漫画Monster Attack Network《怪兽来袭》是由Marc Bernardin and Adam Freeman 编写,Nima Sorat绘画的。其讲述的是在发生在南大平洋上的海岛Lapuatu)的故事。在海岛上,风景优美、空气清新,类似我们中国的世外桃源,但是却有件一直困扰着大家的事情事:每隔一段时间都会有一只巨大怪兽冒出来,把小岛弄的天天翻地覆。为此,人们成立了快速反尖救援队Nate Klinger来专门处理怪兽问题。
MARVEL! At the Pacific island of Lapuatu, perfect in every way…except for the giant monsters.
THRILL! As Nate Klinger and his daring team of first-responders at the Monster Attack Network expertly deal with the frequent rampaging-beast-related crises.
WONDER! If the shady American industrialist who comes to the island bearing "gifts" and the mysterious, gorgeous Lapuatuan ex-patriate are up to no good.
ENJOY! The hair-raising adventures of the noble men and the drop-dead sexy women of the MONSTER ATTACK NETWORK!
这次迪士尼请到的是上周末的票房冠军(Race to Witch Mountain)《巫山历险记》的导演安迪•菲克曼(Andy Fickman)执导改编《怪兽来袭》(Monster Attack Network)成电影。迪士尼定位将此片拍成一部主打视觉效果的大片,目前他们已经聘请 Scott Elder 和 Josh Harmon改编剧本。
安迪•菲克曼已经为迪士尼执导了两部家庭影片《比赛计划》(The Game Plan)和《巫山历险记》,两部影片都由巨石强森(Dwayne Johnson)主演,且都取得了不俗的票房成绩。
Scott Elder 和 Josh Harmon除了改编《怪兽来袭》(Monster Attack Network)剧本外,还为迪士尼另一部影片《白雪公主和七武僧》(Snow and the Seven)写剧本,后者讲述了一个19世纪在香港长大的英国女孩在少林和尚的训练下和邪恶势力对抗的故事。
下面是相关的英语报道(来自:http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=53727)Walt Disney Studios has attached Race to Witch Mountain director Andy Fickman to helm family adventure film Monster Attack Network, reports Variety.
Scott Elder and Josh Harmon have been hired to adapt the AIT/Planet Lar graphic novel.
The 2007 graphic novel focuses on a team of first-responders who guard the citizens of Lapuatu, a Pacific island that would be a paradise except for frequent attacks by giant monsters that rise from the sea.
Marc Bernardin and Adam Freeman wrote the graphic novel, illustrated by Nima Sorat.
Disney views the film as a visual effects-heavy tentpole built around an elite government agency's resolve to protect America's coasts from huge, rampaging monsters.
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