Day One
Midnight-1:00 A.M.
Transcript by Daniel Smith
Jack Bauer {Voice over} The following takes place between Midnight and 1:00 A.M. on the day of the California presidential primary. Events occur in real time.
{The camera pans over the two towers in Kuala Lumpur. The streets are busy with people coming on going. From a distance we see a man walk in an alley way and walks into a small shack. This man opens up a notebook computer and contacts the United States Government verification center. The operator answers the call.}
Operator: Identify!
Victor R.: Victor Rovner requesting permission to transmit.
Operator: Log in. {Pause} Permission granted.
12:02:11, 12:02:12, 12:02:13
{At a small suit and tie gala, Division director Richard Walsh of the counter terrorist unit cell phone rings. It's the operator.}
Richard Walsh: This is Walsh.
Operator: Sir we just heard from Rovner, he confirmed there will be an attempt today.
Richard Walsh: Did he find out who the target is?
Operator: Senator David Palmer.
{The room is alive with Palmer staff running around like crazy as Sheri Palmer walks out to the patio where the Senator, Patty Brooks, and some other key aids are planning the Senators day.}
Senator Palmer: On this historic occasion?
Patty Brooks: Well it is an historic occasion sir.
Senator Palmer: It's self-serving to say it. I want to stay low key.
Patty Brooks: Wrong, play it out and inspire people.
Senator Palmer: {To Sheri} Honey what do you think?
Sheri Palmer: I ah, agree with Patty.
Senator Palmer: Okay, but not occasion sounds like were having brunch.
Patty Brooks: Ah, on this historic day?
Senator Palmer: Deal. {To Sheri} You going to bed?
Sheri Palmer: How can I sleep. No I'm just going to write some thanks you's and call me if you need anything.
{They kiss}
{Jack Bauer and his daughter Kim Bauer are playing a game of chess.}
Kim Bauer: Your in trouble now dad.
Jack Bauer: Really!
Kim Bauer: Yeah. {She leans back in her chair} So is she still giving you a hard time?
Jack Bauer: If by she your referring to your mother I'd appreciate if you called her by her name. Mom. And no she's just busy.
Kim Bauer: She's busy a lot.
Jack Bauer: Honey it's a school night for you so time for bed.
Kim Bauer: Goodnight daddy.
Jack Bauer: I love you.
{She walks toward her room turns around and says.}
Kim Bauer: I'm glad you moved back in daddy.
Jack Bauer: Me to sweetie. Have a good sleep.
{Kim walks right past her mom, Teri Bauer. Ignoring her as she closes her door to her room.}
Jack Bauer: She still giving you a hard time?
Teri Bauer: I don't know when I became the enemy. I think she blames me for you moving out.
Jack Bauer: I never gave her any reason to.
Teri Bauer: I think you let her manipulate you Jack.
Jack Bauer: No I don't.
Teri Bauer: Let me guess. Just a minute ago she was nice and sweet then she said something nasty about me.
Jack Bauer: Yeah and I just busted her on it. I don't know why your taking this so personal it's just that teenage mother daughter thing. {Pause} Maybe you're right. Maybe we should talk to her right now. Tell her she can't play us of each other and if she's insulting you she's insulting me to.
Teri Bauer: Okay. I'd really appreciate that. {She smiles.}
{Jack knocks on the door but no answer.}
Jack Bauer: Kim.
{Knocks again, nothing. Jack and Teri walk in}
Jack Bauer: Kim, honey.
{The window is wide open as Jack runs to it}
Jack Bauer: KIM!!!!!!!!! She snuck out.
Teri Bauer: That's it she's grounded for two months and she can forget about getting her drivers license.
{The phone rings}
Teri Bauer: Hello. Yeah he's right here. It's Nina.
Jack Bauer: What! {Grabs the phone} Hey Nina. {Pause} Now, no I can't.............All right fine get a hold of the others and bring them in. {Hangs up} It's Walsh he's coming into the office. It's only a briefing I should be back within an hour. If she's not home by the time I get back, call all her friends, everyone we know until we find out where the hell she's gone.
Teri Bauer: Okay.
{They kiss}
Jack Bauer: I'll call you from the office.
{Jack walks outside to his SUV}
{Jack calls Kim’s ex boyfriend Vincent} {Split screen of Vincent and Jack}
Vicent: Hello.
Jack Bauer: Vincent. Jack Bauer! You plan on seeing Kimberly tonight?
Vincent: No man we broke up. You know that.
Jack Bauer: Just want to make sure you knew that.
Vincent: Snuck out on ya.
Jack Bauer: Don't screw with me Vincent.
Vincent: Look I don't know where she is. You have my word.
{Jack climbs into his SUV}
Jack Bauer: That's a real comfort Vincent. Knowing I have your word. {Hangs up and pulls out of the driveway.}
{Kim has snuck off with her best friend Janet.}
Kim Bauer: So why are we meeting them at a furniture store?
Janet York: Dan works there.
Kim Bauer: What time are we meeting 'em?
Janet York: Midnight. We're late.
Kim Bauer: Yeah, they'll wait.
Janet York: What makes you say that?
Kim Bauer: Well you told them I'm hot right and you’re hot so they'll wait.
Janet York: Dan's a sophomore at San Diego State.
Kim Bauer: Yeah you told me that.
Janet York: So is Rick.
Kim Bauer: And your point is?
Janet York: There men not boys.
Kim Bauer: Good I'm glad to hear it.
Janet York: Really!!!
{They both laugh and smile}
{In his SUV Jack comes to red light and sees a sign that says "Palmer for president" Jack calls Nina at C.T.U.}
{Split screen between Jack and Nina}
Nina Meyers: C.T.U. this is Meyers.
Jack Bauer: It's Jack what else did Walsh say?
Nina Meyers: Just bring everyone in no questions asked.
Jack Bauer: Why does this have to be tonight?
Nina Meyers: Problems at home?
Jack Bauer: I'm almost there I see you soon.
{Full screen of Nina Meyers. A C.T.U. programmer Jamey walks up to Nina}
Jamey Farrell: How long is this going to take?
Nina Meyers: Why are we interrupting your social life.
Jamey Farrell: Least I have one. {Jamey walks to her workstation}
{Nina walks over to Tony Almada at his workstation.}
Nina Meyers: You call Langley?
Tony Almada: Sure did. Called the F.B.I. to. No one knows anything. Jack on his way?
Nina Meyers: Yeah, lucky for us the mood he's in.
{Jack pulls up in the C.T.U. parking lot} {We see the screen say}
COUNTER TERRORIST UNIT LOS ANGELES 12: 09:34, 12:09:35, 12:09:36
{Jack calls Teri. Split screen.}
Teri Bauer: Hello.
Jack Bauer: Hey it's me. You hear from Kim yet?
Teri Bauer: No.
Jack Bauer: I was thinking we should try to remember what it was like when we were kids.
{He walks into the building}
Teri Bauer: It's a new world now Jack.
Jack Bauer: Yeah I know. {Sees Nina} Honey look can we talk about it when I get home, I'm already here. {Hangs up}
Jack Bauer: Who's here?
Nina Meyers: Everyone. Where just waiting on Walsh. I've activated an uplink dish in case he needs one.
Jack Bauer: Good. Tony! I need detailed information on everyone of David Palmers staff now.
Tony Almada: Why?
Jack Bauer: Because I think this about him and I want us to be prepared.
Tony Almada: Bad time to play hunch. If it leaks out were screen David Palmer, people might think it's because he's black.
Jack Bauer: Well it is because he's black. That makes him a likely target.
Tony Almada: I'm just saying it might not be interpreted that way on the outside.
Jack Bauer: I don't care how it's interpreted on the outside I just gave you a direct order and would like you to follow it.
Tony Almada: All right.
Jack Bauer: Thank you. {To Nina} Let me know when Walsh gets here I have to make a phone call.
{Janet and Kim pull up. Dan comes running out of the store and Janet runs into his arms.}
Janet York: Hey! How are you?
{Kim gets out of the car and walks to Dan's van where Rick is.}
Kim Bauer: Hi. You must be Rick.
Rick: I must be.
Kim Bauer: Janet says you guys like to party.
Rick: As a matter of fact yeah.
Kim Bauer: Well as a matter of fact me to.
Rick: Glad to hear it. {Grabs some beers} Lets get this party started. Follow me. {They walk in the store}
{Jack is standing on the platform. Behind him there is a big screen of a reporter named Maureen Kingsley.}
Maureen Kingsley {Voice over} Senator Palmer arrived in Los Angeles this afternoon. The polls open at seven}
Jack Bauer: {On cell} Hey frank it's Jack Bauer over at CTU. Listen my daughter Kimberly snuck out of the house tonight and I was wondering if we sent her vitals over there you got help me out.
Frank: Is she all right?
Jack Bauer: No I'm sure she's fine. {Sees Walsh enter the building} Frank I got to go I owe ya. Bye.
{Shakes Richards hand}
Jack Bauer: Richard.
Richard Walsh: Jack. Hello Nina.
Nina Meyers: Mr. Walsh. Shall we get started?
Richard Walsh: Please.
Richard Walsh: We have reason to believe that by the end of the day an attempt will be made on Senator Palmer's life.
Jack Bauer: How good is the security?
Richard Walsh: Very good. Maybe not good enough to handle what’s coming at him today........ The shooter, well funded from overseas.
Nina Meyers: What foreign power wants Palmer dead?
Richard Walsh: None. Most likely a domestic hate group hired someone out of the country. Makes it harder to trace.............Check the background of everyone on Palmers staff. Cross-check it with terrorist databases. Start now.
Jack Bauer: All right were on it. Let's move.
Richard Walsh: Jack!!!
{Nina and Tony and Jamey exit.}
Jack Bauer: I'll be right you guys. {Closes the door}
Richard Walsh: How you doing?
Jack Bauer: Can't complain.
Richard Walsh: Can't or wont. Things better at home?
Jack Bauer: Yeah we're trying.
Richard Walsh: What I'm about to tell you doesn't leave this room.
Jack Bauer: Fine. {Sits down}
Richard Walsh: There may be an element inside the Agency involved with the hit on Palmer.
Jack Bauer: WHAT!!!
Richard Walsh: For the next twenty fours I want you all over this, you'll be interfacing with all agencies in the region.
Jack Bauer: I am the last guy you want to bring something like this too.
Richard Walsh: I don't agree.
Jack Bauer: Richard!!! I built a case against three of our own agents for taking bribes. If there’s a conspiracy inside the agency to kill David Palmer I'll never get anywhere near it.
Richard Walsh: Well your have to Jack. Because your the guy that I can trust.
{A long pause and some intense music as Walsh says}
Richard Walsh: If Palmer gets hit. The first African American with a real shot at the White House. It will tear this country apart. {Long pause}
Jack Bauer: I'll look in to it I'll do the best I can.
Richard Walsh: Good...........good...........George Mason from Division is coming over to give you a more detailed briefing.
Jack Bauer: You think I should trust George Mason?
Richard Walsh: Until we get a better handle on things, don't trust anyone............Not even your own people....................We got to find the shooter Jack. Whatever it takes.
{At the moment Walsh is done saying that we cut to a man sitting in 1st class}
Man: Excuse me. How much longer till we reached Los Angeles?
Flight Attended: It's Twelve twenty right now so just over an hour.
Man: Thank you. {Big smile}
12:20:07, 12:20:08, 12:20:09
12:22:51, 12:22:52, 12:22:53
{Patty brooks cell rings}
Patty Brooks: Brooks here. Oh hi Martin how you doing?..................{To Senator Palmer} It's the photographer.
CUT TO man. Named Martin Belkin, the photographer
Martin Belkin: Very well Patty I'm landing in one hour. Are we still on for breakfast?
Patty Brooks: Meet secret service in the lobby at seven and there take care of you.
Martin Belkin: Will Senator Palmer be at the breakfast?
Patty Brooks: You bet.
Martin Belkin: Good.............I'll see you soon. {Hangs up}
{The woman sitting next to Martin on the plane gets his attention.}
Mandy: Excuse me. So you know David Palmer?
Martin Belkin: Not yet I'm going to be meeting him in the morning.
Mandy: We have been sitting here all this time making small talk and you never even mentioned it.
Martin Belkin: I'm going to be taking some pictures of him.
Mandy: Ah, you’re a photographer. Have I ever seen one of your photographs?
{Mandy is really lay it down on Martin}
12:25:13, 12:25:14, 12:25:15
Nina Meyers: What's next?
Jack Bauer: Mason's on his way here to brief me.
Nina Meyers: You, not can't shut me out Jack. Not here.
Jack Bauer: It's Walsh; he wanted me to meet Mason alone.
Nina Meyers: Your lying.
Jack Bauer: {Smiles} Yes I am.......But your still gonna have to trust me.
Nina Meyers: One of these days you’re going to ask for too much.
Jack Bauer: I have a terrible feeling that today is going to be that day. {Cell rings} Yeah.
Teri Bauer: Hey it's me.
Jack Bauer: You hear anything?
Teri Bauer: No.
Jack Bauer: What’s wrong?
Teri Bauer: I found three joints in her desk.
Jack Bauer: Terrific.
Teri Bauer: I know it's not the end of the world but I don't like it.
Jack Bauer: Me either. Maybe you can get into her email. Check her messages or something.
Teri Bauer: We gave her her own password to show that we trusted her remember.
Jack Bauer: Yeah.........Honey I'm sorry I can't be there with you right now. Look, I'll have to call you back I can't talk right now.
Teri Bauer: Okay. Bye. {Hangs up}
Nina Meyers: Everything okay?
Jack Bauer: Yeah.
{Kim and Rick are just talking]
Rick: So when I got into San Diego State I figured why not give college a try.
Kim Bauer: You live near the beach?
Rick: Yeah.
Kim Bauer: Do you surf?
Rick: Surfing is way too motivated. You got to get wet. Sharks. Got to call everyone dude. Why?
Kim Bauer: No reason. My father surfs........surfed.
Rick: He can't anymore or he's too old.
Kim Bauer: My dad's dead.
Rick: Hey my bad.
Kim Bauer: It's okay. He was this really great guy. Six months ago he
Rick: I'm sorry. {Puts his arm around Kim}
{George Mason, the district director walks up Jacks stairs. He knocks, they shake hands}
Jack Bauer: George.
George Mason: Hey Jack.
Jack Bauer: Good to see you come on in. {Jack sits behind his desk}
George Mason: How much did Mr. Walsh tell you down there?
Jack Bauer: Not much. Palmer's the target, shooters the real deal. That’s about it.
George Mason: I can narrow it down a little if you like?
Jack Bauer: Please do.
{Mason opens his briefcase}
George Mason: We think that the shooter is Germen possibly European, and that he's already here or he's coming today. {Hands Jack a floppy disk} This will get you into secure information nation wide. See if it clicks with what you got.
Jack Bauer: Who's the source on this?
George Mason: That I can't give you.
Jack Bauer: Because?
George Mason: Because I'm not authorized to.
Jack Bauer: Well George how can I cross check the data if I don't know where the original information is coming from?
{Mason is frustrated}
George Mason: What do you know about Palmer's politics? You know he's no friend of the agency and if he gets elected this place gets gutted.
Jack Bauer: What are you trying to say?
George Mason: Not saying anything..........Just do your job and stay out of things that don't concern you.
Jack Bauer: Fair enough.
George Mason: Good, then were done here.
{Jack gets up and walks over to Mason}
Jack Bauer: George. I need a favor.........I need you to call your boss and ask him for clearance on the I.D. of this source.
George Mason: I thought we just agreed that it didn't matter.
Jack Bauer: Yeah but I still have to call Walsh and tell him I did everything I could. I would like to cover my own ass.
George Mason: Jack your learning how to play the game......Sure I'll call Chapelle for you. Use your phone?
Jack Bauer: Please do. You want a cup of coffee?
George Mason: No I'm good...........Thanks.
{Jack walks down his steps and says}
Jack Bauer: I want to hear Mason's call.
{He learns that Mason is not talking to anyone but he's only got a voice telling the time on the other end.}
{He walks over to the closet}
Nina Meyers: What are you doing?
Jack Bauer: He's screwing with us. Hand me that binder.
Nina Meyers: Can we talk about this first.
{Jack walks up the stairs and into the office.}
George Mason: Consider your ass officially covered Chapelle said no.
{Jack fires a dart into Mason's leg as he passes out on the couch.}
Nina Meyers: You are out of your mind.
Jack Bauer: Mason's holding something back. I need some bargaining power. Remember Philippe Darcet?
Nina Meyers: Heroin dealer, Barcelona.
Jack Bauer: Yeah. Mason was the point man on his bust last August. When I rolled up the assets two hundred thousand dollars fell out along the way. I always thought it fell into Mason's pockets. Now I need proof.
Nina Meyers: Your going to blackmail the district director?
Jack Bauer: Check Darcet's accounts. Use this. Nina he's going to wake up in a half hour or less. Please.
{Nina exits as Jack looks at a photo of him Kim and Teri as he cries a little.}
12:34:22, 12:34:23, 12:34:24
12:38:39, 12:38:40, 12:38:41
{Phone rings}
Teri Bauer: Hello.
Allan York: Really sorry to bother you at this hour my name is Allan York. I ah found this number in my daughter’s calendar.
Teri Bauer: Who's your daughter?
Allan York: Janet. ah, ah Janet York. Do you have a son or a
Teri Bauer: Daughter. Kimberly. She snuck out of the house. Is Janet gone too?
Allan York: Yes. I bet there together. Ah any idea where they might be?
Teri Bauer: None. Did Janet say anything?
Allan York: She was gone when I came home from work. Can I give you my number in case you hear anything?
Teri Bauer: Of course.
Nina Meyers: Got Darcet's account number.
Jack Bauer: Good.
Nina Meyers: It's encrypted. I can't get around it.
Jack Bauer: Ask Tony to do it.
Nina Meyers: He'll need a reason.
Jack Bauer: He thinks he's doing it for me. Not if he's doing it for you.
Nina Meyers: I'm surprised you noticed.
Jack Bauer: I noticed.
Nina Meyers: We shouldn't have. {Nina walks out to Tony’s workstation}
12:40:34, 12:40:35, 12:40:36
Nina Meyers: Tony I need to do something for me.
Tony Almada: For you or for Jack?
Nina Meyers: I need you to get into this account.
Tony Almada: What does Philip Darcet's bank account number have to do with Palmer?
Nina Meyers: We don't know yet. We're trying to pick up a thread.
Tony Almada: That’s interesting because I've been trying to pick up a thread of my own.
Nina Meyers: About what?
Tony Almada: Whether or not you’re still sleeping with Jack.
Nina Meyers: Who said I ever did.
Tony Almada: What do you see in him? He turned in his own people for Christ sake.
Nina Meyers: They were dirty. Look we don't have a lot of time will you help me out here.
Tony Almada: I'll see what I can find.
{Jack walks over to Jamey's workstation}
Jack Bauer: Jamey. If I give you a phone number, could you hack in and get all the Internet passwords connecting to it?
Jamey Farrell: Sure if you have a warrant.
Jack Bauer: And if I didn't have a warrant.
Jamey Farrell: Pretty important?
Jack Bauer: It's really important.
Jamey Farrell: Go ahead.
{Jack gets Kim’s password and calls Teri]
Jack Bauer: Hey. I got her password.
Teri Bauer: What is it?
Jack Bauer: Life sucks one word.
Teri Bauer: Great.
Kim Bauer: So are you going to be around this weekend?
Rick: I could be.
{They kiss}
Kim Bauer: Where are they?
Rick: I don't know.
{They spot Janet and Dan having sex in a bed}
12:43:04, 12:43:04, 12:43:05
Mandy: Did you ever meet princess dye?
Martin Belkin: Yeah. But I never took her picture.
Mandy: What was she like?
Martin Belkin: She was cool!!!
Mandy: Can I see one of your photographs?
Martin Belkin: Sure. {Shows her one}
Mandy: That’s beautiful. Munich?
Sheri Palmer: Finish your speech?
Senator Palmer: Taking a break. The guys got tired of me yelling at them.
Sheri Palmer: Big old grumpy bear.
{Senator acts like a bear and rubs Sheri’s feet}
Senator Palmer: How you doing?
Sheri Palmer: Oh just a few more dozen to go.
Patty Brooks: Phone call Senator. It's Maureen Kingsley from the network.
{The Senator takes the phone.}
Senator Palmer: Maureen, this better be good......................................My response, here's my response..................You air that allegation or anything remotely like it.
{Sheri looks at David with concern.} This conversation's over Maureen. {HANGS UP}
Sheri Palmer: sweetheart what was it?
Senator Palmer: nothing, just more media nonsense. Nothing important.
Sheri Palmer: Didn't sound not important.
{David walks onto the patio and slides the glass door shut on Sheri so she can't hear.}
12:46:51, 12:46:52, 12:46:53
{Teri calls Allan}
Teri Bauer: Hi it's Teri Bauer calling.
Allan York: Oh hi, have you heard anything?
Teri Bauer: Yeah, I broke into Kim’s email they were meeting two guys in the valley.
Allan York: Did you get an address?
Teri Bauer: Yeah, I'm going right now.
Allan York: Would you mind if I came alone, I'm getting a little stir crazy just sitting around the house.
Teri Bauer: All right.
Allan York: I'm leaving now. Ah tell me where you live.
Janet York: So what are we doing now?
Dan: Wasn't there a party at Lacy's?
Rick: Anyone have a phone I'll call.
Kim Bauer: I do......................................AH, I have to get home.
Dan: Run home to mommy.
Rick: Hey her father just died maybe he mother needs her.
Janet York: Your father?
Kim Bauer: {Smiles} shut up.
Janet York: Whatever, I don't want to go home yet.
Kim Bauer: But.
Rick: We'll drop you off okay.
Kim Bauer: Um,...........Okay. {She climbs in.}
{Mandy and Martin are making love in the airliners bathroom}
Jack Bauer: Wake up...........sit down. Who's the source? Who tipped us on the Palmer hit? Last August when you led the take down on Darcet, all his assets were transferred into an account in Langley, Virgina. Two hundred thousand fell out alone the way. I traced that money to an off shore account in Aruba. I have a funny feeling about that account George. I think it's yours.
George Mason: Well that's a lie.
Jack Bauer: Then you don't mind if I send Chapelle the information. {Pause} The source George.
George Mason: You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into here Jack.
Jack Bauer: Why don't you explain it to me. You got five seconds.
George Mason: Wait......There’s your source.
Jack Bauer: Thanks for your help George.
George Mason: You'll live to regret this Bauer. Promise you that.
{Mandy has stepped up to the flight attended.}
Flight Attended: Excuse me ma'am, we're about to land.
{Mandy takes a needle and sticks it in her neck. She hides the body and pulls out an I.D. card that she stole from Martin Belkin. Mandy then takes out a bomb hidden under a fire extinguisher and sets it for 28 seconds. She puts on a jumpsuit and straps on a parachutes and gloves. She blows the door 4 seconds early as she escapes in the night air then two seconds later the 747 airliner explodes.}
12:57:22, 12:57:23. 12:57:24
[On phone}
Jack Bauer: Hey it's me.
Teri Bauer: Turn left at the light.
Jack Bauer: What?
Teri Bauer: I'm in a car with Allan York. He's the father of the girl that Kim is with.
Jack Bauer: Wait a second your out with this Allan York guy. {Cell dies} TERI.......Damnit.
Tony Almada: Jack.
Jack Bauer: What?
Tony Almada: A 747 blew up over the Mojave Desert. Preliminary reports show no survivors.
Jack Bauer: Passenger list; get me Walsh on the phone.
Kim Bauer: Turn here. I live on tenth.
{Dan does not turn}
Kim Bauer: Dan I told you.
Dan: Why don't you just relax?
Kim Bauer: Will you tell him he missed my turn.
Rick: You heard him. Relax. The night's just getting started.
{We see split screens of Senator Palmer then one of Kim then of Jack then of Teri}
Mandy opening up her chute as she sails through the sky.
12:59:57, 12:59:58, 12:59:59
1:00 A.M.
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