(ABC官方对《新同居时代》的描述)Here’s the ABC Family’s description for the premise of the series:
“Roommates follows a group of friends in New York City trying to figure out love and life in their post-collegiate years. Loveable but awkward Mark (Francavilla) stumbles upon his dream come true when he runs into his old high-school crush, Katie (Brown), and becomes her new roommate in an attempt to finally win her heart. Unfortunately for Mark, Katie is still in love with her on-again/off-again boyfriend. Further complicating matters, Mark doesn’t hit it off with Katie’s best friend and roommate, Hope (Mowry), a strong willed executive who Mark learns, unbeknownst to her fellow roommates, has lost her job and now secretly works at a coffee shop. The fourth and final apartment mate is James (Dewey), who works in the investment world and takes great pleasure in watching Mark’s feeble attempts to win Katie’s favor. Rounding out the group is Mark’s former roommate and best friend, Thom (Weidoff), a quirky guy who takes an instant liking to Hope.
3月23日开播。ABC家庭频道新剧《新同居时代》的主人公是一群居住在纽约城的青年男女,他们正努力适应大学毕业后友情、爱情和生活节奏的变化。憨厚可爱的Mark(Tyler Francavilla扮演)偶遇自己高中时代的恋人Katie(Dorian Brown扮演),为了「节约生活成本」,「方便工作需要」,Mark和Katie心有灵犀地想到了一起:合租一套公寓。心藏秘密的Mark自然更能感受到两人「同居」的快乐--原来,对Katie一直念念不忘的Mark,希望能够和Katie重续旧缘。不幸的是,Katie心中只有她那位忽冷忽热、若即若离的男友。不久,Katie最好的朋友Hope(Tamera Mowry扮演)加入了这个大家庭。Hope是个很强势,性子很直的女孩,和Mark几乎没有共同语言,这让Mark追求Katie的计划越发难以实现。 Hope刚刚失去工作,正在一家咖啡店里秘密打临工养活自己。James(Tommy Dewey扮演)是这个大家庭中第四名也是最后一名室友,他在金融投资领域工作,吃穿不愁。看Mark的求爱攻势一次次化为泡影是他「最大的爱好」。 Mark最要好的朋友兼前任室友Thom(David Weidoff扮演)则始终对Hope「虎视眈眈」。
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