.
Why is it guys namedwhite are always
black and guys named blackare always white?
Am I going to besorry you're here?
Barry white,jack black.
Does your radical honestypledge mean
you have to sayeverything you think?
It's the only wayto be truly honest.
Let's turn it offwhile
we're working, shall we?
Now, what do we knowabout the booster?
Uh, howard taft, forty-five, made
his moneyon internet job boards,
led the funding campaign
forcarver's new athletic center.
Apparently helikes giving back.
Mr. Taft, thanks for
agreeingto talk with us.
Always a pleasure to talkcarver
basketball, dr. Foster.
Oh, championship ring. Sweet.
Must have cost afortune online.
Actually, I, uh,I earned it
riding the pinefor the '86 team.
What's that?
It's a, uh, voice stress analyzer.
It measures pitchand gauges anxiety.
We find it's less about
whatyou say than how you say it.
Now, tell usabout your
relationship with earl white.
He ordered me to strip.
He grabbed me...
oh, sorry.
These are specialistlake's
platoon mates.
Thanks for coming in.
I want to conductindividual interviews, so
if you could comewith me, you two stay here.
Thanks, heidi.
Pinned me down.
And he assaulted me.
I was sexually assaulted.
you finish the vocalstress
analysis on taft?
Yeah. Check it out.
Oh, championship ring. Sweet.
Must have cost a fortune online.
Actually, I... I earned it
riding the pine for the '86 team.
Typical vocal stresson
a typical question.
That's taft'svocal stress baseline.
And given how irritatingmost
people find you...
it's a high tolerance baseline.
He'd have to beextremely anxious
for his pitchto spike above it, so...
applying the baseline...
you can see from the spikesthat taft
had three moments of extreme anxiety.
Let me guess. That's when he
denied bribingour basketball phenom.
Yep. Indistinguishableto the ear, but...
and, no, I didn't bribe earl white.
Really, I didn't give earl a penny.
A bribe? I barely know the kid.
Thanksto the technology, we can
see the stressin taft's voice.
The data suggestsyoung mr. White
just came into a lot of money.
But we've seen no uptick
in earl'sspending habits.
I talked to his friends.
The guy's got no bling, he lives in a
walk-upwith his brother, he takes the bus...
earl's got a big payday
coming assoon as he turns pro.
Why take taft's moneyif
he's not going to spend it?
The psychology'sinconsistent.
We need to getinside earl's head.
You want me to pullrecent
interview footage,
see if he leaks anything when
he talks aboutplaying for carver?
What's that last sound wave?
Always a pleasure to talk
carver basketball, dr. Foster.
That is when taft met you.
See how the graphis all scrunched up?
It indicates arousal.
Apparentlythe pine was not the only
thingour aging jock wanted to ride.
Hey, can I...
Staff sergeantscott has a past.
He has a criminal record?
A long one.
I thought you couldn't
getinto the army with a record.
You can't, unless they grant
youwhat's called a moral waiver.
It used to bejust for misdemeanors,
but the armyis so stretched for recruits
that they're using themto let felons in.
Moral waiver.
The army reallyhas a way with words.
Uh, sergeant scottwas arrested for
possession, arson,assault and battery...
he has an arson conviction?
He was 16,but the assault's more recent.
No, I-it's the arsonthat's significant.
Arson and rape havean
unusually high correlation.
They're both crimesabout
the assertion of power.
So with the arson conviction...
yeah. It makes the
rapea lot more likely.
We're seng promising indicators
in the pentium chip market.
Techspring earningsshould
be strong as ever.
Hey, boss.
Call my broker, have him dump
all my holdingsin techspring.
Okay. And, uh, I just
spokewith major harris' office.
I told themyou were on your way.
Look at that hand shrug.
It's not a good time to
be investing in techspring.
We need to talk about sergeant scott.
This is classified. How'd you get it?
The same wayyou would have.
Given the correlationbetween
arson and rape...
well, it's interesting,but
it's irrelevant, I'm afraid.
Turns out lake's ptoon
matesd rather a lot to say.
Heidi said they
wouldn'ttalk about the rape.
Well, I didn't bring
themin to hear them talk.
I brought them into watch them listen.
- they turned thevideo back on, huh?
- Yep.
It's human nature.
They always flip the switch.
Hey, natural. What do you see?
Nothing. I don't seeanything.
- I don't understand.
- Well, look.
The absence of emotion is...
just as importantas
the presence of emotion.
Now, you,you need to learn that.
When womenlisten to a rape victim they
believe,they reflect certain emotions.
They blush, avert their
eyes,hunch their shoulders.
These women exhibitnone of that.
They're not showingany reflectors.
So they don't believe her.
That doesn't prove anything.
Lake lived with those womenfor three
years and neither one of themis reacting.
They knowthis rape never happened.
You made a false accusationagainst
your sergeant. That's a crime.
And then there's the other
women in your platoon.
You know, we have mpsstanding by.
If your friendshelped you plan this,
they're as guiltyas you are, right?
They know you're lying,don't they?
Thought so.
Have the mps arresther platoon
mates. They're all in on it.
No!Look, they had noth...They
had nothing to do with it.
It was my idea.
Sergeant Scott didn't rape you?
No.He didn't.
Take Specialist Lake into custody.
How could you do this?
You know how hard it is
for women in the military.
The army has just started to
take these claims seriously.
There are victims out
there who need help.
A lot of them.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
I may have lied, but I
was doing the right thing.
Okay, I was trying
to protect my platoon.
I was doing the right thing.
I was doing the right thing!
ladies, if you could,uh, wait in there,
I will be taking youin one at a time.
Playing outyour favorite
fantasies, loker?
Studyingthe psychological
influence of uniformson credibility.
Lightman wanted to see how they
affect people'sability to spot lies.
Women in uniform?
I do love my work.
How's it going with lightman?
Uh, he's not my biggest fan.
Well, that's just'cause
you're uneducated.
Excuse me?
We, you're a natural.
The few naturalslightman's come
across have one thing in common.
No college degree.
You haven't been askedto focus on verbal
skills, so you focus on body language.
You're sayingI can't learn the science.
I'm saying you didn't ha to.
That's got tobe irritating for a guywho's spent
two decades trying to seewhat you were born
That's very un-loker of you.
I've never beenwith a latina woman.
Don't push it.
How's it goingwith the ballplayer?
- Ballplayers play baseball.
- Yeah.
Chicken dumpling?
Oh, no. Never eatmeat I can't see.
No. Really. No. You have
no ideawhat's in there.
Take a look at this.
Earl white just tookstate
for the third time.
The kid's on the list of
everynba scout in the country,
but when asked aboutplaying pro ball...
chin thrust. He's angry.
Earl white shouldbe on top of the
world. Why is he secretly angry?
I spot the liars. You're
the feelingsdepartment.
Follow me.
I got somethingfor you.
Okay, would you lie to right a wrong?
Depends. Why?
Lake lied, but then said she
wasprotecting her platoon.
I'm doing the right thing.
She said it with conviction,and
with no deception leakage.
How does accusing your commanderof
rape protect the platoon?
That's what iasked myself.
Okay, these are the individual
interviewswith her platoon mates.
Watch what happens whenthey
discuss sergeant scott.
Sergeant scott is a strong leader.
I'm glad sergeant scott's in command.
- Concealed disgust.
- Yup.
Looks the sameevery time.
They knowhe didn't rape sheila lake,
but they feel intense disgustfor him.
Made me think.
What if sheilalake didn't
lie about everything?
What if she lied about
thevictim, but not the crime?
So, you think sergeant scott
rapedsomeone else in the platoon?
The harassment report,arson conviction-- both
consistent with theprofile of a rapist, right?
What if the real victim is
too scaredto come forward?
So lake accuses sergeant
scottto right a past wrong,
and to protect the other
womenin the platoon.
Do you thinkscott raped one of them?
No. None of them isexhibiting any fear.
It could have been someonewho was
transferred, orr killed in combat.
I thought we weredone with this case.
No. It's possible sergeant scott raped
someone who used to be in the platoon.
Your buccinator'splaying up again.
It's not... I didn't say...
Oh, look. Now you'reembarrassed.
Well, you haveevery reason to be.
You did get it wrong,didn't you?
- I mean, sergeant scott didn't rape sheila lake.
- Cal...
what? She's the one making
snidecomments. Look at her face.
How do people work here?
Sergeant scott redeployswithin 24 hours.
I want you to get aholdof
military personnel.
I want the historic rosterfor
the platoon right away.
Got it.
Oh, what,now you're starting on me?
Don't say something you'll
regret. And I saw that.
Can I have a muffin?
Ah, no. No, no, no, youdon't want
the muffins here. They are terrible.
They taste like sofa cushions covered
with the moldy nutsyour grandmother used to
- keep in that old jar on her...
- Okay, okay.
Between you and lightman,a girl could
starve. Do you have something for me?
Yeah, um...
I've been watching tape of e l trying
to understandwhat's behind the anger.
Uh, nothing so far,but I did
come up with this expression.
I've been throughthe facial coding book,
and there's elementsof au-four and au-five.
- But it's not anger.
- No.
It's not.
Can we pull up full
statsfor earl over the year?
Sure. What emotion is it?
It's not an emotion.
And earlier, ceo robert
rosiello tried to calm investors
after techspring shares plummeted in
the wake of a subpar q1 earnings report.
This is entirely unexpected.
I'm sure we'll rebound
in the second quarter.
You know, for a ceo,this
guy's a terrible liar.
You talk to personnelat fort meade?
None of the womenin the 23rd died in
combat, but there's onewho went awol.
Rebecca metz was on the
23rd'sroster in afghanistan.
Went awolfour months ago, shortly
afterher transfer request was denied.
She tried to transfer outof her platoon?
That's not all.
Here's a copy of the anonymousharassment
report on sergeant scott.
Handwriting's the same.
They have any idea where she is?
No, but the numberof awol soldiers
has doubled since we invaded iraq.
I doubt they gotthe manpower
to play that muchhide-and-seek.
- Well, she's got relativesin baltimore, right?
- Yeah.
Hate to miss a family reunion.
Uh, what canI do for you?
Looking for your
granddaughter,rebecca metz?
She's not here.
Sounds good. You mind if I borrow this?
What? Where are you going?
- Help!
- Grandpa? Grand...
Sheila admitted she was lying, but she
said she was tryingto protect the platoon.
I don't knowwhat this has to do with me.
Sheila didn't makeeverything up.
We know whyyou went awol.
We're not herefor the army.
We just want to knowwhat happened.
I, uh...
never had a problem with
sergeant scottin the states.
He wasn't loudor gross
like the other guys. But...
but on our first day
inafghanistan, after curfew,
he came in my tent.
He raped you?
The sergeant'sin charge.
He's supposed to have your back.
My job is to say yes.
Yes, sir.
It happened more than once?
Almost every night over
there... for months.
I couldn't take it anymore.
When we got back, I just...
you ran.
You need to come with us.
Your platoon redeploys tomorrow.
You can't letthe army send those women
back to afghanistanwith sergeant scott.
I can't go back.
Well, what about
sheila? She lied for you.
- I... I can'T.
- Rebecca...
no. I...
Okay. Okay then.
- Sorry tobarge in.
- What are you doing?
- I'm going back to the base.
- But...
How did... Did they follow us here?
Oh, no. I called them.
Leave me alone.
- Rebecca...
- I know you calledthe mps.
Well, I had hopedyou'd talk,
but, yeah, I had themstanding by.
- Rebecca, if you explain to us...
- Don't you get it?
Do you have any ideawhat it's
like to be a woman in the military?
You're either a bitchor a whore.
And they're just waitingfor you to
fail, to admit you can't hack it.
Well, then, go to jail. That'll sh 'em.
Be all you can be.
You're scared.
You are still scared of sergeant scott.
I'm not afraid of him.
You're afraid of something.
I'm afraidthey won't believe me.
Ah, it doesn't matterif
they believe you.
They'll believe me.
Hey, earl. Thanks for taking the time.
By the way,I'm a big
fan. Would you mind?
Oh, no problem.
Bet this'll be wortht a losome day.
Oh, yeah.
Autographs, shoes, bobble heads.
Pro ball is big business.
See the chin thrust?
You thrust your chin out.
That's a signof anger.
You do it whenever you
talk about your pro career.
I think it's 'cause you're
angryyou're not gonna have one.
Hey, earl, catch.
We've seen thatbefore, too.
You make that face almost every
time youcatch a pass these days.
It's intensity.
No, actually, it's pain.
Doctors call itthe primal face of pain.
It's universal.
So what is it, earl?
Carpal tunnel? Arthritis?
Look, you know how many hoursI've
spent shooting free throws?
I've busted my asson the
court since I was nine.
I'm raising my brother,trying
to pay the rent--
a big pro contractwas
gonna change all that.
But you knowwho drafts
someone with erosive artitis?
So you took the bribe.
Look, I could've gone
proout of hhoolh sc,
but the athletic associationneeds
its big tournament,
so I gotta spendmy last good year
playing college ballfor nothing.
Look, mr. Taft's check was
the only paydayI was gonna get.
You telling me you wouldn't
havetaken that money?
I told the postcommander
this matterwas settled.
Sergeant scott isvital to our efforts.
He's supposed tobe on
a plane at 0100 hours.
I guess if the army's going to jeopardizethe
safety of women, it should be doneon time,
Private metz was awolfor five months.
You're sure her allegationhas merit?
I'm telling youshe's not lying.
Sergeant scott.
I'm convening an article
32court-martial hearing next week.
Unpack your gear, son.
Major harris, my client would
like toavoid any unnecessary delay.
He wants tplead out?
Our mission on the pakistaniborder
is critical to our safetyhere at home
and I have a
responsibilityto my platoon.
So, yes, I'm ready to plead
guiltyto fraternization.
Sergeant scott had aconsensual
relationship wi private metz.
Becky was my girlfriend, sir.
This photo was taken duringthe period when
my client was allegedly rapingprivate metz.
Do you have otherslike this?
We have several, major.
You still want to
tellme she's not lying?
Isolate rebecca metz.
There's something not
rightabout her smile.
She doesn't look happy.
Push in on her eyes.
Browup,pulled together.
She's scared.
Yeah, it's a masking smile.
She's smilingbut her
eyes say she's afraid.
Very afraid.
- Will you pull up the masking smiles?
- Yeah.
Miss south carolina
can'tshow fear to the judges;
sarah palin has the
sameproblem with the press.
Rebecca metzwith her platoon leader.
Right, she doesn't want to
beinvolved with sergeant scott,
but he's her commander,she's
got to do what he says.
He wants sex, right?
She feels forcedto give it to him.
She can't say no.
It's nonconsensual. It's rape.
Army psychologistshave reported
several recent cases like this.
They're calling it"command rape."
It's comparable tosexual
harassment, but much moreextreme.
When your boss makes advances,
you're scaredof losing your job.
But if it's your platoon leader,
you're scaredof losing your life.
Sergeant scottredeploys tonight,
we have to get backto fort meade.
They won't believeit was rape.
Sergeant scott neverraised a hand.
It doesn't matter that he
didn't attack youphysically.
You were coerced.
No one's going to see itthat way.
I never actually said no.
He was responsiblefor your
safety. You had to feel threatened.
I was terrified.
Everyone knewif you crossed
him, he'd make you drive lead.
- Drive lead?
- Lead truck in the convoy.
It's the mostvulnerable
to a roadside bomb.
I had a friend die that way.
I knew from the firsttime he came
into my tent thatif I said no,
I'd beriving lead for a month.
So you just took it. You never said no?
Well, that's what
you'lltell major harris.
He'll never believe me.
Sure he will. We'll
put you on a polygraph.
They love themover there.
he'll never sayit that way. Sergeant
scott nevermade me drive lead.
And he'll never admithe would have.
She's right. We stilldon't have any
proof that he was tyingher safety to sex.
The truth isn't good
enoughfor these people.
Who said anythingabout the truth?
- Is your name Rebecca metz?
- Yes.
And are you a private first class
with the 23rd mountain division?
Did you ve a relationship with
staff sergeant russell scott?
Private metz, let me rephrase.
Were you physically involved with staff
sergeant scott when you serving in afghanistan?
Yes. He forced me to have sex with him.
We had a relationship!
He ordered you to have sex with him?
No. But he was my commanding
officer, I didn't have a choice.
Did you ever refuse to have
sex with sergeant scott?
Yes... once.
He forced me to drive
leadconvoy for a week.
Th's a lie.
If she's lying,it graphs
above the red bar here?
that's right. Machine says it's true.
Well, it's not true!
The polygraph says it is.
I don't carewhat the machine
says. She's making it up.
I never made her drive lead!
- you never made her Drive lead?
- No!
I thought that duty rotates.
You never made her drive lead?
I-I never made her
drive lead! It's a lie!
Sergeant, you don't have to respond.
So, as long she wasin a relationship
with you, she never hadto drive lead.
- Is that right?
- sergeant scott...
is that right, sergeant scott?
Sergeant scott,don'T...
- Is that right, sergeant scott?
- You don't have to respond.
Yeah! Yeah, that's right.
What? What?
Well, her safetywas in your charge.
You traded her safety for sex.
Major harris, my
clientdoesn't understand...
yes, he does.
What he did wasn't fraternization.
It was rape.
Arrest him underarticle 120.
You don't know we het
thll you're talking about.
I'm a decorated soldier!
I didn't do anything wrong!
Yeah, it sounds good.
What do you want, huh?
I'm already suspended, they're taking
away myscholarship, you hung me out.
You're the onewho took the bribe.
Look, the system's broken, earl.
And what am isupposed to do, huh?
How am I supposed to
take careof my brother?
I heard you did pretty
wellon your econ midterm.
- So?
- you want A degree.
So I convinced dr. Lightmanto
put our fee into a trust.
Probably not enough forfour years at
carver, but it'll get youthrough maryland.
What if I don't want your money?
Then throw it away. It's your call.
How did she do it?
We both know metz was
lyingabout driving lead convoy.
How did she beat the polygraph?
- valium?
- Yeah.
Takes the edge off.
Mutes the emotionalresponse.
You... you drugged herso she could lie?
Never let the facts getin
the way of the truth.
- you know, I wanted to...
- yeah, I know. Thanks.
For what?
You had a slightgratitude smile.
What, you're surprised? Really?
You know, just because idon't know your
science doesn't meanI don't know things.
You know, when you don'tknow the
science, you don't seethe whole picture.
People can get hurt,you know?
What was that? What happened?
- What?
- Shame.
When you saidpeople get
hurt, you showed shame.
I don't know whatyou're talking about.
You're lying.
Get used to it.
Lie to Me Season01 Episode02 (千谎百计)在线英文剧本
Dr. Lightman, the guys from homeland security are here.
They want your assessment of the new handheld polygraph.
I'll be right there.
Do you work at the department of homeland security?
- Do you have black hair?
- Yes.
See, the handheld measures cardio and galvanic skin response.
It's the only poly grape overdeveloped with this kind of portability.
Oh, not quite.
Uh, cal, you know secretary miller from homeland security.
Good to see you.
And this is tom whit more, the new is a deputy.
What the hell is this?
It's a lie detector.
The West Africans used them first.
When you're on trial, you held the egg in your hands, and if it broke, it’s a sign of anxiety.
You were found guilty.
Well, I'd say our handheld's a little more advanced.
Well, unfortunately, both devices suffer from the same problem.
Uh, Ms. Cooper, would you mind?
May I?
Could you ask the control questions again, please?
What are you doing?
Do you work at the department of homeland security?
Uh, yes.
- Do you have black hair?
- Yes.
The problem with all polygraph tests is false positives.
Innocent people can fail if they feel an increase in any emotion--anger, fear, sexual arousal.
Not just guilt.
Your polygraph is no better than the egg at telling us which emotion it's responding to.
I've wanted to try that for years.
E, you would have been under faulty, but you were just angry.
You should be, uh, spending your money studying the face.
43 muscles combine to produce a passivity of 10,000 expressions.
Now, if you learn them all, you don't need a polygraph.
How much did we spend on this damn project anyway?
Uh, not much. I'm sure we can recoup most of our costs.
- Now, that was lovely.
- What?
- A gestural retreat.
- What's that?
His step backwards. Means he doesn't believe a word he just said.
He's lying.
Well, I'm not a crook.
I've earned everything I've got.
Lie To Me
Season01 Episode02 Moral Waiver
What do you see?
I see a skeptical, emotionally distant scientist obsessing over facial twitches.
Why are you doing micro expression training?
Well, I got it set at triple speed.
You know, when you try and hide your emotions, they leak out at a fifth of a second?
Well, this is testing me at a 15th of a second. Impressive. FEAR
You know who else is impressive on that thing?
Is this another attempt to get me to take ms. Torres under my wing?
You need somebody to back you on the military case.
I got you for that.
I'll be courtside with earl white.
It's a freshman shooting guard, hottest NBA prospect in the country.
College athletic association wants us to find out if he took a bribe to play for gwcu.
Well, we got a meeting at
fort meade in half an hour.
Look, I'll... I'll meet you there later,
okay, but let's get torres involved.
She's a natural. She's
got phenomenal instincts.
Doesn't mean she knows the science.
Dr. Foster said you wanted to see me?
What do you see?
Ange R.
Let's go.
Specialist sheila lake has served with
the 23rd mountain division for three years,
two of those in afghanistan.
Lake is asserting that she was
raped by her platoon leader,
00:05:32,620 --> 00:05:35,330
staff sergeant russell scott.
We'd like you to find out
if the allegation's true.
lake. Lake!
Grab your gear and report
to the staff judge advocate.
Is sergeant scottbeing court-martialed?
We're not there yet.
Sergeant scott'sleadership is crucial
to the tribalintelligence missions
we're runningon the pakistani border.
We start a court-martial proceeding,
he'll be off theline for six months.
Then, I'm afraidwe can't help you.
Excuse me?
Hire us when youwant the truth.
Why waste taxpayers' money
ifthat's not what you're after?
Dr. Lightman, my first concernis the
safety of every womanin that platoon.
That's why we'reinvestigating.
But sergeant scottpassed a polygraph.
Yeah, well,I bet his grandmother
didn't think he did it, either.
That's equally reliable.
Look, sergeant scott's
setto redeploy in three days.
He's the only commander who can
recognizehostiles on that border.
Without him,the mission's more
dangerous for every soldierin the 23rd.
I certainly can'thave a rapist in
charge ofthe females in that platoon,
but if I'm going to pull
sergeant scottoff the line,
I need to know this
womanis telling the truth.
Six-five, moves li
ke he's five-one.
Could dunk at ten, won
thestate championship at 14.
National high schoolplayer of
the year the last three years.
I would not have pegged
youfor a hoops geek.
You know thefifth-grade boy
with the vintagedr. J poster
and the instant recallof
his career stats?
I was that boy.
Dr. Foster? I'm jeremy levinewith
the athletic association.
Thanks for coming down.
Who doesn'tenjoy a day
watching earl whitedo his thing?
Howard taftcertainly does.
He's thealumni booster who allegedly paid
earl $50,000to come and play for carver.
We'd like to investigatethis quietly.
Earl's a good kid. He
lost his momlast year.
He's raisinghis brother on his own.
Plus, he's gonnago pro this spring, and you don't
wantany more bad press for the "one and done"
Making kids go to college for a yearbefore they
pro forces them to takehigh school more
It also forcesyoung superstars to play a yearof
college ball, jacking up ratingsand revenues.
Loker here has a hard
timewith half-truths.
Earl white,dr. Gillian foster
and her associate,eli loker.
You folksare the lie guys, right?
More the truth guys,but
it depends on the case.
Do you havesome time to chat?
You know, I have to takemy little brother
home, and I got an econ midtermtomorrow.
Need to get with the books,you know?
But hit my cell later.
Anything I c doto clear my name.
Appreciate it.
Any quick reads?
His speech was hurried, and he brought that
basketballto his chest, creating a barrier
between us.
Those are both signs of anxiety.
Well, that's something any college athletemight
feel when he's been accusedof taking a bribe.
We're not magicians. We're scientists.
We'll need to talk to earland the booster
to spot any conclusive signsof lying.
I'm not naive, okay?
When you sign upto be one of
four women in a platoonof 30 guys,
guys who aren'tgonna see another
womanfor six months, well...
like they say in girl
scouts, "be prepared."
So, you wereharassed?
Porn in the latrines...
jody calls.
Jody calls?
* I taught that bitchher
left then right *
* nailed her ass then left last night.*
- Got it.
- Yeah.
Did staff sergeant
scottparticipate in any of this?
He didn't make jokes or anything, but...
oh, his hands were everywhere.
He liked to walk in on uswhile we were
changing, if we were in the showers.
Tell us about the attack.
I was, uh...
I was on my way backfrom a workout.
Ran into himbehind the mess.
And he ordered me to strip.
He grabbed me.
He pinned me down.
And he assaulted me.
I was sexually assaulted.
Hey, what's upwith the mime act?
You ask the questions,I observe.
Dr. Lightman findsasking
questions distracting.
He prefers to watch.
You finish the psych profileon
the guy she's accused?
Nice to see you, too.
What's his problem?
Friendly fire. "Collateral damage."
You can start with
thelies in the language.
Bet they're notgonna end there.
Last tuesday? I went to dinner.
I had a few drinksat the nco club.
I stopped by the px, and then
headed backto the barracks.
Tell me again--start
with drinks.
Drinks, px, barracks.
Toothpaste and deodorant.
I have the receipt.
You weren't anywherenear the mess hall?
I just said I wasn'T.
And you're telling me you
didn'tattack specialist lake?
That's exactly what I'm saying,and
while we're on the subject...
Okay. That's good.
Thanks for your time.
Hey, you. Whoa, quite
a bicepyou have there.
You must really lovethe
weight room, huh?
I don't normally mix
business withpleasure, but...
And I was wondering you
fancygrabbing a drink later or...
Uh, I'm not gay.
And isn't thisa little inappropriate?
Absolutely. Sorry.
Ght. Ri excuse me.
What the hell was that?
I love a man in uniform,you know?
The rape was unplaed,one time,
with no additionalviolence.
That suggestsa power assertive rapist,
somebody who is obsessedwith masculinity,
who needs othersto see him as a man.
If sergeant scott fitthe profile, he would have
reactedto my overture with one emotion--
There was no disgust,just surprise.
Correct-- eyebrows
up, jaw down.
Okay, but... the guy
was totally amped up.
Yeah, but he showedno deception
leakage, right,no sign of lying.
He looked like he wantedto
throw me across the room.
A man charged with rapeis even more
likely to be angry if he's innocent.
- Well, they can't bothbe telling the truth.
- They're not.
Sheila lake madetwo mouth shrugs
when she was describingthe rape.
That's a classic gestural slip.
It means she has no
confidencein her words.
The woman was lying.
I was sexually assaulted.
You really think a woman
would lie about rape?
Unpleasant truths, pleasant truths,
human mortality,a moustache on a woman--
three thingswe'd all prefer to ignore.
Fbi crime reports have found that eight
percent of rapeallegations are false.
Okay, but the army vetsI worked with at tsa
said that sexual assaultwas a big problem.
It doesn't explainthe gestural slip.
Lake's alsonot exhibiting any of the
emotionsa rape victim typically displays
whenrecounting her story.
No shame... no fear.
We should be seeing a lotof activity
in the forehead, but there isn't any.
Maybe she's got post-traumatic stress.
Emotional numbingmight explain her
inabilityto express her feelings...
but not the mouth shrug.
Look, I'm telling you,there's
something off about sergeant scott.
You know, I once had actors play
out the testimonyfrom a rape case
in front of 30 federal judges.
And you knowthe biggest predictor of
whether they believed the man or the woman?
E gender of the judge.
You think I'm saying he's
guilty 'cause I'm a woman?
Me, darwin, and 2,000
yearsof evolutionary biology.
Well, I think whatdr.
Lightman is trying to say is
that it's important not tolet what you bring
in the room affect what yousee in the room.
Dr. Lightman?
What is it?
Harassment report. Opportunity
rep just sent it over.
Looks like it was
filedanonymously last fall.
It alleges sergeant
scottsurprised women in the showers
and entered their barracksunannounced.
Hmm, backs up lake's story.
You know,generally it's not a good
idea to call your boss an idiot.
- I didn't sayyou were an idi...
- but your buccinator did.
That's not...
oh, that's a pretty impressivecombination
of contempt and disgust.
I'M... I'm S... I...
apology accepted.
Head back to fort meade and check intothe
personnel files of the woman andthe sergeant.
And hang in there.
- you should consider goinga little easier on
- Why?
She's all false positives.
See, that's the troublewith naturals.
They don't seewhat's missing.
They're all instinctand no science.
I'll havea falafel sandwich, please.
An italian ice. Grape.
You wash your hands today?
Uh, yeah, of course.
Do you have any kindof
pain in your neck?
Uh, no. Why?
People touch itwhen they lie.
It's a classic manipulator.
- you beento them athrootoday?
- Cal.
Uh, no.
Oh, great.
Anybody else wanta side of feces?
Anybody? Side of feces?
If an alum took me here, I would
want to playhoops for carver.
I bet it made an
impressionon earl white.
Why is it guys namedwhite are always
black and guys named blackare always white?
Am I going to besorry you're here?
Barry white,jack black.
Does your radical honestypledge mean
you have to sayeverything you think?
It's the only wayto be truly honest.
Let's turn it offwhile
we're working, shall we?
Now, what do we knowabout the booster?
Uh, howard taft, forty-five, made
his moneyon internet job boards,
led the funding campaign
forcarver's new athletic center.
Apparently helikes giving back.
Mr. Taft, thanks for
agreeingto talk with us.
Always a pleasure to talkcarver
basketball, dr. Foster.
Oh, championship ring. Sweet.
Must have cost afortune online.
Actually, I, uh,I earned it
riding the pinefor the '86 team.
What's that?
It's a, uh, voice stress analyzer.
It measures pitchand gauges anxiety.
We find it's less about
whatyou say than how you say it.
Now, tell usabout your
relationship with earl white.
He ordered me to strip.
He grabbed me...
oh, sorry.
These are specialistlake's
platoon mates.
Thanks for coming in.
I want to conductindividual interviews, so
if you could comewith me, you two stay here.
Thanks, heidi.
Pinned me down.
And he assaulted me.
I was sexually assaulted.
you finish the vocalstress
analysis on taft?
Yeah. Check it out.
Oh, championship ring. Sweet.
Must have cost a fortune online.
Actually, I... I earned it
riding the pine for the '86 team.
Typical vocal stresson
a typical question.
That's taft'svocal stress baseline.
And given how irritatingmost
people find you...
it's a high tolerance baseline.
He'd have to beextremely anxious
for his pitchto spike above it, so...
applying the baseline...
you can see from the spikesthat taft
had three moments of extreme anxiety.
Let me guess. That's when he
denied bribingour basketball phenom.
Yep. Indistinguishableto the ear, but...
and, no, I didn't bribe earl white.
Really, I didn't give earl a penny.
A bribe? I barely know the kid.
Thanksto the technology, we can
see the stressin taft's voice.
The data suggestsyoung mr. White
just came into a lot of money.
But we've seen no uptick
in earl'sspending habits.
I talked to his friends.
The guy's got no bling, he lives in a
walk-upwith his brother, he takes the bus...
earl's got a big payday
coming assoon as he turns pro.
Why take taft's moneyif
he's not going to spend it?
The psychology'sinconsistent.
We need to getinside earl's head.
You want me to pullrecent
interview footage,
see if he leaks anything when
he talks aboutplaying for carver?
What's that last sound wave?
Always a pleasure to talk
carver basketball, dr. Foster.
That is when taft met you.
See how the graphis all scrunched up?
It indicates arousal.
Apparentlythe pine was not the only
thingour aging jock wanted to ride.
Hey, can I...
Staff sergeantscott has a past.
He has a criminal record?
A long one.
I thought you couldn't
getinto the army with a record.
You can't, unless they grant
youwhat's called a moral waiver.
It used to bejust for misdemeanors,
but the armyis so stretched for recruits
that they're using themto let felons in.
Moral waiver.
The army reallyhas a way with words.
Uh, sergeant scottwas arrested for
possession, arson,assault and battery...
he has an arson conviction?
He was 16,but the assault's more recent.
No, I-it's the arsonthat's significant.
Arson and rape havean
unusually high correlation.
They're both crimesabout
the assertion of power.
So with the arson conviction...
yeah. It makes the
rapea lot more likely.
We're seng promising indicators
in the pentium chip market.
Techspring earningsshould
be strong as ever.
Hey, boss.
Call my broker, have him dump
all my holdingsin techspring.
Okay. And, uh, I just
spokewith major harris' office.
I told themyou were on your way.
Look at that hand shrug.
It's not a good time to
be investing in techspring.
We need to talk about sergeant scott.
This is classified. How'd you get it?
The same wayyou would have.
Given the correlationbetween
arson and rape...
well, it's interesting,but
it's irrelevant, I'm afraid.
Turns out lake's ptoon
matesd rather a lot to say.
Heidi said they
wouldn'ttalk about the rape.
Well, I didn't bring
themin to hear them talk.
I brought them into watch them listen.
- they turned thevideo back on, huh?
- Yep.
It's human nature.
They always flip the switch.
Hey, natural. What do you see?
Nothing. I don't seeanything.
- I don't understand.
- Well, look.
The absence of emotion is...
just as importantas
the presence of emotion.
Now, you,you need to learn that.
When womenlisten to a rape victim they
believe,they reflect certain emotions.
They blush, avert their
eyes,hunch their shoulders.
These women exhibitnone of that.
They're not showingany reflectors.
So they don't believe her.
That doesn't prove anything.
Lake lived with those womenfor three
years and neither one of themis reacting.
They knowthis rape never happened.
You made a false accusationagainst
your sergeant. That's a crime.
And then there's the other
women in your platoon.
You know, we have mpsstanding by.
If your friendshelped you plan this,
they're as guiltyas you are, right?
They know you're lying,don't they?
Thought so.
Have the mps arresther platoon
mates. They're all in on it.
No!Look, they had noth...They
had nothing to do with it.
It was my idea.
Sergeant Scott didn't rape you?
No.He didn't.
Take Specialist Lake into custody.
How could you do this?
You know how hard it is
for women in the military.
The army has just started to
take these claims seriously.
There are victims out
there who need help.
A lot of them.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
I may have lied, but I
was doing the right thing.
Okay, I was trying
to protect my platoon.
I was doing the right thing.
I was doing the right thing!
ladies, if you could,uh, wait in there,
I will be taking youin one at a time.
Playing outyour favorite
fantasies, loker?
Studyingthe psychological
influence of uniformson credibility.
Lightman wanted to see how they
affect people'sability to spot lies.
Women in uniform?
I do love my work.
How's it going with lightman?
Uh, he's not my biggest fan.
Well, that's just'cause
you're uneducated.
Excuse me?
We, you're a natural.
The few naturalslightman's come
across have one thing in common.
No college degree.
You haven't been askedto focus on verbal
skills, so you focus on body language.
You're sayingI can't learn the science.
I'm saying you didn't ha to.
That's got tobe irritating for a guywho's spent
two decades trying to seewhat you were born
That's very un-loker of you.
I've never beenwith a latina woman.
Don't push it.
How's it goingwith the ballplayer?
- Ballplayers play baseball.
- Yeah.
Chicken dumpling?
Oh, no. Never eatmeat I can't see.
No. Really. No. You have
no ideawhat's in there.
Take a look at this.
Earl white just tookstate
for the third time.
The kid's on the list of
everynba scout in the country,
but when asked aboutplaying pro ball...
chin thrust. He's angry.
Earl white shouldbe on top of the
world. Why is he secretly angry?
I spot the liars. You're
the feelingsdepartment.
Follow me.
I got somethingfor you.
Okay, would you lie to right a wrong?
Depends. Why?
Lake lied, but then said she
wasprotecting her platoon.
I'm doing the right thing.
She said it with conviction,and
with no deception leakage.
How does accusing your commanderof
rape protect the platoon?
That's what iasked myself.
Okay, these are the individual
interviewswith her platoon mates.
Watch what happens whenthey
discuss sergeant scott.
Sergeant scott is a strong leader.
I'm glad sergeant scott's in command.
- Concealed disgust.
- Yup.
Looks the sameevery time.
They knowhe didn't rape sheila lake,
but they feel intense disgustfor him.
Made me think.
What if sheilalake didn't
lie about everything?
What if she lied about
thevictim, but not the crime?
So, you think sergeant scott
rapedsomeone else in the platoon?
The harassment report,arson conviction-- both
consistent with theprofile of a rapist, right?
What if the real victim is
too scaredto come forward?
So lake accuses sergeant
scottto right a past wrong,
and to protect the other
womenin the platoon.
Do you thinkscott raped one of them?
No. None of them isexhibiting any fear.
It could have been someonewho was
transferred, orr killed in combat.
I thought we weredone with this case.
No. It's possible sergeant scott raped
someone who used to be in the platoon.
Your buccinator'splaying up again.
It's not... I didn't say...
Oh, look. Now you'reembarrassed.
Well, you haveevery reason to be.
You did get it wrong,didn't you?
- I mean, sergeant scott didn't rape sheila lake.
- Cal...
what? She's the one making
snidecomments. Look at her face.
How do people work here?
Sergeant scott redeployswithin 24 hours.
I want you to get aholdof
military personnel.
I want the historic rosterfor
the platoon right away.
Got it.
Oh, what,now you're starting on me?
Don't say something you'll
regret. And I saw that.
Can I have a muffin?
Ah, no. No, no, no, youdon't want
the muffins here. They are terrible.
They taste like sofa cushions covered
with the moldy nutsyour grandmother used to
- keep in that old jar on her...
- Okay, okay.
Between you and lightman,a girl could
starve. Do you have something for me?
Yeah, um...
I've been watching tape of e l trying
to understandwhat's behind the anger.
Uh, nothing so far,but I did
come up with this expression.
I've been throughthe facial coding book,
and there's elementsof au-four and au-five.
- But it's not anger.
- No.
It's not.
Can we pull up full
statsfor earl over the year?
Sure. What emotion is it?
It's not an emotion.
And earlier, ceo robert
rosiello tried to calm investors
after techspring shares plummeted in
the wake of a subpar q1 earnings report.
This is entirely unexpected.
I'm sure we'll rebound
in the second quarter.
You know, for a ceo,this
guy's a terrible liar.
You talk to personnelat fort meade?
None of the womenin the 23rd died in
combat, but there's onewho went awol.
Rebecca metz was on the
23rd'sroster in afghanistan.
Went awolfour months ago, shortly
afterher transfer request was denied.
She tried to transfer outof her platoon?
That's not all.
Here's a copy of the anonymousharassment
report on sergeant scott.
Handwriting's the same.
They have any idea where she is?
No, but the numberof awol soldiers
has doubled since we invaded iraq.
I doubt they gotthe manpower
to play that muchhide-and-seek.
- Well, she's got relativesin baltimore, right?
- Yeah.
Hate to miss a family reunion.
Uh, what canI do for you?
Looking for your
granddaughter,rebecca metz?
She's not here.
Sounds good. You mind if I borrow this?
What? Where are you going?
- Help!
- Grandpa? Grand...
Sheila admitted she was lying, but she
said she was tryingto protect the platoon.
I don't knowwhat this has to do with me.
Sheila didn't makeeverything up.
We know whyyou went awol.
We're not herefor the army.
We just want to knowwhat happened.
I, uh...
never had a problem with
sergeant scottin the states.
He wasn't loudor gross
like the other guys. But...
but on our first day
inafghanistan, after curfew,
he came in my tent.
He raped you?
The sergeant'sin charge.
He's supposed to have your back.
My job is to say yes.
Yes, sir.
It happened more than once?
Almost every night over
there... for months.
I couldn't take it anymore.
When we got back, I just...
you ran.
You need to come with us.
Your platoon redeploys tomorrow.
You can't letthe army send those women
back to afghanistanwith sergeant scott.
I can't go back.
Well, what about
sheila? She lied for you.
- I... I can'T.
- Rebecca...
no. I...
Okay. Okay then.
- Sorry tobarge in.
- What are you doing?
- I'm going back to the base.
- But...
How did... Did they follow us here?
Oh, no. I called them.
Leave me alone.
- Rebecca...
- I know you calledthe mps.
Well, I had hopedyou'd talk,
but, yeah, I had themstanding by.
- Rebecca, if you explain to us...
- Don't you get it?
Do you have any ideawhat it's
like to be a woman in the military?
You're either a bitchor a whore.
And they're just waitingfor you to
fail, to admit you can't hack it.
Well, then, go to jail. That'll sh 'em.
Be all you can be.
You're scared.
You are still scared of sergeant scott.
I'm not afraid of him.
You're afraid of something.
I'm afraidthey won't believe me.
Ah, it doesn't matterif
they believe you.
They'll believe me.
Hey, earl. Thanks for taking the time.
By the way,I'm a big
fan. Would you mind?
Oh, no problem.
Bet this'll be wortht a losome day.
Oh, yeah.
Autographs, shoes, bobble heads.
Pro ball is big business.
See the chin thrust?
You thrust your chin out.
That's a signof anger.
You do it whenever you
talk about your pro career.
I think it's 'cause you're
angryyou're not gonna have one.
Hey, earl, catch.
We've seen thatbefore, too.
You make that face almost every
time youcatch a pass these days.
It's intensity.
No, actually, it's pain.
Doctors call itthe primal face of pain.
It's universal.
So what is it, earl?
Carpal tunnel? Arthritis?
Look, you know how many hoursI've
spent shooting free throws?
I've busted my asson the
court since I was nine.
I'm raising my brother,trying
to pay the rent--
a big pro contractwas
gonna change all that.
But you knowwho drafts
someone with erosive artitis?
So you took the bribe.
Look, I could've gone
proout of hhoolh sc,
but the athletic associationneeds
its big tournament,
so I gotta spendmy last good year
playing college ballfor nothing.
Look, mr. Taft's check was
the only paydayI was gonna get.
You telling me you wouldn't
havetaken that money?
I told the postcommander
this matterwas settled.
Sergeant scott isvital to our efforts.
He's supposed tobe on
a plane at 0100 hours.
I guess if the army's going to jeopardizethe
safety of women, it should be doneon time,
Private metz was awolfor five months.
You're sure her allegationhas merit?
I'm telling youshe's not lying.
Sergeant scott.
I'm convening an article
32court-martial hearing next week.
Unpack your gear, son.
Major harris, my client would
like toavoid any unnecessary delay.
He wants tplead out?
Our mission on the pakistaniborder
is critical to our safetyhere at home
and I have a
responsibilityto my platoon.
So, yes, I'm ready to plead
guiltyto fraternization.
Sergeant scott had aconsensual
relationship wi private metz.
Becky was my girlfriend, sir.
This photo was taken duringthe period when
my client was allegedly rapingprivate metz.
Do you have otherslike this?
We have several, major.
You still want to
tellme she's not lying?
Isolate rebecca metz.
There's something not
rightabout her smile.
She doesn't look happy.
Push in on her eyes.
Browup,pulled together.
She's scared.
Yeah, it's a masking smile.
She's smilingbut her
eyes say she's afraid.
Very afraid.
- Will you pull up the masking smiles?
- Yeah.
Miss south carolina
can'tshow fear to the judges;
sarah palin has the
sameproblem with the press.
Rebecca metzwith her platoon leader.
Right, she doesn't want to
beinvolved with sergeant scott,
but he's her commander,she's
got to do what he says.
He wants sex, right?
She feels forcedto give it to him.
She can't say no.
It's nonconsensual. It's rape.
Army psychologistshave reported
several recent cases like this.
They're calling it"command rape."
It's comparable tosexual
harassment, but much moreextreme.
When your boss makes advances,
you're scaredof losing your job.
But if it's your platoon leader,
you're scaredof losing your life.
Sergeant scottredeploys tonight,
we have to get backto fort meade.
They won't believeit was rape.
Sergeant scott neverraised a hand.
It doesn't matter that he
didn't attack youphysically.
You were coerced.
No one's going to see itthat way.
I never actually said no.
He was responsiblefor your
safety. You had to feel threatened.
I was terrified.
Everyone knewif you crossed
him, he'd make you drive lead.
- Drive lead?
- Lead truck in the convoy.
It's the mostvulnerable
to a roadside bomb.
I had a friend die that way.
I knew from the firsttime he came
into my tent thatif I said no,
I'd beriving lead for a month.
So you just took it. You never said no?
Well, that's what
you'lltell major harris.
He'll never believe me.
Sure he will. We'll
put you on a polygraph.
They love themover there.
he'll never sayit that way. Sergeant
scott nevermade me drive lead.
And he'll never admithe would have.
She's right. We stilldon't have any
proof that he was tyingher safety to sex.
The truth isn't good
enoughfor these people.
Who said anythingabout the truth?
- Is your name Rebecca metz?
- Yes.
And are you a private first class
with the 23rd mountain division?
Did you ve a relationship with
staff sergeant russell scott?
Private metz, let me rephrase.
Were you physically involved with staff
sergeant scott when you serving in afghanistan?
Yes. He forced me to have sex with him.
We had a relationship!
He ordered you to have sex with him?
No. But he was my commanding
officer, I didn't have a choice.
Did you ever refuse to have
sex with sergeant scott?
Yes... once.
He forced me to drive
leadconvoy for a week.
Th's a lie.
If she's lying,it graphs
above the red bar here?
that's right. Machine says it's true.
Well, it's not true!
The polygraph says it is.
I don't carewhat the machine
says. She's making it up.
I never made her drive lead!
- you never made her Drive lead?
- No!
I thought that duty rotates.
You never made her drive lead?
I-I never made her
drive lead! It's a lie!
Sergeant, you don't have to respond.
So, as long she wasin a relationship
with you, she never hadto drive lead.
- Is that right?
- sergeant scott...
is that right, sergeant scott?
Sergeant scott,don'T...
- Is that right, sergeant scott?
- You don't have to respond.
Yeah! Yeah, that's right.
What? What?
Well, her safetywas in your charge.
You traded her safety for sex.
Major harris, my
clientdoesn't understand...
yes, he does.
What he did wasn't fraternization.
It was rape.
Arrest him underarticle 120.
You don't know we het
thll you're talking about.
I'm a decorated soldier!
I didn't do anything wrong!
Yeah, it sounds good.
What do you want, huh?
I'm already suspended, they're taking
away myscholarship, you hung me out.
You're the onewho took the bribe.
Look, the system's broken, earl.
And what am isupposed to do, huh?
How am I supposed to
take careof my brother?
I heard you did pretty
wellon your econ midterm.
- So?
- you want A degree.
So I convinced dr. Lightmanto
put our fee into a trust.
Probably not enough forfour years at
carver, but it'll get youthrough maryland.
What if I don't want your money?
Then throw it away. It's your call.
How did she do it?
We both know metz was
lyingabout driving lead convoy.
How did she beat the polygraph?
- valium?
- Yeah.
Takes the edge off.
Mutes the emotionalresponse.
You... you drugged herso she could lie?
Never let the facts getin
the way of the truth.
- you know, I wanted to...
- yeah, I know. Thanks.
For what?
You had a slightgratitude smile.
What, you're surprised? Really?
You know, just because idon't know your
science doesn't meanI don't know things.
You know, when you don'tknow the
science, you don't seethe whole picture.
People can get hurt,you know?
What was that? What happened?
- What?
- Shame.
When you saidpeople get
hurt, you showed shame.
I don't know whatyou're talking about.
You're lying.
Get used to it.
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