Original Airdate (ABC): 03/APR/2005
(Opens with Meredith coming into work and putting up a flyer on a notice board in the locker room. She steps back and looks at it.)
Flyer reads as follows: Two nice rooms with shared bath available immediately, close to Seattle Grace. Near coffee shop, public transportation, shopping and convenient to almost anything. Non-smokers, please, no pets & absolutely no Bush supporters need apply. All applicants will need to have a credit check completed. First & last month rent's plus a deposit is required to move in.
Meredith Voice Over (MVO): It’s all about lines. The finish line at the end of residency.
(Cut to a chick dressed in leather riding a motorcycle of the water way bridge)
MVO: Waiting in line for a chance at the operating table.
(Cut to George pulling up in a car at SGH car park)
MVO: And then there is the most important line.
(Cut to Izzie waiting for an elevator. The doors bing open and the elevator is filled all male doctors and interns)
MVO: The line separating you from the people you work with.
(Cut back to George scrambling back into his car for his stethoscope. He grabs it and starts walking to the hospital. The chick on the motor bike almost knocks him over)
MVO: It doesn’t help to get too familiar.
(The chick pulls of her helmet. It’s Cristina. She runs across SGH’s car park to the hospital)
MVO: To make friends. You need boundaries. Between you and the rest of the world.
(Cut to Alex checking Izzie out in the locker room as she gets ready for work)
MVO: Other people are far too messy.
(Cut to Meredith finishing getting ready in the locker room. She throws in her jacket and her pair of leopard style shoes into her locker)
MVO: It’s all about lines. Drawing lines in the sand. And praying like hell no one crosses them.

(Cut to Meredith sitting with another young blonde female intern in a small hospital waiting area adjacent to some stairs)

MEREDITH: Look I’m sure you’re very nice. But I’m very particular about who lives in my house. And you’re just not right.
INTERN #1: Why? … Look I’m quiet. No loud music. No parties.
MEREDITH: Where were you when the ‘Challenger’ exploded?
INTERN #1: The what?
MEREDITH: The space shuttle. ‘Challenger.’
INTERN #1: Uh. I think I was in kindergarten.
MEREDITH: Exactly. No.
(Cut to Meredith, George & Izzie talking in a hospital hallway. Meredith is holding a cup of coffee in a tray)
IZZIE: Why do you put up posters for roommates if you don’t want roommates?
MEREDITH: I do want roommates. We’re together 100 hours a week; you want to live together too?
(Cristina walks up to them and sees the coffee)
CRISTINA (to Meredith): Oh I see you bring bribes now, huh?
GEORGE: My mom irons my scrubs. I have to get out of there.
MEREDITH (to Cristina): It’s not a bribe. (to George) I don’t think it’s a good idea.
GEORGE: Look I can put down last, first and deposits …
CRISTINA (interrupts): It’s totally a bribe.
IZZIE: I can cook. And I’m an obsessive cleaner.
MEREDITH: No. I just want two normal strangers who I don’t have to talk to or be nice to. And it’s not a bribe. It’s a mocha latte.
(Meredith walks over to a nurse’s station where Dr. Bailey is standing going over some charts. The others follow her)
DR. BAILEY: George you’re running the code team. Meredith, take the trauma pager. Cristina, deliver the weekend labs to the patients. Izzie you’re on sutures.
(Bailey starts walking off up some open stairs. Meredith follows holding the latte)
MEREDITH: Dr. Bailey, I was hoping to assist you in the O.R today, (Bailey stops walking and turns around) Maybe do a minor procedure? I think I’m ready. (She holds up the tray with the latte) Mocha latte?
(Bailey is about to speak before she is interrupted by the others who have heard everything)
CRISTINA: If she gets to cut, I want to cut too.
IZZIE: Yeah me too.
GEORGE: I wouldn’t mind another shot. I mean if everybody else is.
DR. BAILEY: Stop talking. Every intern wants to perform their first surgery. That’s not your job. Do you know what your job is? To make your resident happy. Do I look happy? No. Why? Because my interns are whining. You know what will make me look happy? Having the code team staffed, having the trauma pages answered, having the weekend labs delivered and having someone down in the pit doing the sutures!
(She looks at the mocha latte and grabs it out of the tray and starts walking off up the stairs)
DR. BAILEY: No one holds a scalpel until I’m so happy, I’m Mary freaking Poppins.
CRISTINA (to Meredith): Mocha latte my ass.
DR. BAILEY (yells from upstairs): Why you all standing there? Move!
(They all scatter in various directions)
(Cut to Dr. Shepard waiting for an elevator by himself entering stuff into his mobile phone. Meredith comes to the elevator holding a stack of patient files and deliberately stands in front of him so she doesn’t have to face him. But he talks to her anyway. Meredith doesn’t turn around)
DR. SHEPARD: Seattle has Ferry boats.
MEREDITH (smiles): Yes.
DR. SHEPARD: I didn’t know that. I’ve been living here 6 weeks. I didn’t know there were Ferry boats.
MEREDITH: Seattle is surrounded by water on three sides.
DR. SHEPARD: Hence the Ferry boats (The elevator bings open and he places his phone away) Now I have to like it here. Wasn’t planning it on liking it here. I’m from New York. I’m genetically engineered to dislike everywhere except Manhattan. (Everyone exits the elevator and they both enter) I have a thing for Ferry boats.
(The elevator doors close. Dr. Shepard is standing slightly in front of Meredith but facing the doors as is she.)
MEREDITH: I’m not going out with you.
DR. SHEPARD: Did I ask you to go out with me?
(He turns back to look at her. She doesn’t say anything. He turns back to the front)
DR. SHEPARD (smiling): Do you want to go out with me?
MEREDITH: I’m not dating you. And I’m definitely not sleeping with you again. You’re my boss.
DR. SHEPARD: I’m your boss’ boss.
MEREDITH: You’re my teacher. And my teacher’s teacher. And you’re my teacher.
DR. SHEPARD: I’m your sister. I’m your daughter.
MEREDITH: You’re sexually harassing me.
DR. SHEPARD: I’m riding an elevator.
MEREDITH: Look I’m drawing a line. The line is drawn. There’s a big line.
DR. SHEPARD (ponders this): So this line is it imaginary or do I need to get you a marker?
(He turns around to face her. Meredith snaps. She drops her folders and pushes Derek against the wall of the elevator and kisses him. They start making out as the elevator goes up the floors. The elevator bings and they break apart)
(Cut to the elevator doors opening where some doctors are waiting to get on. The doors open and Meredith is picking up her files from the floor while Dr. Shepard just stands there. She hurries out of the elevator. The other doctors get on. Dr. Shepard is bit flustered by the situation)
DR. SHEPARD (calls out): We’ll talk later?
(The elevator doors shut)
(Cut to Meredith walking down the hallway to a trauma room. A trauma nurse is standing outside the room waiting for her)
TRAUMA NURSE: You the surgeon?
TRAUMA NURSE: We’ve got a rape victim. Better get in there.
(Meredith walks into the room. Beeping noises surround her. A woman lays on a gurney pretty bloodied up)
E.R. DOCTOR: 25 year old female found down in the park. Status: Post trauma. She came in with a GCS of 6 and BP 80 over 60.
(Meredith looks at the girl lying down almost in shock and bewilderness)
E.R. DOCTOR: Examined significantly for blood head trauma, unequal breast sounds, right pupil is dilated. And she’s ready for x-ray. You ready to roll?
(Meredith doesn’t answer as her gaze is caught on a pair of shoes that belong to the victim that are the exact same leopard style shoes she wore into work today)
MEREDITH (snaps out of her daze): Yeah.
(She starts checking the victims pupils)
MEREDITH: Call ahead to clear CT. Let them know I’m coming. Load up the portable monitor. Call ‘respiratory’ for a ventilator. I’ll get x-rays while I’m down there.
E.R. INTERN: I’ll get the vent.
(Cut to an O.R. where Dr. Burke and Dr. Shepard are both operating on the rape victim. There are many other doctors and interns there as well, including Meredith)
DR. SHEPARD: She’s gonna spend a hell of a long time in recovery and rehab.
DR. BURKE: If she survives.
DR. SHEPARD: What is she like 5ft 2”? 100 pounds? She’s still breathing after what this guy did to her? If gift’s a god, they should castrate him.
DR. BURKE: See how shredded her hands are. She tried to fight back.
DR. SHEPARD: Tried to? Rape kit came back negative. She kicked his ass.
DR. BURKE: So, we have a warrior among us, huh?
(They all chuckle except for Meredith)
MEREDITH: Allison.
(Dr. Burke and Dr. Shepard turn and look at Meredith)
MEREDITH: Her name is Allison.
DR. SHEPARD: Allison.
DR. BURKE: I think I may have found the cause of our rupture.
(He pulls a small but substantial bit of flesh out and holds it up for everyone to see)
DR. BURKE: What is this? Does anyone know what this is?
(Meredith looks at it in shock)
MEREDITH: Oh my god.
DR. BURKE: What? Spit it out Grey.
MEREDITH: She bit it off.
DR. BURKE: Bit off what?
MEREDITH: That’s … his … penis.
(A lot of the male doctors groan)
MEREDITH: She bit off his, his penis.
DR. BURKE (half groans): Oh.
(Burke quickly dumps the ‘penis’ into a surgical pan)
(Cut to Dr. Shepard and Dr. Burke washing up after the surgery in the scrub room. They’re both in disbelief)
DR. BURKE: Ouch. If she can fight the infection, she’ll be fine.
DR. SHEPARD: That all gonna depend on whether or not if she’s going to wake up in the next 72 hours.
DR. BURKE: You know we should get a drink later. You can tell me the long story of what makes a hot shot doc leave the Big Apple for Seattle.
DR. SHEPARD: A short story actually. You’re ah Chief of Surgery made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.
(Shepard starts to head out the door)
DR. BURKE (confused): Richard asked you to come?
DR. SHEPARD: Yeah. Why?
DR. BURKE (shrugs it off): Oh nothing.
DR. SHEPARD: See you later.
(He leaves Burke standing bewildered)
(Cut to George and Cristina at a nurse’s station. Cristina is organizing lab results while George tries to taunt her)
GEORGE: Do you know what the code team does? Saves lives. I shock a heart and someone lives to see another day. That’s upbeat. It’s ah glass half full.
CRISTINA: Bambi don’t say another word until after the hunter shoots your mother.
GEORGE: I don’t like you.
CRISTINA: I have a BA from Smith, a pHD from Berkeley and a MD from Stamford and I’m delivering lab results. It’ll take me all day to get through these.
(Bailey and cocky intern Alex approach from down the hall. Bailey overhears the last of Cristina’s sentence)
DR. BAILEY: Then get started.
CRISTINA: Oh, ah I wasn’t complaining. I, I …
DR. BAILEY (interrupts): Intern was reassigned. So he’s mine now. Have him shadow you for the day. Show him how I do things.
(Bailey walks off)
ALEX (holds out his hand): Alex Karev, nice to meet you.
CRISTINA (shakes his hand): The pig who called Meredith the nurse. Yeah. I hate you on principle.
(She starts heading down the hall. Alex follows leaving George standing by himself)
ALEX: And you’re the pushy overbearing kiss ass. I, ah hate you too.
CRISTINA: Oh it should be fun then.
(George’s pager goes off)
(Cut to George rushing down a hallway followed by the code team. The rush into to a trauma room. George grabs the patient file)
GEORGE: I’m Dr. O’Malley, I’ll be running this code. What do we got?
DOCTOR #1 (doing manual CPR): We have 57 year old male. C-systole.
(The code team gets ready)
GEORGE: Charge me to 200 please.
(Doctor 2 nods)
DOCTOR #2: We’re charged.
DOCTOR #1: Clear.
(Cut to the pit where a middle aged Asian woman named Mrs. Lu is sitting waiting on a patient bed. Izzie pulls aside the curtains shielding her)
IZZIE: Okay Mrs. Lu, I’m Dr. Stevens. I’m gonna sew up your wound. (She holds out Mrs. Lu’s arm which has a deep cut) And you’re gonna need, yeah about 6 stitches. Are you allergic to any medication?
(Mrs. Lu answers in Chinese to her desperately)
IZZIE: Oh I’m sorry, I don’t, I don’t um … do you speak English?
(Mrs. Lu continues to speak in Chinese)
IZZIE: Um I’ll find um … (she calls out into the pit) Does anybody here speak Chinese?
(They all just stare at her)
(Cut to Meredith holding a red and white hazard cooler walking down a hallway to Richard’s office. She comes into the office where his assistant Patricia is there going over paperwork)
MEREDITH: Hi is the Chief in?
PATRICIA (nods): He’s on his way. (She looks pointedly at the cooler) Is that it?
PATRICIA: Can I see it?
(Meredith looks a little unsure)
PATRICIA (changes her mind): No, forget I asked.
(Richard enters his office cheery and walks to his desk)
RICHARD: Meredith, it’s good to see you! Hey I heard your mother was leaving Mao. She going back with the U.N?
MEREDITH: She’s ah taking time off.
RICHARD: Write another book I s’pose.
(Meredith nods slightly)
MEREDITH: Listen so they said to bring this to you. So?
RICHARD: Yes ah for the police.
(Meredith places the cooler on a nearby table)
RICHARD: When did the police say they were coming?
PATRICIA: You know how slow they are. So she better take it with her.
PATRICIA: You have to take it with you.
RICHARD: Chain of custody rules. All medical matter under reign must stay with the person who collected it until it’s placed into police custody.
PATRICIA: You collected the specimen, so you have custody.
(Patricia leaves)
MEREDITH: Custody of a penis?
RICHARD: Yes. Until the cops come for it.
MEREDITH: Okay. Well what am I supposed to do with the penis?
(Richard doesn’t know what to say)
(Cut to Cristina & Alex giving a patient with his family the results of his labs)
CRISTINA: You have a disorder called multinucleate cell angiohistiocytoma. (A family member walks in) It’s not a cancer. It’s ah very rare but minor. You’ll be discharged today, okay?
(The family look relieved)
PATIENT #1: I don’t need a surgery?
PATIENT #1: I’m not gonna die? I’m fine.
CRISTINA: Fit as a fiddle. Ah whatever.
(The family start hugging each other and crying with joy. One of the ladies comes up to Cristina and hugs her tightly. Cristina stands stiff looking annoyed at Alex who is grinning as he’s gotten away hug free.)
(Cut to Meredith carrying her red & white cooler up to a nurse’s station where George is sitting. She places it on the bench)
GEORGE: What’s that?
MEREDITH: Don’t ask. You don’t want to know.
GEORGE: I do wanna know. Really.
MEREDITH: You really wanna know?
(George nods smiling)
MEREDITH: It’s a severed penis.
(George looks slightly ill at this)
GEORGE: Okay. I didn’t really wanna know.
(Cristina & Alex walk into the nurse’s station)
CRISTINA: Why do I have to be the one that gets hugged?
ALEX: Because I don’t do that. Besides you’re the ovarian sister here.
CRISTINA: Did you just call me an ovarian sis (Alex nods and walks off)… an ovarian sis? Since when does a possession of ovaries become an insult?
GEORGE: Meredith is carrying a penis around in a jar.
CRISTINA: Oh from the rape surgery?
(Cristina walks up to the cooler and peeks inside)
MEREDITH: Yeah and it’s not a jar. It’s a cooler.
CRISTINA: Talk about taking a bite out of crime.
(Cristina walks off)
GEORGE: You okay?
MEREDITH: Yeah. Allison’s shoes are …
MEREDITH: The rape victim Allison. Her shoes. I have the same ones in my locker. And I normally never wear them because they’re not comfortable but today I did. And she was wearing the same shoes and it’s just … stupid and I’m tired and forget it.
GEORGE: You know what you need?
(George looks at her pointedly)
MEREDITH: No. (George gives her a look) It’s sick and twisted. We said that last time was the last time.
(George looks away at this)
MEREDITH: You’ve been doing it without me?
GEORGE: Nancy Regan lied. You can’t just say no. Come on.
MEREDITH: Do you know what would happen if anyone knew?
GEORGE: I’m doing it. You can come with me or … you can stay here and be miserable.
(Meredith chuckles)
(Cut to the PEDS ward of the hospital. Several little new born babies are lying in individual cots in a nursery. George and Meredith are looking at them through a window. George is doing baby talk. Meredith laughs at this)
MEREDITH: You are such a woman.
(George instantly stops at this but before he can comment his pager goes off)
GEORGE: That’s a code. (He looks like he still wants to say something but his pager beeps again) Yeah I gotta go.
(George leaves. Meredith still stands staring at the babies)
MEREDITH: You are really cute.
(One of the babies in the back goes blue but fades back to normal. Meredith notices this and sees that no-one else was there to see it)
(Cut to Meredith checking the on the baby she saw going blue. An Asian female PEDS intern walks into the unit)
PEDS INTERN: What are you doing in here?
MEREDITH: The, ah there are no tests ordered. And the baby has a murmur.
MEREDITH: He turned blue.
PEDS INTERN (annoyed): You’re surgery. You’re not authorized to be in here. Do you know how much trouble you could get into for this?
MEREDITH: Are you going to do any tests?
PEDS INTERN (angry): It’s a benign systolic ejection murmur. It goes away with age.
MEREDITH: So you’re not going to do any tests?
PEDS INTERN: He’s not your patient. He’s not even on your service.
MEREDITH: Are you sure it’s benign?
PEDS INTERN (holds the door open for Meredith): I’m a doctor too you know. You should get out of here.
(Meredith grabs her cooler and leaves)
(Cut to Izzie sitting on a stool a few feet away from Mrs. Lu who’s still sitting on the hospital bed with her cut arm without stitches. Cristina enters the pit)
CRISTINA: Get a good case?
IZZIE: No her. (She gestures to Mrs. Lu) She won’t let me sew her up.
(Mrs. Lu speaks Chinese)
IZZIE: I wouldn’t have called you but I can’t get hold of the translator. Can you just ask her what’s wrong?
(Cristina looks a little stunned and bewildered. She looks at Mrs. Lu and then back at Izzie)
IZZIE: Why not?
CRISTINA: Because I grew up in Beverley Hills. The only Chinese I know is from a Mr. Chow’s menu. Besides I’m Korean.
(She leaves the pit. Mrs. Lu sighs)
(Cut to Burke walking down the mezzanine hallway. Richard approaches from the opposite end. Burke sees him and turns to walk the Chief’s direction)
DR. BURKE: Chief! So you asked Shepard to come to Grace.
RICHARD: He’s an old student of mine.
DR. BURKE (sarcastic): Ah, well he left ol’ Manhattan and a private practice because you asked?
RICHARD (stops walking): Yes.
DR. BURKE: No other reason? Just a favor for an old professor?
RICHARD: It’ll be years before I retire.
DR. BURKE (stiff): Chief of Surgery is mine. Chief of Surgery is mine.
RICHARD: It was yours. Now I’m not so sure.
DR. BURKE (angry): No I’m the best surgeon at Grace with the lowest mortality rate. You can’t just bring some guy …
RICHARD (interrupts loudly): Ask me why I’m not so sure about you. (There’s a silence) Ask me why?
(Burke storms off and Richard walks off in the other direction)
(Cut to Cristina & Alex sitting looking dejected on an empty hospital gurney in the middle of a hallway)
CRISTINA: Don’t people get sick anymore?
ALEX: I mean how are we supposed to get any O.R time if everyone is just gonna live?
CRISTINA (handing Alex half the lab results): Look. I’ll take 10. You take 10. Get in, get out. No smiling, no hugging, no loving, no crying. Just be quick about it.
(She starts walking off but Alex follows her)
ALEX: You’re the one that’s slow.
CRISTINA: I am not slow. You are slow.
ALEX: You wanna bet?
CRISTINA: Yeah you’re on.
(They both head off hurrying in different directions)
(Cut to Alex delivering lab results to a patient interchanging with Cristina doing the same thing)
ALEX: A comprehensive workup …
CRISTINA: … did not reveal …
ALEX: … any vascular abnormalities yo …
CRISTINA: … you’re DOP-A was negative …
ALEX: … for deep venous thrombosis. So there’s no need for chronic anti …
CRISTINA: … coagulation or an IVC filter.
ALEX: Your biopsy was however positive …
CRISTINA: … for a mixed anaerobic …
ALEX: … non-group based streptococci infection.
CRISTINA: You’re BO and creatinine elevations has us worried
ALEX: about rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis.
CRISTINA: Which could’ve signaled an autoimmune disease …
(Cristina’s patient a black woman looks confused)
PATIENT #2: What does that mean?
CRISTINA: We’re not gonna amputate your leg.
(Cut to Alex’s patient a middle aged guy also looking confused)
PATIENT #3: Huh?
ALEX: You get to keep your kidneys.
(Cut back to Cristina)
CRISTINA: Congratulations.
(Cristina is hugged by a family member)
(Cut to Cristina telling someone else and being hugged by someone else)
CRISTINA: You can go home today.
(Cut back to Alex)
ALEX: Yeah, yeah. Congratulations. Whatever.
(He walks off. Cut to Alex dodging a man to prevent from being hugged. Cut to Alex ducking 2 other people to prevent from being hugged again)
(Cut to Cristina giving the news to someone else)
CRISTINA: Congratulations. There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re going to be fine. Congratulations.
(She leaves the room. Cut to Alex leaving a patient room. Cut to George running down a hallway answering a code with the code team. Cut to Meredith talking with a bunch of interns in a waiting area)
MEREDITH: What’s your favorite 80s group?
INTERN #1: ‘Queen’.
INTERN #2 (Raj): Twisted Sister.
(She gets up and starts walking off)
INTERN #2: It’s not like there’s a right or wrong answer to that question.
MEREDITH (to herself): Oh yeah, ‘the GoGos’, ‘Duran Duran’, ‘The Eurthymics’ …
(Cut to Alex walking out of a patient room. He spies Cristina and heads off faster. Cristina hurries into her patient room. Cut to Alex delivering news to another patient)
ALEX: Have a nice day.
(Cut to Cristina giving the news to someone else)
CRISTINA: You can go home today.
(Cut to George sprinting down the hall with the code team. Cut to George standing in a patient room with a flat lined monitor. He looks despondent and checks his watch)
GEORGE: Time of death 15:45.
(He leaves the room)
(Cut to Meredith standing outside Allison’s ICU room looking through the glass window. Allison is heavily bandaged up and in a coma. Derek comes up to her)
DR. SHEPARD: Meredith, I’ve called every hospital in the county. I don’t know. (He walks into the room to check on Allison) Sooner or later the guy that did this is gonna seek medical attention and when he does, that penis you’re carrying around is gonna nail him.
MEREDITH: Where is her family?
DR. SHEPARD: Doesn’t have any.
MEREDITH: No siblings?
DR. SHEPARD: No. Both parents are dead. (He leaves the room to update the patient chart) She moved to Seattle 3 weeks ago. Welcome to the city.
(Meredith just continues to stare at Allison. Derek notices)
DR. SHEPARD: Meredith, you okay?
MEREDITH (distracted): Yeah, I’m fine … I just have to do something. I have to go.
DR. SHEPARD: All right I’m gonna sit with her.
(Meredith wanders off)
(Cut to Meredith chasing Dr. Burke down some stairs off the mezzanine. She catches up with him still carrying her cooler)
MEREDITH: Dr. Burke?
MEREDITH: There’s a baby up in PEDS and I saw him have a TETS spell. And I think hear a murmur.
DR. BURKE: Hmm, did PEDS call us for a consultant?
MEREDITH: Actually no they’re not doing anything about it.
DR. BURKE: So you want me to what?
MEREDITH: If you could just go up and look at him …
DR. BURKE (interrupts, hmming ‘no’): Not without a PEDS consultant. I’m a busy man Grey and there are rules. Look, it’s not like I’m the Chief of something.
(He walks off)
(Cut to Izzie treating another patient in the pit. An approximately 40-year old male is getting his wrist bandaged. Mrs. Lu watches standing from a short distance)
PATIENT #4: You’re hot.
IZZIE: You’re drunk. Hold still.
PATIENT #4 (stares at Izzie): Wait you’re that, that girl. From the magazine. That red, red bikini?
IZZIE: Yeah it was pink. I’m done. You can see the nurse outside now.
(They both stand up as Mrs. Lu approaches them speaking rapid Chinese)
PATIENT #4 (whispers to Izzie): Is she crazy or something?
IZZIE: No. (She gestures for him to leave) I don’t think so.
(He walks off)
IZZIE (to Mrs. Lu): Please, please sit down. I really need to look at your arm.
(Mrs. Lu sits down on the bed finally letting Izzie look at her arm. Izzie starts prepping the arm. Mrs. Lu starts speaking Chinese again. Izzie doesn’t respond but continues to work on Mrs. Lu’s arm)
(Cut to Meredith sitting in the ground floor large waiting room of the hospital. She’s right against some windows facing the parking lot and entry to the hospital. Cristina walks into the hospital through the entry sliding doors. She notices Meredith and stands near her)
CRISTINA: What are you doing down here?
MEREDITH: Just sitting here with my penis. What about you?
CRISTINA: Hiding from Alex.
MEREDITH: I kissed Derek.
CRISTINA (repeats in a matter of fact tone): You kissed Derek.
MEREDITH: In the elevator.
CRISTINA: Oh you kissed him in the elevator.
MEREDITH: I was having a bad day. (pause) I am having a bad day.
CRISTINA: So what you do on your bad days? Make out with Dr. McDreamy?
(Meredith gets up and stands next to Cristina)
MEREDITH: Well you know that and carrying around a penis just makes everything seem so shiny and happy.
CRISTINA: George said Allison was wearing your shoes.
(Cristina starts munching on some chips)
MEREDITH: Yeah. It’s weird right?
CRISTINA: It’s weird that you care.
MEREDITH: I think it’s weird.
(There’s a commotion heard from outside in the parking lot. Cristina looks and suddenly runs outside. Meredith looks too and also runs. The camera pans to the parking lot. A guy jumps out of a car all woozy and blood covering his shirt and pants – specifically his genital region. He collapses on the ground. A bunch of doctors surround him checking him. Meredith and Cristina stand close watching)
(Cut to Meredith on a hospital phone in the hallway)
MEREDITH: Can I have security please?
(Cut to Meredith, with Cristina and a few other doctors pushing a gurney with the guy from the parking lot in a hospital hallway out of an elevator. Dr. Bailey meets them around the corner)
DR. BAILEY: What do we got?
MEREDITH: Take a look.
(She looks down, lifting up the sheets covering the man. She gives Meredith a look)
DR. BAILEY: Let’s get him to O.R 1. Meredith you call the Chief and let him know that we got the rapist.
(Meredith grabs her cooler off the gurney as the others head off. She hurries off in the other direction)
(Cut to the inside of O.R 1. The rapist is being operated on by Dr. Bailey and some other doctors. Meredith and Cristina are in there as well watching the procedure)
MEREDITH (whispers to Cristina): I saw Allison. You can’t believe the beating that she took. And then to see this?
CRISTINA: It’s like that old saying you should see the other guy.
DR. BAILEY (calls out): Why are we not attempting to re-attach the severed penis?
CRISTINA: Penis’ don’t slice. They tear. You can only re-attach with a clean cut. If she wanted to slice him off with a knife …
MEREDITH: Besides the digestive juices didn’t leave much of the flesh to work with.
DR. BAILEY: Right. So what do we do?
CRISTINA: Sew him up missing a large part of the family jewels.
DR. BAILEY: And his outlook?
MEREDITH: He’ll be urinating out of a bag for a very, very long time.
CRISTINA: Not to mention he’ll never be able to have sex again.
MEREDITH: Oh too bad.
DR. BAILEY: Let’s all take a moment to grieve. (to scrub nurse) Clamp.
(Cut to Richard walking out a scrub room after an O.R procedure. Burke walking down the hall calls out to him)
DR. BURKE: Richard.
(Richard turns around and lets Burke catch up to him)
RICHARD: Ah we got the rapist. Stumbled right into the hospital.
(He stops in front of sinks and starts washing his hands)
DR. BURKE: Yeah I heard.
RICHARD: What is it Burke?
RICHARD: You really wanna know?
DR. BURKE: I want to know why you stopped thinking of me as your number one. (There’s a silence) Richard I do more in this hospital than any other surgeon …
RICHARD (interrupts): You do only exactly as much as is necessary. You never take an extra step. You never give an extra minute. You’re comfortable and arrogant. And it doesn’t impress me. You wanna be Chief. Earn it.
(He walks off. Burke stands pondering. He notices Meredith coming out of O.R 1 wheeling out the rapist with other doctors. He walks off in the other direction)
(Cut to Derek standing watching over Allison in her ICU room. She’s still unconscious. He sighs and sits down)
(Cut to Izzie standing up with Mrs. Lu. Mrs. Lu starts speaking in Chinese to her)
IZZIE (apologetic): I’m sorry. I have patients lined up. I, I don’t have time. I don’t understand you. I’m sorry.
(Mrs. Lu speaks to her in Chinese)
(Izzie smiles and nods still not understanding. Mrs. Lu walks off down the hallway)
(Cut to Cristina and Alex lounging in the deserted hospital hallway hangout)
ALEX (moans): My head hurts.
CRISTINA: Maybe it’s a tumor.
ALEX: You wish I had a tumor.
CRISTINA: Look I’d rip your face off if it meant I got to scrub in.
(Izzie walks in carrying some food, a patient file and a mug of tea)
IZZIE: I’ve been suturing all day. My hands are numb.
(She sits next to Cristina. George calls from the hallway adjacent purchasing a bag of chips)
GEORGE: At least you’re helping people.
ALEX: At least you get to practice freaking medicine.
(Cristina yawns)
IZZIE: I had to send my Chinese lady away. She was like camped out down there.
(Meredith comes passed George in the adjacent hallway still carrying her cooler. She looks at the packet of chips George is carrying and takes it off him)
CRISTINA (sarcastic): Oh poor Izzie. Turning away patients. Boo hoo.
(Meredith walks in and takes a seat next to Alex)
MEREDITH: So the police say they can’t send the crap crime scene guy down for hours. So I have to spend the night with the penis.
(Alex gets a look on his face and moves to speak but Meredith puts her hand up)
MEREDITH (warningly): Alex, don’t say it.
ALEX: Oh it was too easy anyway.
(George plonks sitting down next to Izzie)
GEORGE: Who here feels like that they have no idea what they’re doing?
(George raises one of his hands in the air. Izzie, Cristina & Meredith also raise their hands)
GEORGE: I mean are we supposed to be learning something? Because I don’t feel like I’m learning anything.
IZZIE: Except how not to sleep.
CRISTINA: You know it’s like there’s this wall. The attendings and the residents are over there being surgeons. And we’re over here being …
MEREDITH: … suturing, code running, lab delivering, penis minders.
ALEX: I hate being an intern.
(Camera pans to Bailey walking down the adjacent hallway and stops at the door way. She gives them a long look and gestures as if to say shouldn’t you be working now. They all scramble up and head out. Bailey notices the packet of chips Meredith has left behind. She takes a seat and starts eating them)
(Cut to Meredith back at the PEDS nursery. She sees the parents of the boy that turned blue looking at their son through the glass window happily. She walks over to them)
MEREDITH: Is he yours?
MEREDITH: He’s adorable.
(Cut to inside the nursery where the PEDS intern is checking on the babies. She suddenly looks up and sees Meredith outside chatting with Johnson parents.)
PEDS INTERN: Oh please.
(She heads outside to the group)
PEDS INTERN: You are so out of line.
(The parents turn around looking upset and concerned at the PEDS intern)
MR. JOHNSON: She said that the murmur might not be benign.
MEREDITH: I think that we should do an echo to check.
PEDS INTERN: This is your career.
(She heads back into the nursery. In the background you can see Dr. Burke standing chatting to a nurse down the hall)
MEREDITH: There really is no reason to get along.
(The PEDS intern comes back out with her boss a pediatric doctor Dr. Kerr)
DR. KERR: What’s the problem?
MRS. JOHNSON: If our baby is sick we want him treated. Now.
DR. KERR: Who said your baby was sick?
PEDS INTERN: Her. The surgical intern who has no business on our service.
DR. KERR: Who authorized you to be here?
MEREDITH: I was just actually …
(Dr. Burke walks up suddenly)
DR. BURKE (interrupts): I did. (to the parents) Could you excuse us for a second?
(He walks a few feet away with the pediatric doctor. Meredith and the PEDS intern follow)
DR. BURKE: Are you messing with my intern Dr. Kerr?
DR. KERR: No sir.
DR. BURKE: Give me the chart.
(He takes the chart of Dr. Kerr)
PEDS INTERN: There’s nothing wrong with him, I checked.
DR. BURKE: Are you sure?
DR. BURKE: You can guarantee he’s fine? You’re 100% sure?
(The PEDS intern is silent)
DR. KERR: How sure are you?
PEDS INTERN: I don’t know. 75%.
DR. BURKE: Not good enough. He’s my patient now. That okay with you Dr. K?
DR. KERR: Absolutely.
PEDS INTERN (whispers shocked): He can’t take our patient!
DR. KERR (resigned): He’s an attending.
DR. BURKE (to the PEDS intern): Which means I can do whatever I want.
(He walks back to the parents. Meredith follows)
DR. BURKE: Mr. & Mrs. Johnson, I’m Dr. Burke. Head of Cardio. We’re gonna run some tests and get you an answer within in the hour. Grey. (to the parents) Excuse me.
(he starts walking her down the hallway)
MEREDITH: Yes, Dr. Burke?
DR. BURKE: I want an EKG, chest x-ray and an echo. I don’t have all day.
MEREDITH: You’re a busy man.
DR. BURKE: I’m a busy man.
(Cut to Izzie at the nurse’s station of the pit. She walks up to the nurse)
IZZIE: Anybody else?
NURSE #1: No. No more.
IZZIE: Good. I need a bed. (something catches her eye) Ms. Lu?
(The camera pans to Mrs. Lu walking through some double doors in an adjacent hallway. She glances back at Izzie who follows her)
(Cut to Mrs. Lu running out into the rain in the parking lot of SGH. Izzie who is still following stops underneath the entrance to avoid the rain)
IZZIE (calls out): Ms. Lu! Ms. Lu! Wait! Ms. Lu!
(Ms. Lu just gestures for Izzie to keep following her into the rain and continues out further to a dumpster)
IZZIE (still calling out): Ms. Lu! What is it?
(Izzie runs out into the rain and comes to a bunch of dumpsters together. Mrs. Lu is standing over a young girl, Mrs. Lu daughter who is holding an ice pack to her forehead)
IZZIE: Hello?
(Mrs. Lu moves out of the way and her daughter slowly removes the ice pack to really a very very nasty deep cut into her forehead)
IZZIE: Oh my god.
(She bends quickly to examine the cut)
IZZIE: It’s okay. It’s okay. (to Mrs. Lu) I’ll help.
(Cut to Izzie looking at Miss Lu’s cut with a flashlight still outside behind the dumpsters in the rain)
IZZIE: It’s deep. It’s deep. I need to clean it out. Clean it …
MISS LU: Machine it broke in the factory. It fall.
IZZIE: You speak English. Just, if you could come inside.
MISS LU: No. No inside. No, No.
MRS. LU: No, no, no, no.
MISS LU: Jail.
IZZIE: Jail? (she gestures to Mrs. Lu) She came inside.
MISS LU: No she greencard. Me? No.
IZZIE: You’re illegal. That’s okay. We don’t have to tell them that. I just need to get you inside. I have to sew that up.
MISS LU: No. No inside.
IZZIE: Please. I promise. I promise you won’t go to jail. Just it’s raining. Please come inside.
(Izzie tries to pull Miss Lu but Miss Lu and her mother get agitated and upset very quickly speaking in rapid Chinese begging Izzie not to go inside)
IZZIE: Okay! Okay, okay. Not inside. Uh wait here. Okay? Wait. I’ll come back. I’ll be back.
(Izzie runs back towards the hospital)
(Cut to Meredith walking down a hallway in the hospital with her cooler. Dr. Burke rounds the corner and she walks up to him)
DR. BURKE: Well it’s a birth defect. Tetralogy of fallot with pulmonary atresia. You were right. Book an O.R for tomorrow.
MEREDITH: Thank you for backing me up on this.
DR. BURKE: Woah, woah. Wait, woah. You were right. But if you ever pull a stunt like that again … going to the parents behind their doctor’s back, trying to steal a patient from another service, I will make your residency year hell on earth.
(He walks off leaving Meredith looking slightly put out. The camera pans back to Dr. Burke were he meets with the anxious looking Johnson parents giving them the good news. Camera pans back to Meredith who is smiling. She continues walking down the hall)
(Cut to a trauma room where George is with another patient in code blue. This time a different doctor is holding the paddles. George is standing looking despondent)
DOCTOR #2: 3,4,5,3. Charge me to 200 please.
(The monitor stops flat lining and starts beeping)
(A series of various moments. Starts with Cristina dodging a patient’s family member hug her. Then cut to her being hugged by another family member. Cut to Cristina & Alex walking tiredly down a hallway. Cut to Izzie drenched back in the hospital sneaking into the medical supplies closet. She starts grabbing some supplies. Cut to Derek sitting on a gurney in a hallway going over Allison’s paperwork. Cut to Derek checking on Allison’s vitals. Cut to Derek back sitting outside Allison’s room. Cut to Izzie still sneaking out more supplies. She heads out of the room. Cut back to George in the trauma room. The patient has died)
GEORGE: Damn it.
(George walks out of the room upset)
(Cut back to the bins outside the hospital. It has stopped raining. Izzie doing the finishing touches on the gash on Miss Lu’s forehead)
IZZIE: Okay. You’re all sewn up.
(She places a large white pad/bandage over the gash)
IZZIE: That’s pretty good. I could’ve done a better job if I had more light. You might have a scar.
MISS LU: It’s good.
IZZIE: Okay. You’re gonna need to come back. In 5 days. Okay? I’m gonna need to check the wound and remove the stitches. Okay? (she gets out a business card) Here’s ah my pager number on this card. Right here, okay? We’ll meet right back here. Okay? You have to come back. (They all stand up and start walking) But you can’t tell anybody that I helped you outside the hospital or I might lose my job. Understand?
MISS LU (smiles): Yes. Come back and don’t tell.
IZZIE: Yes. Okay. That’s it. I’m done. You can go. I’ll see you in 5 days.
MISS LU: Yes. See you.
(Mrs & Miss. Lu walk off. Izzie turns back and picks up a bag filled with the used medical supplies. She turns around and Mrs. Lu comes back and thanks Izzie very gratefully in Chinese)
IZZIE: Thank you.
(Mrs. Lu heads back to her daughter. Miss Lu gives a small wave. Izzie smiles and walks back towards the hospital)
(Cut to Bailey standing by herself on the mezzanine balcony looking down at the floor below. Burke comes up and stands next to her)
DR. BURKE: Do you think I’m too confident?
DR. BURKE: Don’t lie.
DR. BAILEY (sighs): You are my boss.
DR. BURKE: All right then, anything you say in the next 30 seconds is free. Starting from now.
(Bailey is silent for a moment)
DR. BAILEY: I think you’re cocky. Arrogant, bossy and pushy. You also have a god complex. (Burke looks put out by this) You never think about anybody but your damn self.
DR. BURKE (interrupts): But I …
DR. BAILEY (interrupts him): But what? I still have 22 more seconds. I’m not done.
(Cut to the intern locker room. Various interns are about. George is brushing his teeth while Cristina lies half undressed on a bench)
CRISTINA: I need a drink, a man or a massage. Or a drunken massage by a man.
(She sits up and puts on her blue intern top. George stares at her through the mirror)
CRISTINA: What’s wrong with you?
GEORGE: Lost 5 patients on the code team today. I feel like the Angel of Death.
CRISTINA: George, 95% of all code patients can’t be revived. Most of them are seriously dead before you get there.
GEORGE: What? (He stops brushing and turns to face her) Why didn’t you tell me that when I was going on and on about how great it was going to be?
CRISTINA: Cause you’re George and I’m Cristina.
(Cut to the nursery where Meredith is sitting inside on a rocking chair. The PEDS intern is in there with her looking over the Johnson baby)
PEDS INTERN: His heart surgery is scheduled for the morning. I really did think I was right you know?
MEREDITH: I know. We almost never are. We’re interns. We’re not supposed to be right. And when we are it’s completely shocking.
PEDS INTERN: Are you? …. I mean being an intern do you feel …
MEREDITH (finishes off for her): terrified. 100% of the time.
PEDS INTERN (smiles): Good. It’s not just me.
MEREDITH (half chuckles): No.
(The PEDS intern leaves and Meredith continues smiling rocking on her rocking chair)
(Cut to Meredith holding her cooler walking up to the nurse’s station outside Allison’s room. Derek is sitting at a computer there)
MEREDITH: How is she?
DR. SHEPARD: No change.
MEREDITH: Have you been here all night?

DR. SHEPARD: Mmm hmm. Yup. You know I have 4 sisters? Very girly, tons of kids. If I was in a coma they’d all be here. I’d want them here. (He glances at Allison) Not having no one, can’t imagine that.
(She is now standing in front of Allison’s room looking into the room through the glass)
DR. SHEPARD: What are you talking about? What about you’re mother? She’d be here ordering all the surgeons around. (he gets up and washes his hands at a nearby sink) She’d fly these cowboys in from Prague to do these amazing medical procedures.
MEREDITH: That’s true. I do have my mother.
(Derek walks up to Meredith)
DR. SHEPARD: So? We’re kissing but we’re not dating?
MEREDITH: I knew that was gonna come up.
DR. SHEPARD (grinning): Don’t get me wrong, I like the kissing. I’m all for the kissing. More kissing I say.
MEREDITH: I have no idea what that was about.
DR. SHEPARD: Is it going to happen again? Because if it is I’m gonna need to bring breath mints. (he lowers his voice) Put a condom in my wallet.
MEREDITH (whispers back): Shut up now.
(Derek chuckles. There’s a brief silence))
MEREDITH: There’s this baby up in nursery. He’s brand new. No one’s neglected him or damaged him yet. How do we get from there to here? She’s wearing my shoes and someone’s beat the crap out of her. And she’s got nobody.
(Derek looks at her. All of sudden Allison’s monitor starts flat lining. Derek runs into her room. Meredith pushes the code button)
DR. SHEPARD: Her ICP’s doubled. Get O.R prepped for a craniotomy.
(The code team starts rushing into the room. The team starts working on her. Meredith watches from outside the room)
(Cut to Meredith standing outside the OR rooms near the OR board holding her cooler. Derek comes outside and starts pacing near her)
DR. SHEPARD: Hey. … I ah had to leave her scull flap off until the pressure in her brain goes down.
MEREDITH: She’s not gonna make it, is she?
DR. SHEPARD: She’s gonna be fine.
MEREDITH: If she ever wakes up.
DR. SHEPARD (nods slightly): If she ever wakes up.
(Cut to a hospital hallway where Derek notices Burke and calls out to him)
DR. SHEPARD: Now Dr. Burke! I’m off at 6. You wanna get that drink we talked about?
DR. BURKE: I don’t think so.
DR. SHEPARD: Well what about tomorrow night?
DR. BURKE: Shepard, you should know that Richard promised Chief to both of us. (Derek just smiles slightly. Burke slightly huffs) But you knew that already?
DR. SHEPARD: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
DR. BURKE (slightly nods and smiles): You’re not the enemy. You’re just the competition.
(He walks off. Shepard walks off in the other direction)
(Cut to Meredith sitting in the Chief’s office with Patricia over her shoulder showing her where to sign on the papers for the custody of the penis. The cooler is next to her on the table. Richard is standing a few feet away at his desk)
PATRICIA: So here’s where you have to signature. And down here intitals.
RICHARD: It just says that the um … the eh …
PATRICIA (finishes off his sentence): Penis.
RICHARD (half laughs): God I’m a doctor. It shouldn’t be weird to say this. It’s just that I used to change her diapers.
(Patricia takes the papers to the cop standing at the door)
MEREDITH: I get it.
RICHARD: It just says that it was never out of your sight.
MEREDITH (holds up the cooler to Richard): There you go. One penis.
(Richard takes it off her and hands it to the cop)
RICHARD: Officer.
(Cut to the O.R where Dr. Burke is performing heart surgery on the Johnson baby. Meredith is standing a few feet back watching)
DR. BURKE: We’ll be using a median approach for a transventricular repair with a right ventriculostomy. (to a scrubs nurse) Let’s open him up. Lokie, 15 blade please.
LOKIE: Here you go.
DR. BURKE: Grey!
MEREDITH: Yes sir?
DR. BURKE: Go scrub in. When we’re finished cracking the baby’s chest I’ll let you hold the clamp.
MEREDITH (excited): Seriously?
DR. BURKE (turns back to look at her): Don’t make me change my mind.
MEREDITH: I’m going.
(Cut to Dr. Shepard barging into the rapist’s patient room. He slams the bed and wakes the rapist up)
DR. SHEPARD: I have good news and bad news. The good news is that Dr. Bailey stopped your bleeding. The bad news is we’ve given your penis to the cops. Have a nice life.
(Dr. Shepard heads out. The rapist looks down and sees one of his wrist’s handcuffed to the bed side)
(Cut to Cristina & Alex giving a patient with her husband her lab results)
CRISTINA: The results of your labs are clean. The tumor is benign. You can go home today.
(The wife and husband hug happy. The husband then makes his way over to Cristina & Alex. Cristina sees this and quickly pushes Alex towards the husband at the last second so Alex is wrapped in a major hug. Cristina leaves the patient room)
(Cut to Meredith with Dr. Burke in the O.R now standing at Burke’s side. She holds the clamp)

(Cut to Meredith back at the nursery looking at the babies through the window)
MVO: At some point you have to make a decision. Boundaries don’t keep other people out. They fence you in. Life is messy. That’s how we’re made.
(Camera pans out to show George, Izzie & Cristina are there looking at the babies as well)
MEREDITH: Okay, fine. George and Izzie you can move into the house.
(George & Izzie immediately perk up and get excited looks on their faces)
GEORGE: Yes! Yes!
IZZIE: I can’t believe she caved!
GEORGE: Thank you.
MEREDITH (to Cristina): I can’t believe I caved.
CRISTINA: I blame the babies. They make you toxic.
(Izzie & George are dancing around. Cristina wanders off)
MVO: So you can waste your life drawing lines.
(Cut to Dr. Shepard on the phone at the nurse’s station outside Allison’s room. He is watching over her. He makes his way over to the room amazed when he sees that she’s slowly opening her eyes)
MVO: Or you can live your life crossing them.
DR. SHEPARD: Welcome back.
(Cut to Meredith dressed to go home wearing her leopard shoes walking down some stairs in the hospital. She makes her way over to the elevator where McDreamy is standing outside smsing on his mobile. She stops when she sees him and makes her way over slowly. He looks up briefly and smiles)
MVO: But there are some lines …
DR. SHEPARD: So, it’s intense. This thing I have for uh ferry boats I mean.
MVO: … that are way too dangerous to cross.
(Meredith smiles. McDreamy puts away his phone as Meredith turns around to face him)
MEREDITH: I’m so taking the stairs this time.
(She walks off)
DR. SHEPARD: You have no self control. It’s sad. Really.
(He heads into the elevator that has just come up)
(Cut to Meredith walking out of the doors of the hospital. She smiles when she sees George, Izzie & Cristina walking away a few feet ahead. She runs to catch up with them)
MVO: Here’s what I know. If you’re willing to take the chance, the view from the other side is spectacular.
(She pauses briefly to look back at the hospital grinning and then heads back to walking with the others)

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