Original Airdate (ABC): 27-MAR-2005
Meredith’s Voiceover (MVO): The game. They say a person either has what it takes to play or they don’t. My mother was one of the greats. Me on the other hand, I’m kinda screwed.
(Close up of a woman obviously naked waking up on couch, with a guy sleeping on the floor in a large townhouse. She starts getting dressed as the guy starts to wake up. They’ve obviously just had a one-night stand)
GUY: This is…uh…
WOMAN: … humiliating on so many levels. You have to go.
GUY: Why, why don’t you just come back down here and we’ll pick up where we left off.
WOMAN: No seriously you have to go. I’m late which isn’t what you want to be on your first day of work, so…
GUY (starts getting dressed): So, ah, you actually live here?
GUY: Oh.
WOMAN: Yes. Kind of.
GUY: Oh. It’s nice. A little dusty. Odd. But it’s nice. Huh. So how do you kinda live here?
WOMAN: I moved 2 weeks ago from Boston. It was my mother’s house. I’m selling it.
GUY: Oh I’m sorry.
WOMAN: For what?
GUY: You said was.
WOMAN: Oh my mother’s not dead. She’s … you know what? We don’t have to do the thing.
GUY: Oh. We can do anything you want.
WOMAN: No the thing. Exchange the details, pretend we care. Look I’m going to go upstairs and take a shower. Okay and when I get back down here, you won’t be here. So … um … goodbye … uh …
DEREK: Derek.
MEREDITH: Derek. Right, Meredith.
DEREK (grinning): Meredith.
MEREDITH (smiling): Yeah. Mmm hmm.
DEREK: Nice meeting you.
MEREDITH: Bye Derek.
[EXT. Various shots of Seattle]

(Cut to Meredith driving to work. A group of interns are being spoken to by the Chief of Surgery in an O.R room. Meredith walks in late.)
DR. RICHARD WEBBER: Each of you comes today hopeful, wanting in on the game. A month ago you were in med school being taught by doctors. Today, you are the doctors. The seven years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life. You will be pushed to the breaking point. Look around you. Say hello to your competition. Eight of you will switch to an easier specialty. Five of you will crack under the pressure. Two of you will be asked to leave. This is your starting line. This is your arena. How well you play, that’s up to you.
MVO: Like I said. I’m screwed.
[GREY’S ANATOMY appears on the screen]
(Opens with interns getting ready for their first day, putting on their coats & stethoscopes waiting to be called by their resident.)
DOCTOR #1: Okay. Martin, Robinson, Bond, Lockins.
Someone calls out: Bond
MEREDITH: Only 6 women out of 20.
CRISTINA: Yeah. I hear one of them’s a model. Seriously, that’s gonna help with the respect thing.
MEREDITH: You’re Cristina, right?
DOCTOR #2: Patten, Munroe, Crow, Esquire.
CRISTINA: Which resident you assigned to? I got Bailey.
MEREDITH: Nazi? Me too.
GEORGE: You got the Nazi? So did I. At least we’ll be tortured together, right? I’m George … O’Malley. (to Meredith) Uh…we met at the…ah mixer…you had a black dress with a slit at the sides, strappy sandals and….now you think I’m gay.
(Meredith and Cristina look at him)
GEORGE: No I’m not gay.
GEORGE: It’s uh…ah…it’s just that ah…you know…I mean you were very unforgettable…and I mean….
DOCTOR #2: O’Malley, Yang, Grey, Stevens.
GEORGE: Yeah, totally forgettable.
DOCTOR #2: End of the hall.
(He points down the hall where a short black woman is waiting at the nurses’ station)
CRISTINA: That’s the Nazi?
GEORGE: I thought the Nazi would be a guy.
MEREDITH: I thought the Nazi would be … the Nazi.
IZZIE: Maybe it’s professional jealously. Maybe she’s brilliant and they call her the Nazi because they’re jealous. Maybe she’s nice.
CRISTINA: Let me guess. You’re the model.
(They walk up to Dr. Bailey)
IZZIE: Hi. I’m Isobel Stevens but everyone calls me Izzie.
(She holds out her hand to shake Dr. Bailey’s. Dr. Bailey just looks at her)
DR. BAILEY: I have 5 rules. Memorize them. Rule number 1. Don’t bother sucking up. I already hate you, that’s not gonna change. (points to the desk) Trauma protocol. Phone lists. Pagers. Nurses will page you.
(They grab their stuff of the desk as Dr. Bailey starts walking away. They rush to follow.)
DR. BAILEY: You answer every page at a run. A run! That’s rule number 2. Your first shift starts now and lasts 48 hours.
[HOUR 1 flashes across the screen]
DR. BAILEY: Your interns, grunts, nobodies, bottom of the surgical food chain. You run labs, write orders, work every second night until you drop and don’t complain.
(She leads to them to the on call room)
DR. BAILEY: On call rooms. Attendings hog them. Sleep when you can, where you can. Which brings me to rule number 3. If I’m sleeping, don’t wake me unless your patient is actually dying. Rule number 4. The dying patient better not be dead when I get there. Not only will you have killed someone, you would have woke me for no good reason. We clear?
(Meredith raises her hand)
MEREDITH: You said five rules. That was only … four.
(Dr. Bailey’s pager goes off)
DR. BAILEY: Rule number five. When I move, you move. (She starts running down the hall, yelling at doctors). Get out of my way!
(Dr. Bailey rushes ahead. The 4 interns are wheeling a gurney onto the roof. The helicopter lands. They rush forward.)
DR. BAILEY: What do we got?
(They start removing a patient who’s seizing from the medivac helicopter and across the roof)
EMT: Katie Bryce. 15 year old female. New onset seizures. Intermittent for the past week. IV lost in route and started grand mall seizing as we descended.

(Cut to them moving her into a hospital room. There are nurses and doctors helping as well)
DR. BAILEY: Alright get her on her side. (They move her onto her side) Izzie 10mg diazepam i.m. (tells off Meredith) No, no. The white lead is on the right side. Righty, Whitey. Smoke over fire. (speaks to George) A large boar IV don’t let the blood haemolyse. Let’s go!
(Izzie injects the diazepam. Katie stops seizing. A good looking black doctor walks in)
DR. BURKE: Oh I hear we got a wet fish on dry land.
DR. BAILEY: Absolutely Dr. Burke.
DR. BURKE: Dr. Bailey. That’s shotgun.
DR. BAILEY: That means every test in the book. CT, CBC, CHEM-7, TOX Screen.
(She hands Cristina a chart) Cristina you’re on labs. George patient work ups. Meredith, get Katie for a CT. She’s your responsibility now. (She starts walking out)
IZZIE: Wait, what about me?
DR. BAILEY: You? Honey you get to do rectal exams.
(She walks out of the room)

(Cut to Izzie putting on latex gloves and squeezing lube onto her fingers. Cut to Cristina peeking into an O.R where a surgery is going on. Dr. Bailey who is in there sees her and opens the door.)
DR. BAILEY: What are you doing here?
CRISTINA: Ah. Katie Bryce’s labs came out clear. There’s nothing in the results that explains her seizures. I’d just thought you’d wanna know.
CRISTINA: Ah … ah … I, I heard every year the attending on call picks the best intern and, and lets them perform a procedure during the first shift. (Dr. Bailey just stares at her.) I’m just saying that’s what I heard.
DR. BAILEY: Go away … Now.
(Cristina walks away quickly)

(Cut to George checking a patient, Mr. Tony Savitch’s heart beat)
GEORGE: Yeah. Sounds good.
MRS. SAVITCH: He’ll be fine? (kisses her husbands head) You’ll be fine.
MR. SAVITCH: If you don’t count the fact that my bacon days are over, sure.
GEORGE: So your by-pass surgery tomorrow with Dr. Burke. I hear he’s good. And after that you can have all the bacon flavored soy product you can eat.
MR. SAVITCH: Mmm. Kill me now.
GEORGE: I wish I could but … I’m a healer.

(Cut to Meredith looking daunted in an elevator with Katie who’s lying in a hospital bed)
KATIE: You’re lost.
MEREDITH: I’m not lost. (she starts moving the bed out of the elevator) How are you feeling?
KATIE: How do you think I’m feeling? I’m missing my pageant.
MEREDITH: You’re missing your pageant?
(Meredith wheels her down the hall)
KATIE: The spoke canteen miss? I was in the top 10 after the first 2 rounds. This is my year! I could’ve won!
(Meredith starts wheeling her down the other direction)
KATIE: Hello? You’re so lost. What are you like new?

(Cut to Izzie giving her first rectal exam)
IZZIE: Okay, So I’m, I’m just gonna insert my fingers … into your rectum…
(Flashes back between Izzie giving the patient a rectal exam and George struggling to insert a Mr. Savitch’s IV in his arm. Mr. Savitch is in pain. Dr. Burke is watching him)
(Dr. Burke puts on a pair of gloves and moves George out of the way)
DR. BURKE: Out. Out.
(Mrs. Savitch looks concerned)
GEORGE: Bet you missed a lot when you first started out.
(Dr. Burke gives George a look.)

(Cut to Meredith still wheeling Katie down a hall)
KATIE: I twisted my ankle on taunt rehearsal. I do rhythmic gymnastics which is like really cool. Nobody else does it. And I tripped over my ribbon and I didn’t get stuck with somebody this clueless. And that was like … a nurse.
(Cut back to Dr. Burke and George in patient’s room)
DR. BURKE: You and I are going to have so much fun together.

(Cut to Izzie sighing and pulling the curtain across for another rectal exam)
[HOUR 7 – flashes across the screen]

(Cut to Cafeteria where a group of interns are having lunch. George sits down. Izzie is not eating)
GEORGE: The shift is a marathon. Not a sprint. Eat.
IZZIE (looking queasy): I can’t.
GEORGE: You should eat something.
IZZIE: You try eating after performing 17 rectal exams. The Nazi hates me.
GEORGE: The Nazi’s a resident. I have attendings hating me.
CRISTINA: You know Meredith is inbred?
GEORGE: Like it’s uncommon around here to be a doctor’s parent?
CRISTINA (interrupts): No royally inbred. Her mother is Ellis Grey.
IZZIE: Shut up. The Ellis Grey?
GEORGE: Who’s Ellis Grey?
CRISTINA: Ellis … (Izzie laughs. Other interns turn to look at George) The Grey method? Where’d you go to med school, Mexico?
IZZIE: She was one the first big chick surgeons and she practically invented the abdominal laparotomy.
CRISTINA: She’s a living legend. She won the Harper Avery. Twice!
GEORGE: So I didn’t know one thing.
IZZIE: Talk about parental pressure.
CRISTINA: God I would kill to have Ellis Grey as a mother. I’d kill to be Ellis Grey. (Meredith walks into the caf) All I need is one good case.
(George makes a muffled warning when he sees Meredith. She sits down at their table)
MEREDITH: Katie Bryce is a pain in the ass. If I hadn't taken the Hippocratic Oath I'd Kevorkian with my bare hands. (All the interns stare at her in awe. She notices.) What?
(Dr. Burke walks into the cafeteria and up to their table)
DR. BURKE: Good afternoon interns. It’s posted but I thought I share the good news personally. (They all look at him) As you know the honor of performing first surgery is reserved for the intern that shows the most promise. As I’m running the O.R. today I get to make that choice. (He smiles and slaps George on the back) George O’Malley.
GEORGE (stunned): Me?
DR. BURKE: You’ll scrub in for an appendectomy this afternoon. Congratulations. Enjoy.
(The others turn back to their lunch. Cristina looks annoyed. George is dumbfounded.)
GEORGE: Did he say me?

(Cut to Dr. Bailey & Dr. Burke walking down a hallway)
DR. BAILEY: I’ve seen his file. George O’Malley barely made the cut to get into this program. He’s not your guy.
DR. BURKE: Oh, he’s my guy alright.
DR. BAILEY (huffs): Every year you pick your guy and every year your guy suffers more than any other intern on the surgical…
DR. BURKE (interrupts): Terrorize one and the rest fall in line.
DR. BAILEY: I get it. I respect it. But George! O’Malley’s a puppy.
(Camera switches to Katie’s parents walking down the hallway to Katie’s room.)
MRS. BRYCE: Katie Bryce. Room 30 6-0-4.
NURSE: It’s right there.
MRS. BRYCE: Thank you.

(Cut to Katie’s Room where Meredith is standing.)
MRS. BRYCE: Katie honey. Mom and Dad are here.
MEREDITH: They gave her a sedative for the CT scans so she’s a little groggy.
MRS. BRYCE: Will she be all right?
(Meredith nods slightly and starts to slowly back out of the room)
MR. BRYCE: Our doctor at home said that she might need an operation. Is, is that true?
MRS. BRYCE: What kind of operation?
MEREDITH: She’s um … well … you know what I’m not, I’m not the doctor. Um I’m a doctor. But I’m not Katie’s doctor, so I’ll go get him for you.
(They nod and she walks out of the room)

(Cut to Meredith who has run into Dr. Bailey at a doorway at the end of the hall which opens into a large waiting room.)
MEREDITH: Katie’s parents have questions. Do you talk to them or do I ask Burke?
DR. BAILEY: Ah no Burke’s off the case. Katie belongs to the new attending now. Dr. Shepard. He’s over there.
(Dr. Bailey gestures and walks off. Meredith lets the door close behind her and survey’s the room about to walk to Dr. Shepard. She stops abruptly. Dr. Shepard is Derek from this morning with other doctors!!!! She stands frozen. Dr. Shepard takes a glance at his chart, sees Meredith and turns back to his chart. He then does a double take. Meredith scurries back the way she came. Dr. Shepard shocked is still staring at the spot where she was standing.)
(Cut Meredith walking down a hallway. Dr. Shepard comes up behind her and pulls her into an empty stairwell)
MEREDITH: Dr. Shepard.
DR. SHEPARD: Dr. Shepard? This morning it was Derek. Now it’s Dr. Shepard.
MEREDITH: Dr. Shepard we should pretend it never happened.
DR. SHEPARD: What never happened? You sleeping with me last night? Or you throwing me out this morning. (He is very amused.) Because both are fond memories I’d like to hold onto.
MEREDITH (serious): No. There will be no memories. I’m not the girl in the bar anymore and you’re not the guy. (Dr. Shepard is smiling) This can’t exist. You get that, right?
DR. SHEPARD (nods): You took advantage of me and now you want to forget about it.
MEREDITH: I did not take …
DR. SHEPARD (interrupts): I was drunk, vulnerable and good looking and you took advantage.
MEREDITH (smiling): Okay I was the one who was drunk and you are not that good looking.
DR. SHEPARD: Maybe not today. Last night? Last night I was very good looking. I had my red shirt on. My good looking shirt. You took advantage.
MEREDITH: I did not take advantage.
DR. SHEPARD (smiling): Want to take advantage again? Say Friday night?
(Meredith is a little shocked)
MEREDITH: No. You’re an attending. And I’m your intern.
(Dr. Shepard looks like he wants to kiss her)
MEREDITH: Stop looking at me like that!
DR. SHEPARD: Like what?
MEREDITH (adamant): Like you’ve seen me naked.
(He’s smirking now)
MEREDITH: Dr. Shepard! This is inappropriate. (Dr. Shepard seems confused) Has that ever occurred to you?
(Dr. Shepard sighs as Meredith leaves the stair way)

(Cut to O.R with a patient who’s about to get an appendectomy. George is pacing in there and muttering to himself)
GEORGE: Open, identify, ligate, remove, irrigate, close. Open, identify, ligate, remove, irrigate, close.
(Camera pans to observation deck above the O.R where interns have gathered to watch George help with the surgery)
INTERN #1: He’s gonna faint. He’s a fainter.
INTERN #2: Nah code brown. Right in his pants.
INTERN #1: He’s all about the flop sweat. He’s gonna sweat himself unsterile.
INTERN #3: 10 bucks says he messes up the McBurney.
CRISTINA: 10 says he cries.
INTERN #2: I’ll put 20 on a total meltdown.
MEREDITH: 50 says he pulls the whole thing off. (All the interns stare at Meredith) That’s one of us down there. The first one of us. Where’s your loyalty?
(Everyone is quiet for a bit)
CRISTINA: 75 says he can’t even I.D the appendix.
IZZIE: I’ll take that action.

(Pan back down to the O.R., Dr. Burke has entered the O.R)
DR. BURKE: Okay O’Malley. Let’s see what you can do.
(Pan back to Meredith & the others)
MEREDITH: Here it comes.
(Pan back down)
GEORGE: Scalpel.
DOCTOR: Scalpel.
(The interns above cheer and clap. Dr. Burke gives them a gesture to keep it quiet.)
CRISTINA: That Burke is trouble.
(Focus in on George & Dr. Burke)
DR. BURKE: More pressure. The human flesh is a tough shell. Dig in.
(George makes a deep incision)
GEORGE: Pick-ups.
DOCTOR: Pick-ups.
GEORGE: Clamp.
DOCTOR: Clamp.
GEORGE: Let’s go … I’m there.
(Interns make loud noise)
INTERN #1: Damn he got the peritoneum open. I’m out.
MEREDITH: Told you. He’s gonna pull it off.
(Focus back on George doing surgery)
GEORGE: Scalpel.
DOCTOR: Scalpel.
(He removes the appendix successfully)
GEORGE: Appendix is out.
(Interns cheer. Focus back down again)
DR. BURKE: Not bad.
GEORGE: Thank you.
DR. BURKE: Now all you have to do is invert the stump into the cecum. And simultaneously pull up on the per strings but be careful not to … (George breaks them) … break them.
(The interns look worried now)
DR. BURKE: You ripped the cecum. Got a bleeder. Filling with stool. What do you now?
GEORGE (panicking): Ah … ah …
DR. BURKE: Think. Start the suction and you start digging for those per strings before she bleeds to death. (Speaks to doctor) Buckie give him a clamp.
BUCKIE: BPs dropping.
(Cut back to interns. They’re all quiet now.)
CRISTINA: He’s choking.
MEREDITH: Come on George.
(Cut back to George and Dr. Burke)
DR. BURKE: Today! Pull your balls out of your back pocket. Lets go. (George is frozen) What are you waiting for? Suction.
(Heart monitor starts beeping rapidly. George doesn’t move. Dr. Burke sighs)
DOCTOR: We’re getting too low folks.
BUCKIE: Dr. Burke.
DR. BURKE (shoves George out of the way): Get out of the way. Pansy ass idiot. Get him out of here. Suction. Clamp.
(Cut back to the interns)
ALEX (another intern): He’s 007.
INTERN #1: 007, yup.
INTERN #2: A total 007.
(Meredith looks worried for George)
IZZIE: What’s 007 mean?
MEREDITH: Licensed to kill.
(The interns start leaving the observation deck)
[EXT. Seattle at night.]
[HOUR 19 flashes across screen]
[INT. Deserted hallway in SGH. Obviously not in use anymore. Spare hospital beds line the brick walls]

(Cut to Meredith, Izzie & Cristina sitting on the beds. George is sitting on a wheelchair facing them)
GEORGE: 007. They’re calling me 007, aren’t they?
MEREDITH & IZZIE: No one is calling you 007.
GEORGE: I was on the elevator and Murphy whispered 007.
CRISTINA (gets up and walks away): Oh how many times do we have to go through this George? Five? Ten? Give me a number. Otherwise I’m gonna hit you.
GEORGE: Murphy whispered 007 and everyone laughed.
IZZIE: He wasn’t talking about you.
GEORGE: Are you sure?
MEREDITH: Would we lie to you?
CRISTINA (calls down from another hall. She’s purchasing a can): 007 is a state of mind.
GEORGE (calls back): Oh says the girl who finished 1st in her class at Stanford.
(A pager goes off. They all check theirs. It’s Meredith’s)
MEREDITH: Oh man. It’s 911 for Katie Bryce. (She looks at the others) I gotta go.
(She runs off down the hall)
GEORGE: Maybe I should’ve gone into geriatrics. No one minds when you kill an old person.
(Cristina walks back in)
CRISTINA: Surgery is hot. It’s the marines. It’s macho. It’s hostile. It’s hardcore. Geriatrics is for freaks who live with their mothers and never have sex.
GEORGE: I’ve gotta get my own place.

(Cut to Meredith running up stairwell and into a hallway)
MEREDITH: Excuse me! Excuse me!
(She runs into Katie’s room. No one else is there except for Katie who’s reading a magazine)
KATIE: Took you long enough.
MEREDITH: You’re okay? The nurse paged me 911.
KATIE: I had to go all exorcist to get her to even pick up the phone
MEREDITH (out of breath): Wait. There’s nothing wrong with you?
KATIE: Been bored.
MEREDITH: You little … I’m not a cruise director.
(Meredith checks her heart beat)
KATIE: You don’t have to wig out. Pageant is supposed to be on cable but this crappy hospital doesn’t get the channel. If that cow Kylie Witterson walks off with my crown, I hafta see it. Can you call someone?
MEREDITH: Okay. This is an actual hospital. There are sick people here. Go to sleep and stop wasting my time.
KATIE: But I can’t sleep. My head’s all full.
MEREDITH: That’s call thinking. Go with it.
(Meredith walks out of the room)

(Cut to Dr. Bailey sleeping on an empty gurney in the middle of a hallway. Izzie stands a few feet away obviously unsure if she should wake Dr. Bailey up. A male scrub nurse Tyler Christian is observing Izzie’s dilemma)
TYLER: What do you need?
IZZIE (to Tyler): Mr. Jones has junky veins and he really needs antibiotics. I should start a central line.
TYLER: So start one. (Izzie is silent) You don’t know how.
IZZIE: I’ve never done one.
TYLER (smiling): Well you know what that means. (He looks pointedly at Dr. Bailey’s sleeping form)
IZZIE: Can’t we just page someone else?
TYLER: She’s the on-call resident.
IZZIE: Okay. … Okay I’ll just, I’ll wake her.
(Izzie walks down to Dr. Bailey and crouches down. Tyler turns around to watch)
IZZIE: Dr. Bailey I don’t mean to bother you…
DR. BAILEY (interrupts but keeps her eyes closed) Then don’t.
IZZIE: It’s Mr. Jones.
DR. BAILEY: Is he dying?
DR. BAILEY: Then stop talking to me.
(Izzie stands up and shakes her head damn. She goes back and makes a noise. Dr. Bailey really grouchy sits up)
DR. BAILEY (annoyed): What is it?

(Cut to Mr. Jones’ room where Dr. Bailey has just finished inserting a central line. Izzie is watching)
DR. BAILEY: Next time you wake me he better be so close to dead there’s a tag on his toe.

(Cut to Cristina running down the halls with labs. Cut to Izzie dozing off at a workstation. Cut to George collecting some samples at a nurse’s station for the labs)

(Cut to a post-op ward. Meredith walks in. Alex a cocky intern is talking with a nurse)
ALEX: 4B’s got post-op pneumonia. Let’s start antibiotics.
NURSE #1: Are you sure that’s the right diagnosis?
ALEX: Well I don’t know I’m only an intern. Here’s an idea why don’t you go spend 4 years in med school and then let me know if it’s the right diagnosis. She’s short of breath. She’s got fever. She’s post-op. Start the antibiotics)
(The nurse walks off in a huff. Alex walks up to Meredith)
ALEX: God I hate nurses. I’m Alex. I’m with Jeremy. You’re with the Nazi right?
MEREDITH: She may not have pneumonia you know? She could be splinting or have a PE.
ALEX (assumes Meredith is a nurse): Like I said I hate nurses.
(Alex walks to her other side)
MEREDITH: What did you just say? (Alex is looking through some charts) Did you just call me a nurse?
ALEX: Ah if the white cap fits.
(Meredith’s pager goes off)
MEREDITH: Damn it Katie.
(She walks off and George comes up to the desk)
ALEX: She seeing anybody?
INTERN #4: I don’t know.
ALEX (whistles): She’s hot.
GEORGE: I’m friends with her.
(They look at him)
GEORGE: I’m mean not as friends. I mean not you know actually friends. I’m mean not exactly. But we’re tight. We hang out. (Intern #4 walks off) I mean really like only just today.
ALEX: Dude. (he shakes his head) Dude, stop talking.

(Cut to Meredith walking up the stairway and into the hall. She sees people scrambling around and realizes that Katie is actually having an emergency. She runs to Katie’s room. The room is blurry from Meredith’s perspective. Katie is seizing.)
NURSE #2: What took you so long?
TYLER (sounding far away): She’s having multiple grand mall seizures. Now how do you want to proceed? (Meredith just watches) Dr. Grey, are you listening to me? She’s got diazepam. 2mg morazopam. I just gave a second dose. Dr. Grey you need to tell us what you want to do. Dr. Grey!

(Cut to Meredith finally snapping out of it and grabbing Katie’s chart. Nurses are attempting to hold Katie down.)
MEREDITH: Okay she’s full on the morazopam?
NURSE #3: She’s had 4mg.
MEREDITH: You paged Dr. Bailey & Dr. Shepard?
TYLER: The morazopam is not working.
MEREDITH: Phenolbarbitol. Load her with phenolbarbitol.
(Nurse injects it into Katie’s IV)
TYLER: Pheno’s in.
NURSE #3: No change.
MEREDITH: You paged Dr. Shepard?
NURSE #3: I just told you.
MEREDITH: Well page him again. Stat.
TYLER: What do you wanna do? (Room blurrs again. Tyler sounds distant again) Dr. Grey you need to tell us what you wanna do.
(Monitor flat lines.)
TYLER: Heart’s stopped.
NURSE #4: Code blue! Code blue! … Code blue! Code blue!
(A nurse brings in a heart shock machine in. Meredith grabs the paddles)
NURSE #3: Wait.
(She puts a gel on the paddles)
MEREDITH: Charge paddles to 200.
NURSE #3: Charged. Clear.
(Meredith delivers the shock. Monitor is still flat lined)
TYLER: Still V-FIB. Nothing.
NURSE #3: Charging. 19 secs.
MEREDITH: Charge them to 300.
NURSE #3: 300.
(Meredith shocks again. Still no change)
NURSE #3: 27 secs.
MEREDITH: Charge them to 360.
(Meredith shocks again.)
MEREDITH: Come on Katie.
(She performs manual CPR)
NURSE #3: 49 secs.
TYLER: It’s 60 secs. You’re supposed to administer another bug.
MEREDITH: Charge again! (The nurses stare at her) Charge again!!!
(The nurse charges again and Meredith shocks Katie. Katie’s heart monitor starts beeping again)
NURSE #4: Anything?
NURSE #3: I see sinus rhythm.
TYLER: Blood pressure is coming up.
NURSE #4: Pressure’s returning.
NURSE #3: Rate’s coming back.
(Dr. Shepard runs into the room)
DR. SHEPARD: What the hell happened?
MEREDITH: She had a seizure and her heart stopped.
DR. SHEPARD: A seizure? You were supposed to be monitoring her!
MEREDITH: I checked on her …
DR. SHEPARD (interrupts): I got her. Just, just go.
(Meredith walks out dejected)
DR. SHEPARD: Somebody give me her … give me her chart please?

(Cut to Meredith walks down the hall. Dr. Bailey meets her. Meredith keeps on walking)
DR. BAILEY: You get a 911, you page me immediately! Not in the 5 minutes it takes you to the emergency. Immediately! You’re on my team and if somebody dies it’s my ass, you hear me! Grey!

(Cut to Meredith still walking down the hall. Cristina sees her)
CRISTINA: Meredith?
(Cristina runs after her. Meredith walks out of the hospital into the rain. Meredith runs into the grass and vomits. Cristina watches. Meredith walks back)
MEREDITH: You tell anyone … ever …

(Cut to Dr. Shepard staring out into the rain. Cut to Dr. Shepard talking with Katie’s parents)
MR. BRYCE: You said it was a seizure disorder. Now you’re saying it isn’t?
DR. SHEPARD: I’m saying that I don’t know.
MRS. BRYCE: What do you think it could be?
DR. SHEPARD: I don’t know.
MR. BRYCE: When will you know?
DR. SHEPARD: I don’t have an answer for you. For now Katie is stable and…

MR. BRYCE (interrupts angry): Wait one damn minute. We came here because this hospital is supposed to be the best in Washington. That’s my kid in there. (Dr. Shepard nods) My kid! And you have the audacity to stand here and tell me I don’t know.
DR. SHEPARD: Mr. Bryce …
MR. BRYCE (interrupts): No I want someone else. A doctor who knows what they’re doing. You get me someone else. Someone better than you!
DR. SHEPARD: Mr. Bryce I assure you that I’m working hard on Katie’s case.
MR. BRYCE: No you’re not! If you were you would be able to give me some answers.

(Cut to Dr. Burke talking to patient in pre-op ward. George comes up behind him)
DR. BURKE: I put you on a bypass machine which pumps blood for your heart. Fix your ticker. Take you off the machine. I’m done. Simple procedure.
MRS. SAVITCH: So I shouldn’t worry?
DR. BURKE (shakes his head): I’m very good at what I do. It’s still a surgery. There are some risks. I’ll see you in the O.R this afternoon Mr. Savitch. Okay.
(Dr. Burke walks away)
MR. SAVITCH (to George): You’re not going to leave me out here alone with that guy are you?
(George looks back at Burke and turns back to Mr. Savitch)
GEORGE: Oh I’ll be outside the O.R the whole time. No Dr. Burke is very good. Don’t worry. See you after.
(George walks away)
MRS. SAVITCH (calls out): He’ll be fine, right?
GEORGE: Tony is gonna sail through. (He realizes they are really concerned and walks back) You have nothing to worry about. Promise. (They smile) Gotta go.
(George walks off)

(Cut to Interns all gathered waiting in a boardroom. They are not sure why they’re there. Cristina is stitching into a banana)
MEREDTIH: What are you doing?
CRISTINA: I’m suturing a banana with the vain hope that it wakes up my brain.
(George laughs)
CRISTINA: What are you smiling at 007?
(George instantly stops; a sour look graces his face)
CRISTINA: I’m sorry I get mean when I’m tired.
GEORGE: You know what? … I don’t care. I comforted a family and I get to hang out in the O.R. today. All is well.
CRISTINA: Does anybody know why we’re here?
(Dr. Shepard walks in and addresses all the interns.)
DR. SHEPARD: Well good morning. (Good morning is murmured back) I’m gonna do something that’s pretty rare for a surgeon. I’m gonna ask interns for help. (They all pay attention more) I’ve got this kid Katie Bryce. Right now she’s a mystery. She doesn’t respond to our meds, labs are clean, scans are pure but she’s having seizures. Grand mall seizures with no visible cause. (Dr. Bailey is watching from the doorway) She’s a ticking clock. She’s gonna die if I don’t make a diagnosis. Which is where you come in. I can’t do it alone. I need your extra minds, extra eyes. I need you to play detective. I need you to find out why Katie is having seizures. (Richard comes to the door too) I know you’re tired; your busy, you got more work than you can possibly handle. I understand. So I’m going to give you an incentive, whoever finds the answer rides with me. If Katie needs surgery, you get to do what no other interns get to do, scrub in to assist on advance procedure. (all the interns perk up, esp. Cristina) Dr. Bailey is going to hand you Katie’s chart. The clock is ticking fast people. If we’re going to save Katie’s life we have to do it soon.
(Dr. Shepard walks out; all the interns grab a copy of Katie’s file which is sitting on the middle of the table.)

(Cut to Alex in post-op ward talking with the nurse about the pneumonia patient. Meredith is listening.)
ALEX (sighs): Give the antibiotics time to work.
NURSE #1: The antibiotics should’ve worked by now.
ALEX: She’s old. She’s friggin’ ancient. She’s lucky she’s still breathing … & I got a shot to scrub in downstairs with a patient who wasn’t alive during the civil war. Don’t page me again.
(Alex walks off. Meredith walks off too and Cristina catches up with her. They start walking down a hallway)
CRISTINA: Hey I want in on Shepard’s surgery. You’ve been the intern on Katie since the start. You wanna work together? We find the answer; we have a 50/50 chance of scrubbing in.
MEREDITH: I’ll work with you but I don’t want in on the surgery. You can have it.
CRISTINA: Are you kidding? It’s the biggest opportunity any intern will ever get.
MEREDITH: I don’t want to spend any more time with Shepard then I have to.
CRISTINA: What do you have against Shepard?
MEREDITH: If we find the answer the surgery is yours. Do you wanna work together or not?

(Cut to Cristina & Meredith researching what Katie could have in a medical library in the hospital)
CRISTINA: So she doesn’t have anoxia, chronic renal failure or acidosis. It’s not a tumor because her CT’s clean. (sighs) Are you seriously not gonna tell me why you won’t work with Shepard?
MEREDITH: No. What about infection?
CRISTINA (flips through Katie’s file): No. Ah there’s no white count. She has no CT lesions. No fevers. Nothing in her spinal tap. … Just tell me.
MEREDITH: You can’t comment, make a face or react in anyway. (Cristina stops looking through the file) We had sex.
(Meredith looks at her. Cristina keeps a straight face pretty well)
CRISTINA: What about an aneurysm?
MEREDITH: No blood on the CT. No headaches.
CRISTINA: Okay. There’s no drug use. Ah no pregnancy. No trauma. … Was he good? I mean he looks like he would be. Was it any good?
MEREDITH: We’re out of answers. What if no one comes up with anything?
CRISTINA: You mean what if she dies?
CRISTINA: Oh this is gonna sound really bad but I really wanted that surgery.
MEREDITH: She’s just never gonna get the chance to turn into a person. The sum total of her existence will be almost winning miss teen whatever. … You know what her pageant talent is?
CRISTINA: They have talent?
MEREDITH: Rhythmic gymnastics.
CRISTINA (laughs): Oh, oh come on.
MEREDITH (smiling): What is rhythmic gymnastics? I don’t know. I can’t even say it. I don’t know what it is.
(Cristina laughs. Realization dawns on Meredith.)
CRISTINA: Isn’t it something with like a ball and ah … (Christina notices Meredith’s look) What? … Meredith what?
MEREDITH: Get up. Come on.

(Cut to Meredith and Cristina running down the hall. They see Dr. Shepard getting onto an elevator)
CRISTINA: Oh, oh Dr. Shepard. Just one moment um…Katie competes in beauty pageants.
DR. SHEPARD: I know that but we have to save her life anyway.
CRISTINA: Okay she has no headaches, no neck pain, her CTs clean …
(Dr. Shepard looks at the people on the elevator waiting for the doors to close. Cristina keeps it open)
CRISTINA: Ah there’s no medical proof of an aneurysm.
CRISTINA: But what if she has an aneurysm anyway?
DR. SHEPARD: There are no indicators.
CRISTINA: Ah but she twisted her ankle a few weeks ago when she was practicing for the pageant (the door tries to close but she keeps it open again)
DR. SHEPARD: Okay I’m sure you’re trying to help…
MEREDITH (interrupts): She fell when she twisted her ankle. She fell.
(The people on the elevator are getting annoyed)
CRISTINA: It was no big deal. Not even a bump on the head. You know she got right back up. Iced her ankle and everything was fine but it was a fall so minor her doctor didn’t even think to mention it when I was taking her history. (she opens the door again) But she did. She did fall.
DR. SHEPARD (as the doors shut): Well you know what the chances that minor fall can burst into an aneurysm? One in a million! Literally.
(The doors shut. Meredith and Cristina start to walk off. The doors bing open and Dr. Shepard gets out)
DR. SHEPARD: Let’s go.
DR. SHEPARD: To find out if Katie is one in a million.

(Cut to a room where they are performing an angiogram on Katie. Dr. Shepard notices something on the screen)
DR. SHEPARD: I’ll be damned.
MRI GUY: There it is.
DR. SHEPARD: It’s minute. But it’s there. (Cristina & Meredith look closer) It’s a sub-arachnoid hemorrhage. She’s bleeding into her brain.
(They all look pleased that they now know what is wrong with Katie)

(Cut to Dr. Shepard, Cristina & Meredith walking fast through the large hospital waiting area on the ground floor near the entrance)
DR. SHEPARD: She could’ve gone throughout her entire life without it ever being a problem.
DR. SHEPARD: One tap in the right spot…
CRISTINA: Right spot.
DR. SHEPARD: Exactly. Now I get to fix it. You 2 did great work. Love to stay and kiss your asses but I got tell Katie’s parents she’s having surgery.
(They stop at a nurse’s station.)
DR. SHEPARD: Katie Bryce’s chart please.
NURSE: Here you go.
CRISTINA: Ah, ah Dr. Shepard you said that you’d, you’d pick someone to scrub in if we helped.
DR. SHEPARD: Oh yes right. Um, I’m sorry I can’t take you both. It’s gonna be a full house. Meredith I’ll see you in O.R.
(Cristina looks shocked and upset at Meredith. She walks in a huff)
MEREDITH (calls out): Cristina.

(Cut to George watching Mr. Savitch’s heart surgery from the O.R. viewing room where they wash up and sterilize themselves)

(Cut to George waiting outside some vending machines)

(Cut to George back in the viewing room except with his back to surgery enjoying a drink. He doesn’t notice the scramble going behind him. It seems that Mr. Savitch is dying. They try to save him. He dies. Dr. Burke comes in to the room George is to clean up)
GEORGE: Wow that was quick.
DR. BURKE: His heart had too much damage to give him a by-pass. (George looks stunned) Had to let him go. It happens rarely but it does happen. The worst part of the game.
GEORGE: But I … I told his wi … I told Gloria that he’d be fine. I promised her that …
DR. BURKE (interrupts): You what?
GEORGE: They have 4 little girls.
DR. BURKE (angry): Who the hell are you to promise anything? This is my case. Did you hear me promise? The only one that can keep a promise like that is God! And I haven’t seen him holding a scalpel lately. You never promise a patient’s family a good outcome.
GEORGE (stutters): I … I … thought …
DR. BURKE (interrupts): You’re important enough to make promises to Mrs. Savitch? You get to be the one to tell her that she’s a widow.
(Dr. Burke walks out angry)

(Cut to Izzie & Cristina sitting on a hospital bed in their deserted hallway hangout. Izzie moves to speak)
(Izzie keeps quiet. But then decides against it)
IZZIE: Maybe Meredith couldn’t say …
CRISTINA (interrupts): Izzie!
(Meredith enters the hallway)
MEREDITH: I’ll tell him I changed my mind …
CRISTINA (interrupts): You know don’t give … don’t do me any favors. It’s fine.
MEREDITH: Cristina.
CRISTINA (cold): You know what you did a cut throat thing. Deal with it. Don’t come to me for absolution. You wanna be a shark. Be a shark.
MEREDITH: I’m not. I’m …
CRISTINA (interrupts): Oh yes you are. Only it makes you feel bad in all your warm gooey places. (angry) You know screw you. I don’t get picked for surgeries because I slept with my boss and (Meredith looks shocked) I didn’t get into med school because I have a famous mother! You know some of us have to earn what we get.
(Meredith walks off upset)

(Cut to George entering hospital waiting room where Gloria is waiting with some friends/family. They look fairly happy)
GEORGE: Gloria there were complications in the surgery. Tony’s heart had a lot of damage. (Gloria stops smiling) They uh we tried to take him off by-pass but uh … there wasn’t anything we could’ve done.
MRS. SAVITCH: Uh … what are you talking about?
GEORGE: He … … … Tony died. (Mrs. Savitch recoils in shock) He’s dead. Gloria uh I, I’m so sorry.
(He moves in to hug her, but she backs up)
MRS. SAVITCH (tears in her eyes and very rigid): Thank you. … Please. Go away.
(George walks away upset. Mrs. Savitch starts sobbing loudly)
[HOUR 40 flashes across the screen]

(Cut to Dr. Shepard shaving Katie’s head for surgery in a small hospital room. Meredith walks in. Katie is asleep)
DR. SHEPARD: Promised her I’d make her look cool. (Meredith smiles) Apparently being a bald beauty queen is the worse thing that happened in the history of the world.
MEREDITH: Did you choose me for the surgery because I slept with you?
DR. SHEPARD: Yes. (Meredith looks stern) I’m kidding.
MEREDITH: I’m not gonna scrub in for surgery. You should ask Cristina. She really wants it.
DR. SHEPARD: You’re Katie’s doctor. And on your first day with very little training you helped save her life. You earned the right to follow her case through to the finish. You (he shakes his head) shouldn’t let the fact that we had sex get in the way of you taking your shot.

(Cut to George & Meredith sitting on a window ledge of the hospital outside. They both look pensive)
MEREDITH: I wish I wanted to be a chef. Or a ski instructor. Or a kindergarten teacher.
GEORGE: You know I would’ve been a really good postal worker. I’m dependable. (Meredith chuckles) You know my parents tell everyone they meet that their son’s a surgeon. As if it’s a big accomplishment. Superhero or something. … If they could see me now.
MEREDITH: When I told my mother that I wanted to go to medical school, she tried to talk me out of it. Said I didn’t have what it takes to be a surgeon. That I’d never make it. So the way I see it, superhero sounds pretty damn good.
GEORGE: We’re going to survive this, right?
(Meredith just smiles)

(Cut to Richard checking on Alex’s post-op patient. Alex is there as well. Meredith looks on from the nurse’s station in that ward)
RICHARD: She’s still short of breath. Did you get an ABG or a chest film?
ALEX: Ah yes sir I did.
RICHARD: And what did you see?
ALEX: Well uh I had a lot of patients last …
RICHARD (interrupts): Name the common causes of post-op fever.
ALEX: Uh it’s just (he goes to look through the patient’s chart)
RICHARD: From your head. Not from a book. Don’t look it up. Learn it. It should be in your head. Name the common causes of post-op fever.
ALEX: Uh … ah … the common causes of post-op …
RICHARD (interrupts and calls out loudly to the whole ward): Can anybody name the common causes of post-op fever?
(Everyone is silent. Another intern goes to look through her own notes. Meredith speaks out)
MEREDITH: Wind, water, wound, walking, wonder drugs. The 5Ws. Most of the time it’s wind, splinting or pneumonia. Pneumonia is easy to assume. Especially if your too busy to do the tests.
(Richard looks back at Alex who looks down)
RICHARD: What do you think is wrong with 4B?
MEREDITH: The 4th W. Walking. I think she’s a prime candidate for a pulmonary embolus.
RICHARD: How would you diagnose?
MEREDITH: Spiral CT. VQ scan. Provide O2. Dose with heparin and consult for an IVC filter.
RICHARD (to Alex, who nods): Do as actually she says. And then tell your resident that I want you off this case. (he starts walking off. As he passes Meredith he speaks to her) I’d know you anywhere. You’re the spitting image of your mother. Welcome to the game.

(Meredith looks pleased)

(Cut to the O.R with Katie’s surgery. Meredith walks into the O.R)
DR. SHEPARD: All right everybody. It’s a beautiful night to save lives. Let’s have some fun.
(Dr. Shepard starts performing surgery. Meredith is watching)
MVO: I can’t think of any one reason on why I want to be a surgeon. But I can think of a thousand reasons why I should quit.

(Cut to Izzie walking down the same hall where Dr. Bailey is sleeping again. She taps her lightly)
MVO: They make it hard on purpose.
(Cut back to the O.R. and the observation deck where many interns are watching, including George & Dr. Burke)
MVO: There are lives in our hands.
(Cut back to surgery)
MVO: There comes a moment when … it’s more than just a game.

(Dr. Shepard nods to Meredith to come over and have a closer look)
MVO: And you either take that step forward. Or turn around and walk away.
(Meredith glances up at Cristina who is off to the side in the observation deck. Meredith walks over to Dr. Shepard and looks through a microscope to see the lesion in Katie’s brain)
MVO: I could quit. But here’s the thing. I love the playing field.

(Cut to Meredith sitting in chair in a hallway after the surgery looking dazed and happy. Cristina bursts through a door and stops walking when she sees Meredith)
CRISTINA: It was a good surgery.
[HOUR 48 pops up onto the screen briefly]
(Cristina takes a seat next to Meredith)
CRISTINA: We don’t have to do that thing you know where I say something and then you say something and then somebody cries and there’s like a moment …
CRISTINA: Good. … You should get some sleep. You look like crap.
MEREDITH: I look better than you.
CRISTINA: Oh, it’s not possible.
(Cristina gets up and leaves. Dr. Shepard walks through the door and to a nurses station across from Meredith. Meredith just looks at him for a while)
MEREDITH: That was amazing.
(He turns to look at her)
DR. SHEPARD (nods smiling): Hmmm.
MEREDITH: You practice on cadavers. You observe. And you think you know what you’re gonna feel like standing over that table but … that was such a high. I don’t know why anybody does drugs.
DR. SHEPARD (smiling broadly): Yeah.
MEREDITH (smiling back shyly): Yeah.
(They have a moment)
DR. SHEPARD (softly): I should … ah… go do this
MEREDITH: You should.
DR. SHEPARD: I’ll see you around.
(He walks off)
MEREDITH: See you around. See ya.
(Cristina, George, Izzie & Meredith are walking out laughing together)
MVO: So, I made it through my first shift. We all did. The other interns are all good people. You’d like them. I’d think. I dunno. Maybe.

(Cut to Meredith running some stairs in the rain to some building)
MVO: I like them.

(Cut to her inside what appears to be a nursing home. A nurse points her in a direction. MVO switches to Meredith speaking normally)
MEREDITH: Oh and I changed my mind. I’m not gonna sell the house.
(Meredith is sitting with an older woman say in her late 40s who looks up at this piece of news)
MEREDITH: I’m gonna keep it. I’ll have to get a couple of roommates but its home you know?
WOMAN: Are you the doctor?
MEREDITH: No. I’m not your doctor. But I am a doctor.
WOMAN: What’s your name?
MEREDITH: It’s me mom. Meredith.
ELLIS GREY (not recognizing her): Alright.
(Ellis is playing with her hands)
ELLIS: I used to be a doctor I think.
(Meredith grabs her hand in hers)
MEREDITH: You are a doctor mom. You’re a surgeon.


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