Day One
1:00 A.M.-2:00 A.M.
Transcript by Daniel Smith
Jack Bauer: {Voice over} The following takes place between 1:00 A.M. and 2:00 A.M. on the day of the California presidential primary. Events occur in real time.
1:02:17, 1:02:18, 1:02:19
{Mandy has just landed on the ground in the Mojave Desert. She packs up her parachute.}
Nina Meyers: Walsh isn't answering.
Jack Bauer: As soon as you reach him you find me. {Walks over to Tony's work station} Is this the crew list from the 747?
Tony Almeida: Yeah. You want me to contact NSP?
Jack Bauer: No for right now lets assume this was not an accident.
Tony Almeida: Why?
Jack Bauer: The flight originated out of Berlin that's where Walsh said the shooter was coming from........I need you to give me a breakdown of the passenger list.
Tony Almeida: Jack!.........You want to tell me what is going on around here tonight?
Jack Bauer: What's going on? Besides a 747 blowing up out of the sky and a threat on a presidential candidate's life?
Tony Almeida: Yeah, besides that............Look, George Mason comes here, disappears in your office for a half hour then he limps out. What is that all about?
Nina Meyers: Tell him Jack........................Fine then I will.
Jack Bauer: Nina!
Nina Meyers: The three agents that Jack brought down last year were close friends of Mason's. He's been looking for some payback ever since. He choose tonight to make some pretty bad remarks about Jack as well as some other people in this office..................Now, in case you didn't know Jack doesn't have a lot of patience.
Tony Almeida: All right I'll get you that list within the hour.
Jack Bauer: Thank you. {Walks to Nina} That was quite a story.
Nina Meyers: Better than the truth.
{Mandy takes out the I.D. card that she stole from Martin Belkin and she hides it under a rock. A man driving a jeep picks her up.}
Driver: Did you get the i.d.?
Mandy: Yes.
{They drive off. After they drive off, a person on a motorcycle drives up to the rock and re hides the i.d. card and drives off.}
{Tony walks over to Nina}
Tony Almeida: That’s funny when you came to Jacks rescue back there with that little performance. It reminded me of something.
Nina Meyers: Yeah what?
Tony Almeida: Remember that time we came into work together about a month ago. Mason said this smart ass remark. You came up with a great story, early breakfast meeting district three. I was really convinced on how good a liar you are.
Nina Meyers: What's your point Tony?
Tony Almeida: I still want to know what happened up there with Jack and Mason.
Nina Meyers: I all ready told you.
Tony Almeida: I don't believe you.
Nina Meyers: A presidential candidate’s life is at stake. Don't you think you should get back to work?
1:07:34, 1:07:35, 1:07:36
{Allan and Teri pull into the furniture stores lot. Allan sees Janet's car as they walk inside Teri’s cell rings}
Teri Bauer: Hello.
Jack Bauer: Hey sweetheart. Find the girls yet?
Teri Bauer: No we just got here; Janet's car is parked outside.
Jack Bauer: It's all right I'll hold till you check it out.
Teri Bauer: Let me call you back. {Hangs up} KIM!......
Allan York: Janet..........Janet.
{Janet who is not feeling very well after some drugs given by Dan}
Kim Bauer: What did you give her?
Dan: Nothing she didn't want.
Kim Bauer: Look, my dad is a government agent.
Rick: Thought you said your dad's dead.
Kim Bauer: He's not and if I'm not home in a half hour he is going to be all over this.
Dan: Told you should have given her a roofie.
Kim Bauer: I'm serious you two are toast.
Dan: She's giving me a headache dude.
Rick: Just chill okay!
Kim Bauer: You chill.
{Richard Walsh is meeting in secret with an agent. Scott Baylor.}
{Walsh steps out of the elevator}
Scott Baylor: Walsh........Anyone see you come in?
Richard Walsh: No.
Scott Baylor: Sure you weren't followed?
Richard Walsh: Scott take it easy.
Scott Baylor: NO I'm not going to take it easy I'm not. I should never have called you.
Richard Walsh: If you have evidence that someone in the agency is involved with the hit on Palmer, then you had no choice.
{Baylor hands Walsh a keycard}
Scott Baylor: Here......It's all yours. I'm out.
Richard Walsh: Wait.....wait.......A keycard?
Scott Baylor: Yeah, a simple keycard we use to get in and out of the building.
Richard Walsh: I don't get it.
Scott Baylor: These cards can hold a lot of data. On this one I found references filled with information on the Palmer hit.
Richard Walsh: What's the point?
Scott Baylor: To smuggle in restricted information.
{Walsh and Baylor start walking back to the elevator}
Richard Walsh: I need you to be reachable throughout the day.
Scott Baylor: You said after tonight I'm done.
Richard Walsh: I can't help it Scott. Until we defuse this situation I have to be able to find you.
Scott Baylor: I found out that there’s an agency conspiracy to kill David Palmer. Until I realized what I stumbled on to. I put my wife and kid on a plane. I couldn't even tell them why..........I've been with the agency long enough to know what I'm dealing with here.
Richard Walsh: Scott. What you did took a lot of courage. All I'm asking is that you hang in there a little longer.
Scott Baylor: I did my part get someone else.
Richard Walsh: There is no one else.
Scott Baylor: You got me for another twenty four hours then I'm joining my family.
{Walsh reaches to shake Baylor’s hand when a bullet sinks into Walsh's arm as he falls several hit Baylor killing him as he falls dead to the ground. Walsh takes his gun out and takes cover.}
{On phone}
Jack Bauer: I know Palmer gets a lot of death threats but this one has some weight.......Your going to have to adjust some things over there. Tighten security. {Cell rings} Look I have to go I'll update you in an hour.
{Grabs his cell} TERI!
Richard Walsh: Jack. I need ya.
Jack Bauer: Richard?
Richard Walsh: Yeah. I'm at 2350 Dunlop plaza I've got two shooters trying to hit me and an agent down.
{Jack rushes and loads his gun}
Jack Bauer: Richard what’s going on?
Richard Walsh: I got hard information on who is behind the palmer hit.
Jack Bauer: Isaac is in the area he can get there before me.
Richard Walsh: NO......don't call him. We still don't know who we can trust Jack. Just get me out of here.
Jack Bauer: I'll be there in ten minuets.
Richard Walsh: I'll be on the roof. [GUNSHOT} HANGS UP
Jack Bauer: RICHARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
{Jack runs out of his office}
1:12:56, 1:12:57, 1:12:58
1:17:47, 1:17:48, 1:17:49
Teri Bauer: Hello.
Jack Bauer: Hey it's me. What's going on? Is Kim at the furniture store?
Teri Bauer: No she's not here.
Jack Bauer: I thought you said you saw there car.
Teri Bauer: Well we think she ran off with the boys.
Jack Bauer: This guy you’re with, York. Does he know any of these boys?
Teri Bauer: No, but one of them. Dan works here. Listen Jack I'm starting to worry can't you get over here?
Jack Bauer: I can't. Not right now. I can't explain it but some very bad things are happening tonight.
Teri Bauer: Our daughter's missing don't you think that’s bad?
Jack Bauer: Teri she's not missing. Kim's partying. Kim is smart enough to know her limits.
Teri Bauer: Maybe you should come over here and see what those limits are Jack.
Jack Bauer: What does that mean?
Teri Bauer: Nothing......Look were going to wait here why don't you call me when your big emergency is over okay.
Jack Bauer: I will, I love you okay.
Teri Bauer: I love ya too Jack. Bye. {Hangs up}
Rick: Look, I know it sounds like were these really bad guys, but we’re not. Were cool. It's just some stuff we have to take care of. Just go along with it and you won't get hurt.
Kim Bauer: I don't even know what you want me to go along with. Just let us go.
Rick: It's not that simple, these people.
Kim Bauer: What people.
{Dan looks back at Rick} {Janet starts choking}
Kim Bauer: Dan pull over she's choking.
Dan: I don't care.
{Rick rolls down the window to let Janet breath.}
Dan: Don't be a bitch Rick.
1:20:24, 1:20:25, 1:20:26
Senator Palmer: It's twenty after one. Shouldn't the kids be back?
Sheri Palmer: They ah, stopped to get pizza after the rally. You seen this?
{TV. of the 747 in ruins and in flames}
Senator Palmer: Yeah. Horrible..................Look I'm sorry I walked away before.
Sheri Palmer: What did Maureen Kingsley say over the phone?
Senator Palmer: It's nothing serious. I'm overreacting to everything right now.........Today’s going to be the second most important day of my life.
Sheri Palmer: And what would the first one be?
Senator Palmer: I think you know.
Sheri Palmer: Well I still like to hear you say it David.
Senator Palmer: All right. The most important day of my life.......................Was when I hit the game winning shot against DePaul in the final four.
Sheri Palmer: {smiles} You just lost my vote senator. Goodnight sweetheart. don't let this get to you.
{The jeep pulls up to this little desert shack. Mandy steps out and walks inside.}
1:22:16, 1:22:17, 1:22:18
{We see a man in shadow talking on his cell phone.}
Man: I know that. We will just have to have another way to get around security. Hang on. {Hits a button on his cell.} Gaines, Good is everything set up there?.......................I'll get back to you. {Opens up a suitcase containing one million dollars and shows it to Mandy still on his cell} They better be there by the time you arrive. Get going. {Hangs up} {To Mandy} You want something to drink?
{Mandy runs her fingers through the money}
Ira Gaines: It's all there..............................What are you doing this summer?
Mandy: Not interested.
Ira Gaines: You haven't even heard what I have to offer.
Mandy: I don't care; I'm going to disappear for a while. Lay low.
Ira Gaines: So when do I get the I.D.?
Mandy: Soon Ira.
{Jack pulls in the lot and gets out of his SUV and calls Nina}
1:23:40, 1:23:41, 1:23:42
Jack Bauer: Nina it's Jack, is this a secure line?
Nina Meyers: No you want me to transfer it?
Jack Bauer: No time. I need an entry code.
Nina Meyers: Entry code. Where are you?
Jack Bauer: I had to take care of something.
Nina Meyers: Why didn't you check out with me?
Jack Bauer: Nina, just please give me the entry code. I'm at 2350 Dunlop Plaza, North garage.
Nina Meyers: Okay, 91367*.
Jack Bauer: I'm in. {Hangs up}
Nina Meyers: Jack!!!!
{Tony on his screen traces that phone conversation.}
1:24:55, 1:24:56, 1:24:57
1:29:07, 1:29:08, 1:29:09
{Jack climbs the stairs to the roof of Dunlop plaza searching for Walsh aiming his gun}
{Walsh comes out of hiding}
Richard Walsh: JACK!!!
Jack Bauer: Richard. You okay?
Richard Walsh: I'm fine.
Jack Bauer: You said there were two shooters.
Richard Walsh: At least, maybe three.
Jack Bauer: They look like ours?
Richard Walsh: I couldn't tell.
Jack Bauer: Richard how high does this conspiracy go?
{They reach the stair exit.}
Richard Walsh: I don't know yet Jack. Did you see anyone downstairs?
Jack Bauer: No. {They walk downstairs}
{Mandy is in the bathroom washing her face when a man enters. This man is named Jonathan.}
Jonathan: I'm sorry.
Mandy: No, no. It's okay........come here........WOW you look just like Martin Belkin. How did they do that?
Jonathan: Plastic surgery.
Mandy: So you’re going to kill David Palmer today.
{Jonathan just smiles}
{Jack and Walsh are walking downstairs as they stop}
Jack Bauer: Okay were clear. Come here I want to fix this. Give me your tie. {Fixes Walsh’s wound}
Richard Walsh: I should have been more careful tonight.
Jack Bauer: Come on they could have been following Baylor.
Richard Walsh: It was my fault. I set it up wrong. We were sitting ducks......I'm sorry to put you threw this Jack.
Jack Bauer: Don't you ever say that to me. You of all people........I owe you my life. Look there’s a corridor that leads straight to the street. My car is right there. You okay?
Richard Walsh: Yeah.
Jack Bauer: Good let’s get out of here.
{They walk down the corridor as Jack spots a shooter}
Jack Bauer: Take the wall.
{The shooter looks around but does not see Jack or Wash. Then a single bullet hits and shatters glass as Jack and Walsh take cover behind some desks.} {Jack stands up and lands five silenced bullets into one shooter as he falls dead through some glass.} {Another shooter moves into position.}
{The second shooter moves along the right side of Jack as Walsh pops up}
Richard Walsh: JACK!!!!!!
{Walsh kills the second shooter with his silenced 9mm.}
Richard Walsh: We have to find out who sent these guys.
Jack Bauer: I'll go i.d. 'em.
{Jack pulls out his switch blade and cuts off one of the shooters thumbs. Wraps it up in a cloth and puts it in his jacket pocket.
{The person on the motorcycle who re hid the i.d. card shows up and walks inside}
Mandy: Hey!
{This person is named Angela, she walks over and hands Ira Gaines a picture of the I.D. card.}
Ira Gaines: What the hell is this supposed to be?
Mandy: Give him the I.D.
Angela: It's okay; this is going to work out better for the both of us. I figured it out.
Mandy: No you don't figure anything out this is not your play now where is the dame i.d.?
Angela: It is my play since I'm the only one who knows where the dame i.d. is.
{Gaines signals one of his men to put a gun to Angela's head}
Angela: Go ahead.
{Gaines gives the signal to lower the gun}
{Mandy sits back and waits for Angela to say where the i.d. is as Gaines grows impatient.}
1:38:38, 1:38:39, 1:38:40
1:42:45, 1:42:46, 1:42:47
Allan York: I didn't find anything useful in the back.
Teri Bauer: Work schedule. Dan: Monday, Wednesday, Friday. {Teri tries to call Jack} He turned his cell phone off.}
{Senator's kids Keith and Nicole arrive}
Patty Brooks: Hey, heard you guys had a big turn out.
Keith Palmer: Oh yeah it was pretty insane.
Senator Palmer: I thought I heard the sound of the young and the reckless generation.
Nicole Palmer: Dad what are you doing up. {They hug}
Keith Palmer: Hey dad.
Sheri Palmer: How did it go?
Keith Palmer: Ah mom it was huge I wish you could have been there.
Sheri Palmer: I wish I could have been there too.
Nicole Palmer: I'm beat. See you guys in the morning.
Sheri Palmer: Make sure you get some good rest there going to wake you up early.
Senator Palmer: I love you honey.
{Nicole smiles as she walks to her room}
Senator Palmer: So how was it?
Keith Palmer: Ah dad, I'm totally killing right, then Green Day starts playing, ‘Time of Your Life’.
{Senator's cell rings as he walks to the other room. It's Carl, the senators finance broker.}
Senator Palmer: Carl!
Carl: What's the matter?
Senator Palmer: I got a call an hour ago from Maureen Kingsley.
Carl: Okay, so what.
Senator Palmer: I don't want to talk about it over the phone.
Carl: Okay in the morning.
Senator Palmer: No. We need to take care of this now.
{Secret service agents walk into the hotel room}
Agent Pierce: Hello Mrs. Palmer I'm Aaron Pierce, secret service {Shows identification to Sheri}
Sheri Palmer: Is there a problem?
Agent Pierce: I need to speak with the senator.
Sheri Palmer: All right I'll go get him.
{Sheri knocks on a door but no answer}
Sheri Palmer: Where is he Patty?
Patty Brooks: I thought he was in there.
Agent Pierce: All right Palmer has left the suite. He is exposed. If he left in a vehicle, it will show up on our GPS.
Sheri Palmer: What's going on?
Agent Pierce: We have been told to add an extra layer of security around your husband.
Sheri Palmer: Why?
Agent Pierce: We believe that there will be an attempt on his life sometime today.
{Senator Palmer gets into his car and heads for Carl's hotel}
1:48:45, 1:48:46, 1:48:47
1:53:09, 1:53:10, 1:53:11
{The garage door lifts open as Jack and Walsh make a mad dash for Jack's car.}
Richard Walsh: I'm right behind you.
{Two more shooters on the roof fire poor bullets into Walsh. He falls down but still alive. Jack returns fire at the shooters.}
Jack Bauer: I'm going to get you out of here.
Richard Walsh: JACK. {Coughs} Jack listen to me. Take this keycard, give it to Jamey. Baylor said we can trust her.
Jack Bauer: Richard, don't move you'll draw fire.
Richard Walsh: Take the card and give it to Jamey. She'll match it to a computer. Find the computer you got the dirty agent.
{Richard throws Jack the card}
Jack Bauer: RICHARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
{The shooters finish Walsh off with more shots and Jack grabs the card, fires at the shooters and gets out of there.} {Jack now in his SUV crying a little and running red light after red light going at least 60 miles per hour on regular streets.} {He gets on the highway}
{The camera shows an aerial view of Jacks car racing down the highway as the 24 clock continues to tick away at 1:54:54, 1:54:55. 1:54:56} {Next we see a large view of downtown Los Angeles at 1:55 in the morning}
{He calls Jamey} {Split screen of Jack and Jamey}
Jamey Farrell: Farrell.
Jack Bauer: Jamey it's me.
Jamey Farrell: Yeah, what do you need?
Jack Bauer: Two agents were killed tonight at 2350 Dunlop plaza I need you to phone division and get there bodies picked up.
Jamey Farrell: Okay.
Jack Bauer: That's not all.............You know the keycards we use to get in and out of division.
Jamey Farrell: Yeah.
Jack Bauer: I got one. I need you to pull some data of it.
Jamey Farrell: Yeah but if your in your car you can send it to me now.
Jack Bauer: How?
Jamey Farrell: Use your mobile scanner. Switch it from optical to magnetic.
{Jack pulls over and does it.}
Jack Bauer: I'm sending this to you directly. Walsh said you can match it to a computer that encoded it.
Jamey Farrell: Yep I can match it.
{Dan grabs Kim and pulls her out of the van}
Dan: Time to call mommy. You tell her that you’re at a party and you'll be home in a couple of hours.
Kim Bauer: Go to hell.
{Dan makes a move at her as Rick intervenes}
Rick: Dude. Gaines said not to hurt her remember.
Dan: Fine. {He grabs Janet’s arm out of the window and picks up a crowbar} Call your mom.
{Kim gives him a bad look}
{Dan smacks the crowbar into Janet’s arm breaking it.}
{Spilt screen between Kim and Teri}
Teri Bauer: Hello.
Kim Bauer: {In tears} Mom,
Teri Bauer: Kim is that you are you okay?
Kim Bauer: I'm fine, I'm at a party.
Teri Bauer: With Janet York right?
Kim Bauer: How did you know?
Teri Bauer: I'm with her dad. Look is Janet there?
Kim Bauer: She went for a walk. Look I'm going to be home as soon as I can.
Teri Bauer: We'll come get you.
{Dan grabs the phone}
Kim Bauer: Mom I love you.
{Hangs up}
{Full screen Furniture store}
Allan York: What happened?
Teri Bauer: She's at a party and that she'll be home soon.
Allan York: Janet?
Teri Bauer: She's fine. You know, Kim said she loved me. Kim never says that.
Jamey Farrell: Okay I got that match for you.
Jack Bauer: Good send it.
{The screen in Jack's car say MEYERS, NINA}
{Jack's jaw literally drops to the floor, he can't believe it.}
{Split screen Jack and Nina}
Jack Bauer: Thanks Jamey.
{The screen shows glimpses of Senator Palmer then one of Nina then one of Jack then Teri then Kim }
{He is taking practice shots with his sniper rifle as he just smiles}
1:59:57, 1:59:58, 1:59:59
2:00 A.M.
Transcript by Daniel Smith
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